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A Kinda more better guide for kinda better modders.

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG Classic]' started by Saverous, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Specta

    Specta Catapult Fodder

    Wow, thanks, although i didn't understand half of it, it looks well written
    Saverous likes this.
  2. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    Your welcome!
    Specta likes this.
  3. TerryDactyl

    TerryDactyl KAG Guard Tester

    You're grammer is atrocious. GJ with the guides, tho.
    Question: How to create tides?
    I see the water level can be set to rise or lower, but can it be set to rise and lower within a certain threshold?
    Also, I suggest using notepad++ instead of notepad, for its advanced functions find-in-files, tabbed editing, and syntactic highlighting, though this latter feature does not apply to kag.
  4. Zer0Striker

    Zer0Striker Shipwright

    I was wondering if it was possible to be able to buy custom crates or custom treasure chest(Drops custom items and custom mobs) from a workshop.
  5. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    Heres an alternative that keeps all of the ordinary gregs factors.
    1. Replaced the $brain_factory = greg_brain with a zombies so it would no longer be able to pick up players and other things
    2. I then changed u16_attack_hit_frame = 255 to 3 so it could attack, 255 is there so the regular greg can't attack you while holding you/chasing you, same deal with the wraith. (I also nerfed the damage done)
     # Zombie config file
    # $ string
    # @ array
    # sprite
    $sprite_factory = wraith_sprite
    $sprite_texture = Entities/Actors/Sprites/Greg.png
    s32_sprite_frame_width = 32
    s32_sprite_frame_height = 32
    $sprite_sound_death_hit = Sounds/sword_kill_peasant.ogg
    $sprite_sound_flesh_hit = Entities/Actors/Sounds/ZombieHit.ogg
    $sprite_sound_die = Entities/Actors/Sounds/GregRoar.ogg
    $sprite_sound_spawn = Entities/Actors/Sounds/GregCry.ogg
    $sprite_sound_gib = Sounds/splat.ogg
    $sprite_sound_emit = Entities/Actors/Sounds/Wings.ogg
    $sprite_gibs_start = *start*
    #add skele gibs back in here
    $gib_type = predefined
    $gib_style = bone
    u8_gib_count = 3#number of gibs
    @u8_gib_frame = 1; 2; 3;
    f32_velocity = 5.0
    f32_offset_x = 0.0
    f32_offset_y = 0.0
    $gib_type = predefined
    $gib_style = bone
    u8_gib_count = 10
    @u8_gib_frame = 4; 5; 6; 7;
    f32_velocity = 10.0
    f32_offset_x = 0.0
    f32_offset_y = 0.0
    $sprite_gibs_end = *end*
    f32_blood_multiplier = 8.0
    clr_blood_color = 255; 200; 0; 0
      $sprite_animation_start = *start*
      # stand
      $sprite_animation_stand_name = stand
      u16_sprite_animation_stand_time = 4
      u8_sprite_animation_stand_loop = 1
      @u16_sprite_animation_stand_frames = 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 3;
      # walk
      $sprite_animation_walk_name = walk
      u16_sprite_animation_walk_time = 6
      u8_sprite_animation_walk_loop = 1
      @u16_sprite_animation_walk_frames = 0; 1;
      # fly
      $sprite_animation_fly_name = fly
      u16_sprite_animation_fly_time = 6
      u8_sprite_animation_fly_loop = 1
      @u16_sprite_animation_fly_frames = 3; 2; 1; 0;
      # attack
      $sprite_animation_attack_name = attack
      u16_sprite_animation_attack_time = 4
      u8_sprite_animation_attack_loop = 1
      @u16_sprite_animation_attack_frames = 0; 1; 2; 3; 
      # dead
      $sprite_animation_dead_name = dead
      u16_sprite_animation_dead_time = 4
      u8_sprite_animation_dead_loop = 0
      @u16_sprite_animation_dead_frames = 0; 0;  
      $sprite_animation_end = *end*
    u16_attack_hit_frame = 3
    $sprite_sound_attack = Entities/Actors/Sounds/ZombieBite?.ogg
    $sprite_sound_spot = Entities/Actors/Sounds/GregRoar.ogg
