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Dwarf Fortress - Praise Armok!

Discussion in 'Other games' started by TerryDactyl, Jun 3, 2011.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    oh god, xD

    Mh, the most best thing is still my home-made flying, fire-and-venom-spitting slade colossus.
  2. Mine are at least somewhat balanced. :P

    The community mod is going to be along the lines of S.L.A.D.E, another community mod. I'll link you to the thread, and give you a quick overview of the current additions.

    Community Mod

    Additions so far:

    • Axemod157:
      Moolar Cat: Just imagine a very exotic Himalayan cat that can be sheared and milked constantly
      Baconite: A strange metal. This metal is excellent for making weapons that excel in face-smashing.
      War Fork: A bastard child of a crossbow and a simple utensil. Used by the fabled food assassins of legends. Even the smallest being can use these with ease.
    • Putnam:
      Ansatsuken: A race of martial artists, with rare castes that can perform special moves. They have an aversion to weapons.
    • Person:
      Hamaxe: It's a hammer and an axe in one!
      Odd cats: A species of cat with many rare castes!
    • ArkFallen:
      Cerberi: 3 headed dogs that breathe fire. [Megabeast]
      Firusk: giant mollusk-like monster that shoots fireballs out of it's 6 tentacles. [NIGHT_CREATURE_HUNTER]
      Gold Fish: "The snack that smiles back!" A fish-like creature made of cheese, can't move above water normally but won't air drown, milkable. [WILDLIFE]

    That's just the first four people!
    We've got Putnam, quite well known for pushing the boundaries of adventure mode, and even Deon, author of the Genesis mod is on the list. :D
  3. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    Btw, we have a person on these forums named warrfork. herpaderp.

    *reads Deon*

    This mod will be awesome.

    Deon is like the god of roguelike modding.
  4. I know, I've heard of his prowess. :P Hence why I'm excited to be working on a mod he's working on.
  5. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor

    Started playing a human succession fort with my brother. Hopefully this will be exciting in the later years. However, I made it a challange for my brother, since I dug out a moat around the beginning town area, which I underestimated the space and now he has to deal with overcrowding. I think he's starting to put all the poor people outside the moat and walls. Our military sucks since I rely on this 66 year old legendary swordswoman with wooden equipment due to the lack of ores.

    I'm trying to play as humanly as possible, so digging a quarry to mine out ores is a must. It made it extremely difficult to dig downward, and I've only penetrated the first couple layers.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to equipment your military without using metals?
  6. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    We already have that.
    They're called Dorfs
  7. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    I rate it a 6.5/10 on the witty joke scale.

    I got a solution for overcrowding tough, just build upwards. Use clay to build, even unbaked clay will do.
    And without ores you cant really do military.
    If you have sand, you can make green glass serrated discs.
  8. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    You guys are way too advanced for me. Ive only ever played a handful of games a few builds ago. I only ever managed to build a half assed fort and then lose for one stupid reason or another.
  9. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    DF is counted in versions, not builds.
    Also, i only played 3 forts.
  10. I've had a fair few, but I only count the successful ones.
  11. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Just got back into playing this, after MANY years! Hardly remembered how things worked. xD
    Trade for it?
    Alternatively, you could just put EVERYONE in your military, and make a fuckton of crossbows and bolts. The sheer number of shots flying means you can generally hold your own against basic nasties. ;)
  12. Wonkyth has the right idea. If you have everyone drafted, but not active, and have Masterpiece Bone crossbows with bone bolts, provided you have a steady source of corpses you should be able to hold off any threat. Now that you can name squads, you can give them names according to where they're likely to be, and draft them accordingly eg:

    • Outdoorsman squad: Woodcutters, herbalists, rangers, hunters, etc.
    • Fort general squads: Most crafts and peasants
    • Deep fort squad: Metalworkers, metalcrafters, armorsmiths, furnace operators.
    This setup also helps you stave off your criminals, as a bolt, even a bone bolt, to an unarmoured foe, is a pretty decent chance of injuring the foe.
    Useful in cases of berserkers, too. Your berserking dwarf won't do much with a bolt through his face and six more per limb.

    I don't use this system, but I do have a rotating shift of military using scrounged goblinite and bought armor.

    As for armouring your dwarves: in the complete absense of ores, you can use elven wooden armour (PERISH THE THOUGHT), craft leather armour (not recommended unless you have a functioning livestock farm), bone armour or shell armour. Bone and shell are roughly half as strong as copper, with leather fairing little better than clothing.
  13. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    Wonkyth is a ex-dorf?
    </br>--- merged: Jun 22, 2012 11:42 AM ---</br>
    I mean 3 or 4 IN TOTAL.

    (the fourth one consisted of accidently (!) embarking on a waterfall for the SECOND TIME and then having my carpenter throw himself off the waterfall and then adbandoning.
  14. Ooh. In total:

    I started back in 31.09. Dunno exactly. I had three aborted attempts, then gave up. Then tried again. One semi-successful one called Creaturebolt, circa march 2011. That was when I had SUDDEN BREAKTHROUGH OF GREAT JUSTICE and realised how to stabilise food production and keep everyone safe and happy.

