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[428] Reudh's All-Purpose Base

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Reudh, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. First of all, I do not expect this to be considered good. I am aware that I am a relative newbie to base building, and indeed KAG in general, but I let my mind build whatever I felt 'fit'. I urge you all to constructively criticise this building.


    Pale blue dots: Used for vaulting. Leap onto these and make it up into the tower. I figured that it keeps most of the tower safe from bomb-less knights.

    Purple splodge: An acavado trap is through here. Pretty normal, you can expect many deaths if people manage to get in.

    Yellow: Somewhat reminiscent of the Airblade, this (haven't tested in public) appears to not harm teammates. It destroys bomb jumping knights and allows team members to escape safely.

    Green area: Quick vaulting, easy for the team to get through. Once vaulted up to the trap doors, all that is needed is a hold of W and A and you're free. Coupla spikes to catch the odd high bombjumper.

    Red: Murderholes with trap doors to increase ascent speed for archers (and knights throwing bombs.)

    Black: Funnel to eat up mistimed bombs.

    I'm aware that the stone is only one block thick, which renders it quite weak, but from recent observations I see that wooden trap doors muffle bomb explosions quite well.
    Hence, because their use is dual, I have placed them nearly everywhere. It aids in ascent in the murderholes, and can keep a defending force well supplied providing they have a steady stream of coins. It's very easy for team members to vault using the trap doors to safety; on the incoming side bombless knights face a very difficult time and must resort to breaking down the Acavado door, then promptly running into spikes.
    On the outgoing side, a person who knows how to vault (Really, you all should by now) has an effortless time getting in. On the off chance a knight gets over/through, it's possible to fire straight downwards from the barracks.

    The funnel is probably a weak point. It's not terribly hard to time bombs correctly, and sufficiently damaged trap doors fail to activate, making it a launch pad for the opposing team too.

    So, everyone, would you like to offer your thoughts? This is not a front line base. This is a last resort base, a fallback. I have not tested this in public yet, though.

    -Lord Reudh
  2. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    The green area is a weak point since the only way up there is by going out the front door and, due to that fact if a builder or knight gets launched into the green area, it will be nearly impossible to get them out.
  3. I was thinking of covering it over a la Creille's castle, but decided against it, thinking it would push it over into 'too resource heavy'. I might change this. What you say makes sense; a knight can slash at enemies very easily from above and a builder can utilise his high position to drop stone on enemies, and remove the trap bridges rendering the defenders unable to get them except with a lucky arched shot.

    I shall modify this soon. Thanks for the input!
  4. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    I think that a lot of resources are wasted, like the trap doors next to the ladders, I know some of the trap doors are for bomb damage, but I think some are unessacary.

    If a good knight was to come up to this with three bomb, him/her and their team could make it up with how many trapbridges are scattered around.

    I find the whole section in green is quite useless and a simple archer spot would be a lot better.

    I find avocado traps at the base of buildings are not very effective and work better under overhangs, so if I was designing this would place a kneecaper at the base.

    A slight over hang would also be greatly viable limiting ideas that tricky archers might be thinking of. (yes, an archer can make it passed all the spikes)

    I think you should take the top of the yellow onwards off, it would not really be applicable in most cases of battles.

    Anyway, good to see you actually thought about what you were saying and you were open to analysis, nice building and I can't wait to see some more of your buildings.

    ~from my phone
  5. FG

    FG Fran Donator

    if someone slashes me and i go flying left i will be stabbed to death by those spikes where the yellow line is.:p
  6. Jim_Dale

    Jim_Dale Arsonist

    Yeah. The green part could be a game-ender if a builder could be catapulted there.
    Instead, flip it so that the back wall is facing forward and add a few archer holes.
    Also, the lack of any enemy opposing overhang is quite concerning.
    This means that (1) there are no murder holes facing toward the ground and at 315 degrees, (2) that stone/wood drops would be nigh impossible.

    Edit: also,revise your quarters. IIRC if an enemy triggers trapdoors with a shop on them, the shop's destroyed.
  7. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    At the green area try and not waste all that stone but instead make an archer port and an entrance overhang near the front, and make some cata spots or something up there right now it seems easy to take and keep if you get up top.

    Rest of the tower is great!
  8. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    I could be seeing it wrong, but i think you either have a ground level door or a high door, these are both bad things to have in a tower.
    Doors should ALWAYS be at 6-8 blocks height, else your players will get stunned when jumping down.
  9. Orright. I'm going to jot down the criticism here, so that it's condensed:

    - The green area is too poorly protected and could be a game ender if a builder or knight got up there. Scrap entirely, replace with more murderholes?

    -An overhang for archers to rain down on the opponents from above when they're attacking the doors is a good idea.

    -Remove the airblade-esque spikes, at least the upper ones.

    -The trap doors are easily damaged with bombs. Sufficiently damaged trap doors are usable by both teams.

    -If trap doors activate, they destroy any workshops supported by them.

    -Acavado traps aren't useful at that level. If they're up a bit, it's a smarter idea. What's a kneecapper?