    $sprite_bloodsquirt_file = Entities/Effects/Sprites/BloodSquirt.png
    $sprite_bloodsmall_file = Entities/Effects/Sprites/BloodSplat.png
    $sprite_sound_scream = Entities/Actors/Sounds/GregCry.ogg
    $sprite_image_smoke = Entities/Effects/Sprites/SmallSmoke?.png
    $sprite_image_fire = Entities/Effects/Sprites/SmallFire?.png
    $sprite_image_bigfire = Sprites/SmallExplosion?.png
    # ball
    $ball_factory = zombie_ball
    f32_ball_width = 16.0
    f32_ball_height = 16.0
    f32_ball_radius = 5.0
    f32_ball_max_upspeed = 4.0
    f32_ball_max_fallspeed = 6.0
    f32_ball_max_airspeed = 3.0
    f32_ball_max_groundspeed = 0.7
    f32_ball_max_actionspeed = 1.0
    f32_ball_gravity = 0.4
    f32_ball_ground_slide = 0.9
    f32_ball_wall_slide = 0.90
    f32_ball_ladder_slide = 0.95
    f32_ball_ground_bounce = 0.4
    f32_ball_wall_bounce = 0.3
    1_ball_opens_doors = 1
    1_ball_opens_bridges = 1
    f32_ball_hit_momentum = 0.5
    # zombie
    1_ball_climb_walls = 0
    1_ball_climb_ceiling = 0
    1_ball_collides_with_team = 0
    # movement
    $movement_factory = flyer_movement
    f32_movement_airacc = 0.1
    f32_movement_groundacc = 0.05
    f32_movement_actionacc = 0.01
    f32_movement_ladderacc = 0.5
    f32_movement_jumpacc1 = 0.6
    f32_movement_jumpacc2 = 0.15
    f32_movement_jumpactiondec = 0.69
    f32_movement_groundslide = 0.5
    u16_movement_jump2start = 3
    f32_movement_flyforce = 0.6
    f32_movement_slowdown_fall_speed = 2.25
    f32_movement_slowdown_fall_stop_speed = -0.1
    # weapon
    $weapon_factory = zombie_bite
    f32_attack_power = 1.0# hearts
    f32_attack_radius = 1.95  # percentage of actor radius
    u8_hitter_type = 10
    # pairs of ranges x-y
    @u8_destructible_blocks = 128; 143; # doors
     155; 159; # rubble
    # 0 - destroy always; 1 - destroy when stuck; 2 - destroy when angry
    u8_destruction_style = 1
    u8_destruction_power = 2
    # brain
    $brain_factory = zombie_brain
    u8_visible_distance_tiles = 15
    u8_attack_init_distance_tiles = 5
    u16_stuck_tolerance = 130          # the lower he value the faster it acknowledges being stuck; 30 = second
    u8_path_search_style = 2
    u8_anger_tolerance = 5
    $attachment_factory =
    # general
    $name = gargoyle
    f32_health = 3.5
    f32 gib_health = 0.0
    f32 heal_amount = 0.2          # during night every 5 seconds
    f32_stun_health = -10
  6. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    you can put water in your sandbox/swordfight mode
    you just do the command /sv_gold_only 1
    then /rcon /waterLevel(x); x = any number usually good to set around 50..
    however it only lasts for the match
  7. acridstone

    acridstone Horde Gibber

    Actually dude, those three numbers are the RGB values. By default they should go from 0-255.
    so actually if you want red, the first number is red, so it would be: 255, 0, 0
    green: 0, 255, 0
    blue: 0, 0, 255
  8. ImAwesome

    ImAwesome Haxor

    You didn't even check... 29; 133; 171 is a shade of blue, and 183; 51; 51 is a shade of red. (and yes I did check, on paint.net)
  9. acridstone

    acridstone Horde Gibber

    --Correct. I didn't mean to say that his values were not the color that he said they were, I was merely pointing out the fact that he was giving somewhat incomplete information that might have been confusing for some people(though I don't blame him because he is trying his best at answering questions that might arise about modding), not to mention trying to help him give complete information about the subject we are currently discussing.
  10. Davichococat

    Davichococat Catapult Fodder

    Did it by changing "MaleHeads.png" at KAG\Base\Sprites.
    Result: emblemp.png By the way, yes, that is the best "emblem" I can draw.

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