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KingDoms [KD]

Discussion in 'Game modes' started by Delta, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    This gamemode uses the very glitchy 6 additionally teamcolors.
    It can be used for simple RPs, where people form gangs and raid others.
    You can't use the Red or Blue teams to make it fairer for all.
    All teams can build red gates but can't use them, some teams can't destroy them, so use them either as blockades or wodden structures.
    All teams have different class specifications.

    Green Team: Standard Builder, Super Archer
    They can build red bridges but use blue bridges.

    Purple Team: Standard Builder, Standard Knight, Standard Archer
    They can build red bridges and use red bridges.

    Orange Team: Super Builder
    They can build red bridges but use blue bridges.

    Cyan Team: Weak Builder, Standard Knight, Advanced Archer
    They can build red bridges and use red bridges.

    Dark Blue Team: Standard Builder, Super Knight
    They can build red bridges but use blue bridges.

    Silver Team: Weak Builder, Advanced Knight, Standard Archer
    They can build red bridges and use red bridges.

    Weaks have only 1 heart as health. (mostly for ballancing)
    Standards have specs like the default classes.
    Advanced have 5 hearts and arrows/bombs at respawn.
    Supers have 10 hearts and alot of arrow/bombs at respawn.
    The Super Builder also have 250Wood/250Stone/30Gold at respawn.

    Remember to build an outpost for you team, so you won't respawn at the center of the sky.

    Just unpack into your main KAG directory (where your KAG.exe is).

    Attached Files:

  2. Miaow

    Miaow The Fanciest Pants always wins Donator Tester

    I would go on silver or orange. This looks crazy...I have no idea how it will work out, but probably not that great unless the server is organised and the map is custom built for this.
    inactive_account likes this.
  3. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    Please, can a server owner run this for a little bit? I'd like to know what a "Super" Archer is...
  4. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    All you can really change is HP so I'd assume that.
  5. You can also change sprites and actor*.

    *But I don't know if a player is able to act like a workshop.**
    ** And changing actors isn't available ATM
  6. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    If by actor you mean configs, you can't yo. If you mean sprites, that's mostly irrevelant, as I'm fairly sure adding stuff like the 4 headed monster doesn't change it's hitbox
  7. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    I haven't testet it yet with other players, but might do it.
    This gamemode cannot be played with a random map, because all team spawn at the center-top and fall off to their death.
    I provided a basic server structure with the KingDoms_Gamemode.zip, so all you have to do is unpack directly into your KAG root directory (where your KAG.exe is) and start the dedi_KingDoms.bat.

    Edit: Explained the weak/advanced/super class specs.

    YEAH_NAH Shipwright

    Does this work with the latest build?
  9. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    Yes it works perfectly, nothing changed.
    Well perfect if you overlook all the bugs that come with it.
  10. YEAH_NAH

    YEAH_NAH Shipwright

    haha, ok, was just wondering. :p
  11. Filio

    Filio Shopkeep Stealer

    I just want to mention that this does not feel like a Kingdoms mode, more like More Teams, Division, Frustration, or Batshit Insane mode.
    On the server I've seen this on, it's always people killing everybody. I've very rarely have seen a game where people are actually trying to have alliances. It's just too unstable.
  12. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    I have been in an alliance with silver, then one silver guy turned rouge. I wish the doors would work.
  13. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    dark blue or green cuz

    dark blue = mass knight and they are nearly invincible
    green = wass archers and they are... imagine 20 archers shooting at the same time with 10 hearts...
  14. Cirom

    Cirom Bison Rider

    ^ Yeah, the kingdoms are so.. imbalanced. They need work. Serious work. o,o
  15. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    i have a modded version of this gamemode and if adds red/blue and new maps/nerfed teams.
  16. Bracket

    Bracket KAG Guard Tester

    Heh heh, I remember being on a Kingdoms server a few days ago, playing as a purple knight, beating up Silver and Dark Blue knights who seemed to have twice as much HP as me. Purple seems entirely weaker than Silver, so I prefer playing them for lulz.
  17. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    It is not only heavily unballanced but grossly buggy and without any greifer protection.
    But wait there is no greife prevention in KAG anyway.

    My intention with this mod was to make some sort of friendshit = second life mod where people do anything that comes to their mind.
    My expectation equals the reality for this mod.

    Wait for the Overworld to come out for KAG, then and only then you will have a real organised Kingdoms server.
    But until then I advise you to join the green team and shoot a volley of arrow at your enemy.
  18. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    emagin 20 archers shooting at u with 20 hearts
  19. pokefrag

    pokefrag Shopkeep Stealer

    Good mod!Don't kill builder :)
  20. 0DarkShadow0

    0DarkShadow0 Shark Slayer

    Ok for some reason while I was playing on a server using this gamemode I saw gargoyles flying around carrying off the people?