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Discussion in 'Server Help' started by RoboRex, May 28, 2012.

  1. RoboRex

    RoboRex Bison Rider

    Our clan EWOD wants to make a server but we have tried everything can anyone help us or know a good server making tool
  2. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    I am thinking of making a video tutorial for this.. I just need a good screen recorder (tried Fraps and camtasia)
    There are a lot of threads in the hosting trouble shooting part of the forum that you would be able to piece together a way of making a server, that's what I did.

    I'm on iPod ATM so this will be extremely breif:
    A few things to remember
    -allow the ports onto your modem.
    -allow 50301 past your firewall (this only needs to be done on some computers.
    -make sure in dedicated_autoconfig the line saying;
    ~Join_address: (your IP here) :50301 ~actually has your IP
    I will reply to this in more detail later but as I said I'm on iPod :P
  3. RoboRex

    RoboRex Bison Rider

    thanks and when you make the tutorial can you tell me please
  4. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    First of all, you should try the wiki, but I'll help you anyways.
    Step one.
    Download linux server software from: http://kag2d.com/en/download (Works on any platform, it is 14.7 mb)
    Step two.
    Extract the content of the zipfile into your KAG directory.
    Step three.
    Configure your server:
    global sv_maxplayers = 16; // Maximum number of players allowed ingame.
    global sv_ip = ``; // Leave it blank for ease.
    global sv_port = 50301; // Server communication port, this is where it listens for incoming clients. Remember to open this port in your firewall.
    global cl_port = 50328; // Client communication port.
    global sv_port = 50301; // Server communication port, this is where it listens for incoming clients.
    global sv_password = ``; // Sets the server password.
    global sv_rconpassword = ``; // Sets the server remote console password. This is important if you want to have control over your server.
    global sv_gold_only = 0; // If set to 1 only premium account players can join.
    global sv_allow_globals_mods = 1; // If set to 1 global KAG moderators and admins can kick/ban players on server.
    global sv_maxping = 450; // Max ping allowed on server after which player is kicked. Large ping players will slow down server.
    global sv_maxping_warnings = 200; // Because of ping spikes, warnings are issued if a player has ping over max number.
    global sv_maxhack_warnings = 25; // Maximum amount of warnings where server thinks player is hacking.
    global sv_alloweditor = 1; // If set to 1 players that have RCON can start map editor on server
    global sv_name = `KAG game`; // Sets the server name displayed in server browser.
    global sv_info = ``; // Sets the server info displayed in server browser. If you want it multi-line simply move text to new line with enter.

    // autostart on dedicated server launch
    //set autostartswitch to:
    // 0 for CTF
    // 1 for TDM
    // 2 for Sandbox
    // 3 for Zombies
    // 4 for RTDM
    // 10 for TEST

    global autostartswitch = 0; - This is where you choose what gamemode you want.

    newWorld( "" );


    if (autostartswitch == 0) //ctf
    LoadRules("Rules/CTF/gamemode.cfg"); - This is where the gamemode gets its rules
    LoadMapCycle( "Scripts/mapcycle.cfg" ); - This is what maps the gamemode will have.
    LoadMap( "" );
    print(`Loaded CTF default config`);
    else if (autostartswitch == 1) //tdm
    LoadMapCycle( "Scripts/mapcycle.cfg" );
    LoadMap( "" );
    print(`Loaded TDM default config`);
    else if (autostartswitch == 2) //sandbox
    LoadMapCycle( "Scripts/mapcycle.cfg" );
    LoadMap( "" );
    print(`Loaded TDM default config`);
    else if (autostartswitch == 3) //zombies (GOLD ONLY)
    LoadMapCycle( "Rules/Zombie_Survival/ZombieMapCycle.cfg" );
    LoadMap( "" );

    print(`Loaded zombies default config : server now in GOLD MODE`);
    } else if (autostartswitch == 4) //rtdm
    LoadMapCycle( "Rules/RTDM/RTDMMapCycle.cfg" );
    LoadMap( "" );
    print(`Loaded RTDM default config`);
    if (autostartswitch == 10) //test
    LoadMapCycle( "Scripts/mapcycle.cfg" );
    LoadMap( "" );
    print(`Loaded TEST default config`);

    print(`Config finished loading from Scripts/Server/dedicated_autostart.gm`);

    Step four.
    Forward these ports: 50301, 50328, 51308
    Try to find your router here: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm
    If you don't try to recall the brand of your router and visit their homepage.
    Step five.
    Run server via dedicatedserver.bat
    The player that is hosting has to connect via: "Connect to" 192.168.xx.xxx
  5. RoboRex

    RoboRex Bison Rider

    thankyou mcrypa
  6. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    You are very welcome :)
  7. RoboRex

    RoboRex Bison Rider

    i have found out how to make the server but it is in the servers thing but when i click on it it says please make sure server is running but if i go to connect to and connect to it it works why is it not letting me join because i don't want to give anyone the server address please help
  8. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    If you are running it on your own computer, you have to use the Connect Directly button for yourself. If the server is running correctly, everyone else will be able to connect via the browser.
  9. RoboRex

    RoboRex Bison Rider

    cool thanks
    </br>--- merged: May 29, 2012 10:07 PM ---</br>
    Kouji so it wasn't working because i wasn't in it it only works if i go to connect to then everyone else can do it
  10. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    People sharing your network has to use connect to, as well. Others dont.
  11. RoboRex

    RoboRex Bison Rider
