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Video Kag Channel

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by Overlord, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    Since I'm in game a good deal of time I thought it would be a good idea to start making gameplay vids and to film events that happen in game, perhaps attracting more people or to just watch if you dont feel like playing, whatever the case may be.

    Anyway here is my first vid of just a random ctf match and ill probablly try not to make them so long so it doesnt get too boring:thumbs_up:
  2. Darcia

    Darcia Chief Fur Love Director <3 Donator Tester

    I was enjoying that video until the horrible screaming started, then I had to turn it off :<

    You'll still always be second best to me, Overlord <3
  3. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    Yea I dident want that last song there either, I should've edited it before I uploaded >;/

    -I was just filming while listening to my music so I dident place it there purposely, except the first one that was intended :)
  4. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

  5. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    Wow, so many subforums added never seen that...
  6. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Moved for you, man.

    Great to see more KAG videos, but I dunno if everyone else feels the same way but I think average KAG match footage is pretty boring tbh. Maybe just show the exciting bits?

    When I was making videos, I tried to keep to the following rules:

    - Don't show me dying.
    - Don't go more than 10 seconds without killing something.
    - Keep the video less than 4 minutes long.

    Not saying you need to follow those rules, but I'm just saying you could cut out the boring parts a bit more.
    CheeseMeister likes this.
  7. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    Thanks mate.

    I agree good points, I was thinking of just keeping them between 3-5 mins each and like you said just post the worthy parts, unlike mining for coins like I was : P

    This was basically just to get vid up and running so I can start working on better ones.
  8. Sarmane

    Sarmane Go Tau'va yourself San Diego. Donator

    love the music :D

    EDIT- know where i can get the games music? i looked it up on youtube and its only with actual game play (which isnt bad btw)
    Overlord likes this.
  9. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    I think it depends on what's going on in the background of the video for how you present it; I mean, I remember Mark's old videos, where he was talking to the Bro clan whilst filming. It worked pretty well, and added another element of interest as random conversations made interestingness do things.

    Then again, I've never been a great fan of montage videos, although I enjoyed the first part with the non-scary music. :p
    Bammboo and SARGRA13 like this.
  10. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor

    Haha Overlord, that last kill was a weird one. :p
    Overlord likes this.
  11. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    Haha yeah, I dont know what happened there.
    </br>--- merged: Jun 22, 2012 6:07 PM ---</br>
    Also do you guys prefer the music with it or just the kag sfx?
    (more like the first song I mean)
  12. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Indeed liked it much more before the terrifying music.. didn't bother to watch the rest, gotta admit :D
    I would suggest you to use slight zoom when there's nothing in the sides that the viewer should see. This helps those who aren't so familiar with the game to understand what's going on.
    Also cropping the uninteresting parts and adding a little effects will make it much more interesting, since I agree that KAG gameplay without commentary is boring to watch.
  13. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    I'll probably start doing some commentary's soon, as for effects I don't have much of those at my disposal with windows movie maker :( but at least I can skip the boring parts. :thumbs_up:
  14. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    I am not that familiar with windows movie maker, but try to render the video in a 16:9 video format, in other words, widescreen. Youtube switched over a back while ago, all videos are in widescreen format. So if you have a video in a 4:3 your video will recieve those black bars at the sides. That is pillarboxing.

    Some ordinary resolutions for 16:9 aspect ratio.
    640x360, 960x540, 1024×576, 1280×720.

    It is really easy to find sites that gives your more resolutions in the same format. I usually went with 1280x720.

    It is important that you don't render the video in a resolution that is higher than the source material, then it will stretch and look silly. Find out what resolution your video files are recorded into and then render it in the same size. I found that to give the best result, obviously.

    If you ever goes for commentary, programs like audacity and wavepad are much better. Recording your voice onto a different track of its own gives you so much better control over the audio levels, the above mentioned programs are also free, wavepad has a masters edition that costs money, and they come with tools that allows you to get rid of background noises and other stuff.
  15. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    Thanks for the comments guys, im sure ill put some of them to use.
    I havent forgotten about this channel, ill be sure to upload more soon when im not so noob with filming :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 10, 2013, Original Post Date: Jul 31, 2012 ---
    Alright guys I just figured out what the damn password for it was since I haven't logged onto it since I made that first video. So I'll try to be making some good kag beta videos soon with some edits without having to watch me respawn :thumbs_up:
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Contrary like this.
  16. BrokenWings

    BrokenWings Builder Stabber

    Your video is very nice, good to see KAG players uploading videos. Always find it interesting to watch ^^
    Look forward to your beta videos :)

    Overlord likes this.