    -315 degree doors should allow archers to easily cover the front part of it.

    -The trap door amount is excessive, even considering their bomb muffling. Remove them from the murderhole and replace the ones at the workshops with stone floors.

    -The green area could be salvaged rather than converted into a murderhole by flipping it.

    -Otherwise, this is a rather solid tower design.

    I might have a variation up later today, in that case.
  10. Jim_Dale

    Jim_Dale Arsonist

    NEVER forget stone drops. I once turned a 4v4 match with 15-4 respawns entirely in my team's favor with stone drops (while feigning to be a harmless dumbass). How I died in my own spiketrap with no one around me is an entirely different story, however.
    Also, I think knee-cappers are just 1-tile high team doors at ground level, allowing archers to hit kneecaps, hence the name. I never really liked these as they seemed to me to be very weak parts of any defensive tower, not to mention it was a pain to constantly replace the teamdoors after knights slashed them open. I never noticed too many archers using these anyway, as it was just too easy to slip a bomb in and cause major damage (not to mention is a freebie to any entombers who are successful enough to block themselves in.).
  11. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    kneecapper is a 'murderhole' at knee level, basically a ground level setup where you can shoot through as an archer, generally like so:
    SARGRA13 likes this.
  12. Sarmane

    Sarmane Go Tau'va yourself San Diego. Donator

    i love me some kneecapper, so much so that im rather hindered in making towers without using them as the base- their pretty darn good imo when you make the knee capper section and then extend further off for the base of the tower with backwall, therefore not making the base of the tower so vulnerable to bombs/builders-

    on your actual tower Lord Re ill only say that good effort, love to see people posting designs that will then be recreated with the ideas suggested-

    my main point is simply pointing out that this is one hellavuh resoruce heavy building- on the next instance of this building or another, try to minimise the amount of resources the strcture takes up- of course show us the ultimate design but also post a basic design that gets the job done 80% of the time (as towers which are thoughtout should be pretty darn effective) and also the 100% tower that youd like to see after extensive construction. :)

    ways to minimise-
    you have ladders inside the tower: dont use them
    you have trapbridges each space up the tower, dont use that many, use only what is required (one for two blocks vertical and horizontal
    you have spikes all along the outside, place them upon key areas and you actually can get away with the same principle of one spike every two blocks (even just focus the spikes upon a signle area where bombjumpers will eventually hit like in egdes = insta kill :))
    you have doors on the ground level- thats a big no no for any base defence espeically the HQ/fallback base- think of this base being as anti knight as possible becuase the only true counter to a building is its creator, the builder! archers are meh cuase they no break blocks only shops still annoying but still- buildings like this should have doors higher up (no higher then 8 blocks from the ground that exiters will leave from as they will receive a small stun as they land from such a height)
    other points of minimising resources is to follow the idea of width vs height- how much can a building be squished or shrunk before it is ineffective against the opponent? a medium sized tower will probs be as good as a high tower against bombjumpers (some may get over more from adjacent height positons) as well, a thin tower will stop as many knights as a thick tower would (assuming it has backwall!!!) figure out what battle conditons will deteriorate your building and what your building can survive before it needs repairs, the longer the survivability the better i say (becuase you can die and come back in time to save it :D)

    regardless hope this helps- sorry for long text, i just like writing down lots of points i feel would help in the thread
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  13. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    First of all, what's the point of the spikes, if an enemy bomb-jumps into them the bridges will retract and the spikes will float; not harming anyone.
    Also the Acavado won't work unless someone is stupid enough to randomly jump without needing to.
  14. I would've thought that they would hit them before they retract. :P
  15. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    That used to happen, but not anymore. It's the same concept with traps that have multiple layers of trap bridges, nothing happens to the enemy only your team will be harmed.
  16. Ahh. So if I swap the position of the trap doors on the right and the spikes, then the spikes don't move, but the trap doors retract. Makes sense.
  17. Guro


    It's pretty good. My biggest problem is the doors at ground level. I love traps a lot, don't get me wrong, but relying on a single trap to protect something as important as (what appears to be) a main tower before the flag is risky. Traps may be quickly disarmed by bombs or builders, which is fine when you only stand to lose a minimal amount of resources in the case of a forward tower or whatever. When you stand to lose an enormous amount of resources and potentially the flag, it may be time to rethink the design. Other people suggested a kneecapper, which is a fine idea. I am particularly partial to the kneecapper myself though, so I may be bias.

    I think all of the other issues I had with the tower have been addressed by other people. Namely the green area, the ladders in the tower and the overkill spikes.

    Something like this near the top of the airblade area would probably be sufficient for stopping bomb jumpers. As somebody else mentioned, I am not sure if the team bridge airblade works in this build. Obviously you'd have to work this little module into your building though, and not use it just as it is in the picture.


    Consider: fixing up the green area (perhaps just replacing it with a simple archer doors or something), strengthening the base of the tower (possibily with a kneecapper), go easy on the team bridges, remove the ladders and remove most of the lower spikes on that airblade sort of thing. Good work. Keep at it.
    SARGRA13, Reudh and Ghozt like this.