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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. copper40

    copper40 Casual Misogynist

    I'm not a guard but I can most definitely support Vattic's Clint_Eastwood report. Walling in players is just cheap.
  2. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    1. What was the players name?
    2. What did the player do? Griefing
    3. In what server? MMM Brains
    4. In what time? 01:35 GMT +1, 19 May.
    ( I will finish that in 9 hours, I'm sleepy now ._.)

    INKSPASM Catapult Fodder

    please ban E.P.I Jrzfine
    crime: griefing towers at base.
    server: Beos Zombie server #1
    time: 1am est

    Attached Files:

  4. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    playername: jasho7
    crime: spamming :rollseyes:
    time: only 4 minutes ago
    server: komarEX RTDM server [1]
  5. iKeyZ

    iKeyZ Catapult Fodder Donator

    1. What was the players name? alien13c
    2. What did the player do? Constantly spawning boulders, unlimited resources
    3. In what server? a4blue Zombie Survival Server
    4. In what time? At around 9:10pm [English time]
    I realize it said you needed proof, but I didn't catch a screenshot as I didn't think, he was spawning 100s of boulders and it was filling the level, and he ended up building a massive single block stone tower and building a boulder shop on top, and constantly spawning them until people kicked him.
  6. eaglescream0

    eaglescream0 Catapult Fodder

    1. Ello20 & Somebody_ & somebody__ & Shad0w_snip3r
    2. I was building a large tower in a creative server and Ello20 started to destroy the team doors that held it up (there was no issue of people not being able to get to the other side) He just wanted to watch it fall down. but i kept replacing them and finally resorted to shoring the sides up with stone. after he gave up on that, he started to randomly place blocks in the middle of the two walls, at one point trapping me in stone before i was able to get out. While i was trying to destroy his blocks that were in my tower, Somebody_ & somebody__ were attempting to outright collapse the tower. Then both of the somebodys made a catapult and were knocking my tower down. Additionally, i had marked all three for kicking while a guy i had been building next to (samton) marked ello20 as well as me because he saw what he was doing. btw i was swearing through all this cause i was pretty PO'ed. Shad0w was swearing at me the whole time and generally being an ass.
    3. Sandbox - California, US - Rootcoma.org
    4. about 30 minutes ago.
    5. Pic there. i wish i could take a video to better prove this, or make a screenshot, but i simply know how.

    [​IMG] Capturekag.PNG
  7. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Provide a chat log by attaching chat logs to your post (Console and chat logs are found in “<KAG directory>/Logs/” console logs are named console-datehere.txt and chat logs are found in “<KAG directory>/Logs/” chat logs are named chat-datehere.txt ). You may need to open them up to find the right one.
  8. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: DemonDante

    Crime: This nitwit destroyed the bridge across the spike pit.

    Server Name: Beo's CTF Server

    Time: 12:49 am GMT on Monday May 21st 2012

    Evidence: http://youtu.be/e-kRnSxfgGI
    </br>--- merged: May 21, 2012 5:50 AM ---</br>
    Player's Name: BallSacks
    Player's Name: Somebody__

    Crime: These douchebags griefed Red's tower. Somebody__ got to work on the base of the tower while BallSacks tackled the middle part.

    Server Name: U13 KAG #2

    Time: 3:57 am GMT on Monday May 21st 2012

    Evidence: http://youtu.be/KO18PrjCTKs

    Player's Name: Somebody__

    Crime: This scourge collapsed the same tower mentioned above. Video shows chat logs while he was griefing now collapsed tower (video 1). Somebody__ switches teams (video 2). He collapses the Claustrophobia Trap (Video 3). Begins griefing our tower in a new game (video 4). On the loose and on the prowl (video 5), why did I upload this? I need sleep. He starts work collapsing our tower again (video 6). Persistent little bastard (video 7). Griefer finale (video 8).

    Server Name: U13 KAG #2

    Time: 3:59 am GMT on Monday May 21st 2012


  9. SinZero

    SinZero Haxor

    Player's Name : Baileybunker

    Crime : Griefing a bridge into a enemy base and speed hacking. (He seems to be going through buildings)

    Server Name : California USA CTF

    Time : Monday, 21 May
    1:56:28 P.M.(GMT + 8:00)
    Contrary likes this.
  10. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Name: HipnoToad
    Tag: Ocean
    Server: KAGBRASIL.com
    When: couple of minutes ago
    Action: First he places stone above workshops to kill me and other teammates when you finish building them. He left 1 vote shor of getting kicked to avoid it. Then he tries to get me and GammaRAY kicked saying we were griefing (in portuguese) to an admin. Oximus knows we weren't doing it.

