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Archer Balance [371]

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by allknowingfrog, May 3, 2012.


The archer...

  1. is already well-balanced.

  2. is over-powered.

  3. needs adjustment, but is not over-powered.

  1. Riletyface

    Riletyface Horde Gibber

    Thumbs up for exid's first post. :p (also agree with it)

    Archers should be only able to do damage when it is half-charged. Anyway, another balance issue that I could suggest is archers in trees. If an archer is moving up or down (or across) a tree, they would be unable to shoot any arrows. The archer needs to be in the one place.
  2. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    Then whats the point of climbing a tree (except for extra height)
    Trees are a important part of the archer class, I think its fine the way it is.
  3. cykalu

    cykalu Shopkeep Stealer

    I rather buff the knight to indirectly nerf the archer, mayhaps even minor adjustments to the archer as well, but i do find minimal damage shots to be useful in close ranged combats against knights as i'd hate to be restricted by going far range only, which would make archers perceive to be more 'OP' as they'll keep a distance from melee than to give a chance for knights to have a fair swing.

    Minimal shots are the only way to to save my self by full shot stun -> minor shot, or fall on knight+fullshot stun->minor shot. And it does take a bit of skill to do that, just like bombjumping to the extent of exid/fox. If there was a nerf to minor shot in doing zero damage, I wouldn't bother moving too far forward but rather keep near structures or defensive positions, further consolidating the incapability of fighting on the offensive front, and there are times where we do need that type of damage.

    Even though it's a little difficult in killing Exid at close rather, but tipping the little advantage towards the knights would be better, rather than a 50/50 at killing Exid :}

    I'd have to say that bomb-jumps from exid and foxodi are well played in killing me, and I'd wish every knight would have that skill set, I dont expect all the knights to be of their caliber, but nerfing archer in the way that would affect games at the higher level such as CW, not silly pubs games, would really suck for the game, that's just my opinion though, and perhaps my opinion sucks.

    And I really do enjoy killing knights while in mid-air/bomb-jump though, most satisfying thing seriously :D

    WTB reply from Foxodi/Snickering on issue.

    P.S.S It does seem that my skills are not known outside of aussie servers, somewhat harder to voice my concerns on the matter.
    Riletyface likes this.
  4. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    Like you said Cykalu if they nerfed or got rid of low power arrows then whats the point of moving forward.
    Archers in buildings are extremely hard to kill (mostly because they can use doors for protection)
    I would like low power shots to continued in this game, but they should make it if your about 2-5 blocks near a knight you should be dead.
    because of the balance issues between classes, I rather have it archer vs archer or knight vs knight because its just to obvious that whoever has the most archers wins the game.
  5. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    No that's all perfectly understandable, I think not having a stun effect when your hit by a minimum/grey power shot would be a really good shout, at least you can keep rushing when you get hit by them. Either that or you could make them so they didn't cause damage but did stun if they weren't shielded. I think in the grand scheme of things half a hearts damage is less important then been able to continue rushing.

    *EDIT* "ninja'ed"
  6. cykalu

    cykalu Shopkeep Stealer

    Removing ticket count does solve a significant chuck of the problem in Capture The Flag, limiting the amount of archers on a team depending on size would be nice to have as well.

    The death counts does affect the mentality of some, if not most players, to stay alive in keeping the high K/D. The option to removing it from the scoreboard may be nice, server-side. Or somehow manage to convey it in a different form.

    I guess knights needs a way in killing archers close range efficiently. BOOMERANG SHIELDSSS?!?? i kid :3 idk... sounds awesome already. maybe too awesome
  7. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    I don't care about my K/D that much, Its just the fact that when you go outside your buildings, you just get killed in about 5 seconds because there are 6 archers that are spamming full powered arrows.
    Also when you have more then 2 knights protecting them its extremely annoying.
  8. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    how about a catapult and a nice, splozive, keg?:D
  9. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    Those things (on small servers) don't arrive until end-game.
    Also Australia doesn't have many gold servers, now that I think about it we have none.
  10. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    then get working on it!
    its boring if you cant play with kegs....
    </br>--- merged: May 6, 2012 11:52 AM ---</br>
    how about this:
    the yellow ring doesn't do extra damage,
    but it DOES break defense a little longer than usually.
    that way, one or two archers can easily put an arrow in someones body,
    but it doesnt damage you as much!
    win-win situation!
  11. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    One day we will have have one.
    I don't find kegs all that exciting anymore (mostly because of nukes)
    Edit: That idea is good if your playing as a solo archer. but in a group it would be horrible because its basically a buff to stuns which in my opinion is too strong.
  12. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

  13. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    Its foxs fault. He has made me hate kegs every since he made that horrible nuke.
    Also lets stay on topic :p
  14. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    on topic....
    topic is....
    topic is nerfing archers...
    When Fox is an archer... LETS NERF HIM! MUAHAHAHAHA, REVENGE!
    that'll teach him not to destroy the pride and honor of a nice, splozive, keg! ;)
  15. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    As much as I would like archers being nerfed, I would hate it for being nerfed down into a broken class like knight is right now.
  16. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    true, but...
    isn't something like that gonna happen pretty soon?
    classes being broken into smaller classes?
  17. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    I mean that right now knights have a really broken way of melee fighting ex: slashes clashing with jabs, shield bash being super powered and quite random. I wouldn't want that to happen to other classes.
  18. Riletyface

    Riletyface Horde Gibber

    Eg, like rogues with throwing knives? Etc.
    If there were classes like this it will automatically balance the classes ( unless one class is terribly overpowered/less powerful than current classes.)
  19. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    Ah... so thats what you meant!
    I heard that the Devs are trying to finda fix for it...
    could be wrong, but maybe it will be fixed soon!
  20. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    Balancing is a very hard thing to do :eek: adding more classes will make it even harder.
    We are starting to go off topic again.