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Server configuration tool with a GUI

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Maqq, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Thanks Jack, keep up the good work!
    JacKD likes this.
  2. xioxio128

    xioxio128 Shark Slayer

    can you make a zombie mode one with this?
  3. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Yep, I run my zombie server using this tool. To manage the difficulty and the types of zombies, use the Manager Editor, or just select the one included with the game. All the other config (build, time, min players, teams, resources, etc) can be set using the other editors (Game mode, Team and Class editors). I'll try to make a little guide and post it here later. But it can be easily done :)
  4. Sir_Bedivere

    Sir_Bedivere Catapult Fodder

    Is it possible to have like random maps cycling with this mod, because I want to run a zombie server. :huh?:
    My friend also can't join my server.
  5. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Yes you can. To use the same map generator as KAG, load the file "ZombieFortress.gm" from the Maps folder. This file will generate random zombie-type maps.

    Regarding your second problem, check your IP and port using the "Test port" button. If you get an error, maybe you haven't forwarded your ports correctly and sadly, I can't help you with that. Maybe there's more info here wiki.kag2d.com/Server.

    Also remember that zombie servers should set the "Allow only Gold players" checkbox to true and you have to have a premium account (buy the game).
  6. Cpt-Nanashi

    Cpt-Nanashi Catapult Fodder

    My versions can edit the map generator...
    But buggy...
  7. Sir_Bedivere

    Sir_Bedivere Catapult Fodder

    Ok, I know how to get some random maps now, but I already tested my port and it was working correctly. I also had set my server for gold players only, but he still couldn't join.
    Creille likes this.
  8. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    What kind of error did he get? Could he see the server on the list? Was anyone else able to join your server?

    The problem is probably related to your connection or maybe to KAG, as this app just sets some info that the game uses to start the server. Try to run a basic server (On Windows, double click the "dedicatedserver.bat" file on the game folder) and check if he can get in. If he can't then you should troubleshoot your connection and maybe ask for help in the Help section of the forum :)
  9. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    have you enabled the KAG port into your firewall?
    also remember to allow it into your modem.
    if any more problems happen message me. instead of posting here :P
    ~also sorry for posting not about the config tool :P bit unrelated :P
  10. Sir_Bedivere

    Sir_Bedivere Catapult Fodder

    The error he got said he got disconnected and he had to check his ip and internet. If I use the basic server, I can't even join it myself...
  11. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Maybe he got disconnected because of high ping. Go to the advanced server config and raise the "Max ping" value to something higher (like 500 or 1000) "Max ping warning" should be 200 and "Max hack warning" 25.


    Download from: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/65858755/KAGServerConfigTool/KAG_Server_Config_Tool.zip
    or let it auto-update!

    * Latest Changes *
    -Fixed: Last entity cost edited was not saved when you clicked the save button
    -Added: Help file with two tutorials on how to create a zombie server
    -Added: configuration files to create zombie mode servers
    -Fixed: entities list problem when removing entities
  12. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    I can't connect to my own server?
    (Newbie server maker here)
    Can ya help me how to connect to own server
    it says "Make sure the server is running bla bla bla"
  13. Sir_Bedivere

    Sir_Bedivere Catapult Fodder

    I raised the max ping to 1000, but he still gets an error, which says 'please check the adress again, and make sure the server is running'.
  14. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    My guess would be that you have not correctly forwarded the ports you are using. You need to check if that's working correctly.
    Any connection problem is related to networking/KAG and not this tool, so I can't really help you. Try to post a new thread stating your problem, someone may be able to help you there :)
  15. RoboRex

    RoboRex Bison Rider

    When i make the server and test the port it says test successful but then when i go into kag it says make sure the server is running i go to the server config thing and i look at the sever output and it says match ended please help me
    and can you do a tutorial on how to make a server please:)
  16. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Try running the "dedicatedserver.bat" file in the KAG main folder and then try to connect to it. If you can't then there's a problem with your network/firewall/router configuration and the "Test port" would be bugged :\

    To see a tutorial, press F1, there's a help file with some info and images, I just forgot to add it to the help menu :P
  17. RoboRex

    RoboRex Bison Rider

    thanks but how do you do the stuff with the firewall like adding ports and stuff
  18. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Firewall and router configurations have to be figured out by yourself, as there's not an easy way to make a guide for every possible configuration out there. You should open a thread asking for help or google the info.
    Noburu likes this.
  19. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    The config tool hasn't been working for me for about a week WHY?! (I don't think it's the configs fault but it comes up with windows needs to close this program due to error. Then do you want to send error report... Etc.
    I think I'm gonna have to redownload KAG and the config tool and start fresh.

    EDIT: I tried your server today...... :/ CRAZY! :P
  20. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    No idea, probably a bad update? Try redownloading the latest build and erasing the KAGServer.ini file. If that doesn't solve it, post here :)
    Creille likes this.