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Wood & Water Build Released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. hexalslug

    hexalslug Bison Rider

    Regarding the flying bug fix, I don't think it has been fully removed. I saw a guy repeatedly doing it, but he wouldn't tell anyone how he could still do it.
    delankski likes this.
  2. Harold7

    Harold7 Arsonist

    I wish I was a fish…I keep on on drowning:(
    Arcite likes this.
  3. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    He just hasn't patched yet, or was on OSX. Ban him from the server, eventually he'll get bored of flying around like a dickhead and he'll have to patch his game. We could've broken build-interchangability, but we could not compile for OSX for a good 2-3 hours after the fix came out, and then OSX players would be stuck with no servers.
  4. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Don't worry , cauz i think that there will be boats soon :)
    Dark_Ham and FlameHaze3 like this.

    If there's a reason for it (game can only handle so much, devs couldn't do anything else, etc.) I will stop all my bitching immediately.

    I wouldn't really consider it bitching though, just less than nicely written C&C. :>
  6. FlameHaze3

    FlameHaze3 Shark Slayer

    Only complaint for this build, is that archers didnt really need the shooting time nerf, just a removal of the minimum charge spam, the rest was fine, especially when we get the wooden carry-able shields by the end.(assuming they stop the falling off of ladders)
    Still love it, regardless of the negative feedback here, this water thing is anything but finished, people need to just wait for the patches on it, like the other builds and there flaws.
    Keep up the good Work!
    Edit, also people, we will be getting buckets eventually, i feel like we will be able to lower our water level later(hopefully)
    People asking for refunds also, how long have you played this game?
    I play 60$ games for a week, maybe 2, and done, this game has endless fun, and is STILL being made, just stop being so negative, all these options you dislike, are server side changeable, make a server yourself instead of putting the dev team down, ty.
  7. TheFilip

    TheFilip Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Finally, the update!
    What the hell am i doing here?
    TO THE KAG-MOBILE! *batman music*
    FlameHaze3 likes this.
  8. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    The water ruins tunneling and i fucking love tunneling, not iirl can i dig a hole and see water rise from dirt and then descend back into it.
  9. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    I don't really see why's wrong with this build.

    It has been so long without shield bashing that I keep forgetting to use it, I noticed though that it is very easy to stun peoples
    One guy today just had to walk while jumping with his shooed and he would own everyone.

    Everyone was asking for an archer nerf, but personally I think that the nerf was needed some where different.

    My idea all along was to have the fastest rate of arrow spam to be as fast as a knights jab, that way an archer vs knight would be about skill and timing not dodge my arrows, anyway that's a different topic.

    Everyone I also complaint about the new sprites, like I said to Beef earlier today, I said that it suited this type of game better, it gave the game a cartoon type feel which is how I think the game should feel, not dome simulating FPS game. Good job Geti I think you took the sprites in the right direction.

    Anyway, I had a ball playing today with water and bombs, found a few bugs, and won a few games, it was just enough to make my day even a little bit worth it, I just had to get my laptop re-images for the second time in two days, well everyone cheer up and enjoy this update and before you know it you will be floating across a lake with flaming balls in hand accompanied by some siege weaponry, just enjoy the game!

    ~from my iPod
  10. Kind of hate this build.

    -Shieldbashing is back! Sweet.
    -Water looks awesome.
    -Harvesting wood is SOO MUCH EASIER THANK GOD.
    -Wood blocks <3

    -Knights abusing the fly glitch even after the several updates trying to take it off.
    -Archer spam is taken out (I rely too much on archer spam to keep me safe in close combat situations, so this is a buzzkill.)
    -Knights seem more laggy and the slash/stab mechanics are yet again fucked up and have to be relearned.
    -Climbing up one block hole walls seem to be a lot harder now (which might ruin knight maneuvering)
    -Shieldbashing is a lot harder than it once was.
    -HUD looks shitty. So does the new heart system
    -Water is a bit confusing to maneuver around
  11. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    What the Heck?

    There are few bugs of this build
    like Flying Squirrels
    and more (idk) .....

    That's why it is called build because it is still in ALPHA process which we will help to track bugs and tell the admins to fix it.. Not to tell shitty complains of CONS because it will not contribute any help at all
    Peace :up::thumbs_up:

    BTW: If skintones will be in the next update.. i just want some alien skintones :P
  12. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    Sure the builder do damage to anyone and that's acceptable but if you're forcing a pure damage dealing class to succumb to a support class like builder, honestly we're breaching the brink of useless. The balances were expected to force knights and archers into a fair cqc scenario but instead we're pushing archers to be entrenched let alone the other abilities like arrow climbing that has been hindered as well. Furthermore you're also forgetting the fact that archer's range damage is hindered to a longer draw time just to pathetically let out an arrow at it's yellow region. Archer balance is far different from the knight who has a bigger pool for us to play with the numbers, if we lower the archer's draw time which affects a large portion of its abilities, we disable the archers to succeed their "true colors" as many claimed as " ranged combat."

    Perhaps you should pick up your balls and realise the fact that all this "fair balancing" is a just a euphemism of binning the entire class in total. Personally, I didn't support the knight nerfs either and felt the wiser decision was that we buffed them instead of nerfing archer.
  13. Antman

    Antman Base Burner

    At a first glance, I thought the graphics were weird, the HUD was weird and shield bashing wasn't any good. I thought the fly bug was shit and annoying as anything. And water was dodgy as.

    Being open minded like I am, I played around a little, and realised how freakin' awesome it all was. Especially in such a short time that it took to come out. Everything theses devs do is just about perfect, best devs i've ever seen IMO.

    Thanks guys, and keep it up.
    I love it! :D
  14. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    Archers are also a support role, the main combat role is the knight.
    Dark_Ham likes this.
  15. TheFilip

    TheFilip Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Is there a way to have Wooden blocks and Water in singleplayer Swordfight?
    123Antman123 likes this.
  16. palmito

    palmito Shopkeep Stealer

    Very Good ! :D
  17. When I saw the announcement, I thought it said 'World' instead of 'Wood'
    but ya know, woods cool I guess
  18. JimmyNic

    JimmyNic Shopkeep Stealer

    Like the new update a lot. Water is awesome, wood blocks are cool and the limits on bridges for the most part seems like a great idea (although it does act retardedly in places, but I'm sure you'll work out those kinks). I would appreciate the option to return my health to the HUD, it is more readable there. Looking forward the seeing siege weapons back.
  19. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    Just get used to it, it did not even take so long for me to do so.