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Wood & Water Build Released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Noc

    Noc Bison Rider

  2. BoiiW

    BoiiW Shark Slayer

    Cool shit :D Cant wait to play with it :D

    Im trying, it keeps kicking me off :(
  3. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    Woohooooooo ^^
    Finally :D This will be epic.
  4. Halosnake

    Halosnake Shopkeep Stealer

    You should really have Sudden Death , WORMS style.
    When the water keeps rising and everone panics ! Would be awsome
  5. IamUndeadNub

    IamUndeadNub Shopkeep Stealer

    I love everything about this update but pesky norton removed KAG for security issues 3 times until I told it to stop.
    FlameHaze3 and cmblast like this.
  6. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    How will water be added to custom maps now? Since water overlaps blocks, I don't think the single-layered map format is an option now?
  7. Isen

    Isen Dreamhouse keeper Donator

    And my client stops responding for some time and then I'm getting disconnected :(
  8. superpokes

    superpokes Bison Rider

    It can't be added, I think
  9. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    So how will water be added. It will be present on every gold server now? With a default water height? Sorry but I don't hold much faith in your statement.
  10. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    This update would be cool if it wasn't for all the nerfs. Both archers and shops? Come on now.
    You say you want to keep KAG fast paced and then do this.
    Not only have archers become fixed shooting machines, (since any move outside of the tower will get you killed, considered the slow draw time and inability to make arrow ladders quickly) , but you can't buy arrows/bomb how fast you want?

    Other than that it's a pretty stable build. I have two more propositions along with the archer/shop rollback though:

    - Should be a setting to hide team-members hearts. It takes up a lot of space.
    - Motion in water could be more smooth and faster.
    xChapx and superpokes like this.
  11. I dunno about you guys, but when I swim IRL and my head is above water, I can breathe. Maybe people in KAG are just too dumb..?
  12. Tyngn

    Tyngn Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Im not sure if this is purposeful but wood blocks can resist Cata fire just as well as stone.
  13. superpokes

    superpokes Bison Rider

    I don't really know, I think it is a variable or something
    But I'm not premium and I don't own a premium server, obviously, so I'm not an expert
  14. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    same here...
  15. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    You might be able to breath for a long time, but you can't swim forever... That's why knights with heavy armour are able to swim for a smaller amount of time than archers.
    SARGRA13 and xChapx like this.
  16. The point is though, when my head is above the water I should be able to breath, right? Perhaps the bubbles aren't oxygen, but rather swim time?
  17. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    yes they are.
    Beef and xChapx like this.
  18. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Swordplay: Much better. Some annoying collision quirks that weren't there before but overall the readdition of shield bash makes fights much more interesting and skill based than last build

    Archers: Better. Can't do the charge=>uncharged combo without ladders anymore. A bit harder to knock out of tall trees though, which is kind of annoying.

    Tiles: Ehh the blue/green desaturated look is very artsy but I don't really think it works here, maybe once the rest of the tiles are adjusted. I don't know I think bg tiles really need their saturation upped as they look very drab now.

    Wood: 'S cool. Mixes up building a bit and seems to be fairly balanced, seeing that it doesn't take too long to amass a lot of either resurce.

    Water: Mostly I find it annoying, would be a lot better if we didn't have our swim meter decreased when out heads out of the water.
    Ghozt and xChapx like this.
  19. hexalslug

    hexalslug Bison Rider

    Really amazing stuff guys.
    But I have two suggestions:

    1. Please change the HUD back the way it was, or at least have an option for it. Having to mouse over the character to see how much health I have is distracting. It's much preferable to be able to see it all the time. There was really nothing wrong with the old HUD, in my opinion. (you could even add a small horizontal version of the health display to the top of it and it would barely increase the size).
    Also: The new font for the item count looks very out of place.

    2. Make it possible to see if a map has water from the server browser. After some play, I think I would much rather play with all the new features sans water. Since you can't tell from the server browser, you would have to join every premium server to find one.
    (though at the moment I think they all are using water as it's still new and shiny.)
  20. BoiiW

    BoiiW Shark Slayer

    In general I like almost everything but the combination of needing support for bridges + water makes this really irritating. What i mean is that the two sides just can't reach each other because we need to get in the water to be able to make a bridge over it and by the time you put up one support, you are dead; either by drowning or archers. This makes it that on a certain moment, being a knight doesn't help you and everyone is shooting arrows at each other from either side of the lake.

    What I suggest is; make wood float so we can build wooden stuff directly on the water, but keep the support requirements for bridges through the air.
    LetsplayCmansez and xChapx like this.