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Dedicated server renters

Discussion in 'Server Hosting' started by MM, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Yeah main thing is now I dont have time to take care of them like I used to. Rayne did pretty much all the work on mine the last few months before I quit paying for them and he started his own.
  2. jrgp

    jrgp THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Oh. Well if you ever feel like renting kag servers again, or know anyone who does, it'd be cool if you gave mine a try.

    Also, tomorrow I'll start renting EU kag servers.
    Apronymous and Noburu like this.
  3. SirG

    SirG Haxor

    lols, I was just thinking 'too bad you only have US servers'.
    I'll rent an EU server from you when you get it up and running.

    Still no reply from HGS support btw :(
  4. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    You will receive a reply in the afternoon since its an us hosting company i guess!

    I have one HGS server too with lag spikes sometimes. Their panel is useful but i think i will try euro servers of Jrgp.
  5. It's good, but can you add a "FTP", "SSH" or other access for can edited files, and modded?! :)
  6. jrgp

    jrgp THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Are you a client of mine?

    You should have FTP access to game files, and I'll add a mod config/chooser to the panel sometime today hopefully.

    Additionally, I now have my german dedi and I'll be offering european kag (and Soldat!) servers tonight.
    Apronymous and Noburu like this.
  7. I'm don't your client, but in the screenshot i don't see "FTP access" or other, but you have ! :)

    And, it's good for European Server !!! :3
  8. jrgp

    jrgp THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Oh. That screenshot chops off the bottom of the page and it's also old. Since it was taken, buttons are now blue and it shows a minimap. But yeah, here's an updated screenshot and you can see the FTP info.

    Attached Files:

    Apronymous and Noburu like this.
  9. Antman

    Antman Base Burner

    I guess theres no chance of this in Australia?
    I'd definatly buy us Aussies a decent RTDM, 12 or 16 slots.

    That would be amazing :D
  10. jrgp

    jrgp THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    That depends on whether I'd be able to easily afford an australian dedi (though you may get good enough ping with my german server).

    If I can get somewhere between 6 and 10 more clients I'll probably be able to afford an australian dedi.

    Honestly this all boils down to how much money I'm getting from these machines, because I need to be able to at least break even so I can afford the server costs.
    Apronymous and Antman like this.
  11. Can you add Allopass for payment ?
  12. jrgp

    jrgp THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Hello. Both of these have been done. There is now a full stop button and a link to disable the configuration panel's options.

    This could be a possibility at some point.
    Apronymous and Noburu like this.
  13. Awesomec

    Awesomec Shark Slayer

    Okay, as everything I didn't like got fixed a day after I started renting my server. I would officially like to say, I definitely recommend jrgp's servers. They are cheaper than the opposing dedicated server renters, and also they will probably improve with KAG, plus their customer service is great.
    jrgp likes this.
  14. When you add servers hosted in Europe and the Allopass payment?
    Because, I need it!
  15. jrgp

    jrgp THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I don't know about Allopass (are you able to use Paypal instead?) but hopefully I'll get my German hosting done within a week or so. Sorry for the delay.
    Apronymous likes this.
  16. Allopass payment is better than Paypal for me ! :)
  17. jrgp

    jrgp THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Apronymous and Noburu like this.
  18. Good for German hosting. Now, i just wait Allopass payment ! :P
  19. jrgp

    jrgp THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Just contacted by bank and asked them for some information that Allopass apparently requires. Hopefully I'll support them for payment sometime soon.
  20. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Hosted game servers are still cheaper than your servers in Germany :x