    Creaturebolt fell from FPS death (8 fps).

    Then there was Boldropes, started in 31.18. I accidentally caused a loyalty cascade, which ripped through the fort in seconds. Reclaimed it, updated to 31.25, starting Boldropes II. That fell to the HFS.

    After that was Wardpaddle, Zalisiden, that lasted a good while even though it was horridly underequipped. I modded unicorns to be intelligent, and one became Stray Baron (Tame). That died after a coupla FBs followed by a huge siege.

    Then Limulunnos, Goldenhoof, built next to Boldropes' ruins. Limulunnos is still going, but I updated to 34.xx and haven't played it since.

    Then a few aborted attempts to learn the new features (minecarts? vampires? wheelbarrows? were-beasts?) I settled on a Terrifying Glacier embark, with insta-death Infernal Ash clouds sweeping over a lot. That's Astikal, Sabreheal, my newest fort. I've successfully made it completely safe for the dwarves, with the only deaths from occasional Infernal Ash fever.
  15. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    My first fort fell due to starvation.
    Then there was a reclaim thing inbetween somewhere that i dont remember too much.
    Then i had another fort that fell to the powers of water pressure, was my most !!!fun!!! fort so far. (was a pretty sweet embark tough, 2 rivers coming into one river at a waterfall, wich allowed me to set up 3 bridges, maximum gobbo control.)
    And then the adbandon due to the suicidal carpenter.

    To think of it, i never even touched magma :(
  16. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    If there arent many action fags around this weekend Im so giving this another go.
  17. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    Have fun raging at the menus <3

    I'm currently playing as a slade colossus adventurer, if anybody wants the raws i can give them.
    (it can also fly and spit fire. and the kicks are venomous)
    Noburu likes this.
  18. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Ow shiiit!
    In my current game, I'd set myself up in a nice river valley, fairly safe location overall. I had a population of 160 after only a few hours, had food coming out the wazoo, five artifacts, and had found a few massive veins of gems. Through trading off shit-tons of Masterful mechanisms, I'd even got myself a barony! :D
    However, since I hadn't met any kind of hostility so far, I'd neglected to do any more than have a few dorfs armed with crossbows and wooden bolts. Yeah, it was an accident waiting to happen...

    Ten goblins, armed to the teeth, came down from the far end of the valley. The first to notice them were the fisherdorfs, who scattered. It's a good thing they did as it gave me a little time to prepare as the goblins chased my unfortunate fisherfolk hither and thither. The few that weren't distracted by the poor, pathetic sight of my fleeing fisherdorfs headed straight on up to my fortress, and quickly found their way to my Great Hall, where I'd been hosting a feast for the past two seasons. I'm actually surprised how little damage they did, but I guess children cant run very fast, and so the others escaped while my young were massacred. :(
    By this time I'd finally assembled a squad, but their crossbows weren't much good for the close-quarters of my tunnels, and they only managed to take down one before they got their faces smashed in. However, it just so happened that I'd missed an able warrior during the creation of the first squad: an Adept Macedorf! Previously he would have been unarmed, but fortune had it that he passed by the corpse of the sole goblin I'd killed, and had yoinked it's mace! :D
    It was amazing! This lone Macedorf laid their entire raiding party to waste in a matter of minutes, and only had a dented head and a smashed hand to show for it! :P

    Unfortunately, the story doesn't end here. The invaders had killed over 30 of my dorfs, not to mention a great many pets. Ordinarily, this would be painful but manageable, but not today: It was all too much! Over the next two hours, 80% of my dorfs were in a constant state of tantrum, to the point where they got nothing done. As a result I had a good many unburied corpses lying where the blow of a mace had put them, and the few dorfs who had kept it together long enough to cart a corpse soon filled my twenty-slot tomb. Oh the nightmares. Ghosts everywhere. Not only were they driving me insane, but they were also driving my dear little DORFS crazy too! :( Soon they stopped just throwing tantrums and started losing their minds, the more destructive of them doing a full table-flip, going Berserk, terrifying and killing yet more dorfs.X3

    So here I am, in a beautiful valley fortress, surrounded by bunnies and ponies and skellies. Population: 50 and dropping.
    Noburu, superpokes and Beef like this.
  19. superpokes

    superpokes Bison Rider

    When my dwarves die the other dwarves doesn't move them to the refuse pile. How do I move them?
  20. If they die outside, you might need to tell them to reclaim dwarven corpses.

    Otherwise, it might be as simple as you haven't got a CORPSE stockpile.

    Refuse is corpse-related materials and non-fort denizen corpses, and corpse stockpiles usually contain your fort's corpses (if a dog dies, or a dorf, they move to a corpse stockpile).
Mods: BlueLuigi