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Realm of the Mad God

Discussion in 'Other games' started by who, Jun 2, 2011.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. laurentiu

    laurentiu Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Did this game got any significant updates since this thread was created? I might play it once again if they added something new.
  2. That seems legit.. I think it's a bit too long? Can You edit a bit smaller?

    @Laurentiu There is, Abyssal of Demons and Snake Pits have also Treasure rooms now. Also You know Lord of Lost Lands, Ocean Trench and Grand Sphinx?
  3. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Ej and lukepop like this.
  4. Homo Ray Pal..? Pal is like a friend I guess, but who's Ray? Sorry, I'm not born englishman :oops:
  5. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    I think he means

  6. xChapx likes this.
  7. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    Why did the guy in the second one get such a huge grave?
  8. You ask why.. First. He had alot of good stuff and second he had tons of fame.
  9. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Its based on how many stats you have maxed.
  10. You wouldn't have tons of fame without being maxed ^^ He was 8/8 I belive.. with WC tops.
  11. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    I didn't know you could even get different graves.
  12. I'm online right now! Find TheHidden in EUSouth!!! Nexus. /teleport TheHidden
  13. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    It is entirely possible to have NO fame and be maxed stats if you use farmers (and you should).
  14. What stops you making a level 1 maxed? You can do that if you want. In example feed it's def pots because base def doesn't raise?
  15. Zuboki

    Zuboki KAG Guard Tester

    Someone has done that before- A level 1 nameless wizard potted all the way up to 8/8. That's 114 life pots for those playing along at home, plus the other 7 stats. And the player who owns him can't take him out of the nexus for fear of leveling him up!

    Raising a level 1's defense to 25 right of the bat is a bad move, though. Wizards at level 20 average 575 max hp. If you maxed def right away, you might end up with a 540 hp wizard and have to spend 7 additional life pots, whereas you could just keep making and killing them until you get one with over 600 hp like I do, and then max defense.
  16. I have a 20 Warrior that I'm loath to let die so I can unlock the other classes. He's got pretty high tier stuff.

    Tier 4 Helm (Steel Helm)
    Tier 8 Sword (Ravenheart Sword)
    Tier 3 Ring (Ring of Superior Defense)
    Tier 8 Heavy Armor (Dragonscale Armor)

    I haven't played in some time.
  17. ^^ Seems legit, Reudh.

    You started with the Gear Show I will continue :)
    My knight has: 5/8 Missing Vitality, mana and health.
    Tier 5 Shield (Mithril Shield)
    Tier 11 Sword (Skysplitter Sword)
    Tier 11 Heavy Armor (Abyssal Armor)
    Tier 4 And 5 Ring (Exalted Vitality and Paramount Health) Yes I am using dual rings.

    I am collecting loot..
  18. Heh. I haven't played in some time. Got boring. Warriors have pathetic range... Also I have no gold to buy those pots that raise your stats.
  19. Gold..? I think you got it wrong.. Warriors, Knights and Paladins have great range. If you are a warrior, you rush trough the enemies hit the [insert god name here] and then fall back. Repeat. There's a small chance from every god in godlands to get a [insert stat increasing potion here] Some bosses like Pentaract give many pots. Skull Shrines and Cube gods also give items which can be sold for pots. The marketing system works with Def pots.

    Gold is used to get yourself a pet, buy healing stuff, get yourself colored or buy dungeon keys and character slots. Only character slots and dungeon keys are useful.

    Also, priests and necromancers are good for potion farming. Knights are useful for tanking hard gods like Lord of Lost Lands and Grand Sphinx. So are Warrios and Paladins. Also if you want to play Melee class then get max def. Nothing else matters. Otherwise gods hurt. I'm a maxed knight without WC tops and I have 75 defense. That's quite high because if you kinda -75 every hit the enemy does then Only a few enemies hurt me. Still you have a potentional risk getting shotgunned. Be aware.
  20. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    I've grown to like the necromancer, but I died with my old one, and now I'm sporadically sorting out my now terribly equipped one. I've got some low level fame stuff for assorted classes that people can have, if they'd like..
    Happiness likes this.
Mods: BlueLuigi