    Proof: hipnotoad.png

    SS and logs included as proof. The devs should change the kick behavior, when someone marks you shouldn't be able to just disconnect and start clean.

    Attached Files:

  11. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: Harel

    Crime: This imbecile made a noobish attempt to grief our base, stripping away the back wall from a fortification.

    Server Name: [PL] Max-Play.pl [CTF]

    Time: 8:02 pm GMT on Thursday May 24th 2012

    Evidence: http://youtu.be/a8WC61sCZUI
  12. master3327

    master3327 Shopkeep Stealer

    1. What was the players name? Someone-- (note that he has a second acc which is Someone- )
    2. What did the player do? grief :(
    3. In what server? rootcomas sandbox
    4. In what time? 12:01 NSW, AUS time
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.) [​IMG]
  13. BByiff

    BByiff Shark Slayer

    Player name: Mayhem
    What did the player do?: Griefing, vote kick evading
    In what server: Xtreme |Zombies| Heavy Mods #2
    In what time?: [16:36:53] PDT

    Attached Files:

  14. master3327

    master3327 Shopkeep Stealer

    no it wasn't i saw it was someone-- lasaz was asking to get in a castle or something to the left.
  15. -Grey-

    -Grey- I change my profile. Donator

    1. What was the player name? [TiT] Matei
    2. What did the player do? He kept being abusive and disrespectful towards me and the other players. Griefed the zombie tower, blowed up the players who were staying in.
    3. In what server? a4blue Zombie Server
    4. In what time? 17.30 PM (GMT+01:00 Budapest)
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)
  16. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: zunhunter
    Player's Name: sinstorm

    Crime: These two jacks of idiots collapsed our flag fort, zunhunter went on to collapse more of our towers. Video 1 shows those two stripping away the fort's base and backwall. Video 2 shows the collapse aftermath and tower collapse. Video 3 shows a second tower collapse by zunhunter.

    Server Name: Beo's CTF Server

    Time: 12:23 am GMT on Sunday May 27th 2012

    Evidence: Video 1 - http://youtu.be/X9yPHcqRdp8
  17. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    Player's Name ( Criminal ): Eddieharr

    Crime: Destroyed a a large block mass on top of our base wrecking our top floor while. MacD being a frequent player of the mole server was trying to salvage the base by adding back wall and warned Eddie that he's griefing, nonetheless the zealot persists his terrorist act.

    Server Name: Mole's California CTF

    Time: Around 6:25 Sunday May 27th 2012


    Screenshot 1

    Screenshot 2 of him admitting it.
    Zeigy likes this.
  18. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    Player: Ello20
    Crime: Spam
    Server: King Arthur's Basic Military Training
    Time: 10 Minutes Ago
    Proof: [​IMG]
  19. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Player's Name: DoAbarrelRoll

    Crime: Deployed spikes with mischievous intent (video 1 at 0:44). Blocked doorways and slowed team down (video 2 at 1:12 and 2:05).

    Server Name: Beo's CTF Server

    Time: 1:04 am GMT on Sunday May 27th 2012

    Evidence: Video 1 - http://youtu.be/b_V4EzehNBo
    Kagesha, inactive_account, Ej and 2 others like this.
  20. Sejik

    Sejik Catapult Fodder

    player's name: [spa] spartan117
    i think his clantag is [spa] so maybe just spartan117

    server name: sandbox - rootcoma.org

    time: 7:31 pm on 5/29/12

    crime: i have seen this assmaster kid on a few different servers now. he always griefs and b.s.'s people, like for example he sometimes destroyes something then blames someone else. on this freebuild server i build a cool tower with a little base at the top then he comes along and breaks it. luckily i was running fraps at the time and i took a screenshot! here is a pic of him destroying my work:

    : KAG 2012-05-29 19-27-35-41.jpg

    i had to convert the proof to a jpeg picture and when i did i cropped it so you can see it is that ok?
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