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Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by KingGoldZX, Jul 7, 2012.

  1. KingGoldZX

    KingGoldZX Shopkeep Stealer

    I make some traps If you want a trap for a certain occasion or something just lemme know i log on everyday :D
    </br>--- merged: Jul 7, 2012 6:43 PM ---</br>

    1-(Black)-Is two 90 percent broken doors so the enemy thinks it will be easy to brake(Knights)
    2-(Red)-Is Two pike hidden under two bridges(4)
    3-(orange)-Are Bridges stacked up on top of each other 3x3 so you can hide MAKE sure you put walls behind them so its dark and you can hide so when you see a enemy stand on top you can destroy the bridges(4)
    4-(Red-Orange)Are Two bridges hit twice so when the enemy stands on top you can destroy them, make sure to put team doors in front of the bridge room(3) and team doors in back so when they try to jump out or power slash they'll still keep on jumping on the spikes and soon gib themselves
    You-(Builder Or maybe Knight)-You hide behind the bridge room where they are stacked(the Bridges) and just wait till someone stands on the bridges and destroy them MAKE sure both bridges are hit twice so you only have to hit them once when an enemy stands ontop
    Hope you guys Rly Like this one :D And it helps you to Peace guys
    </br>--- merged: Jul 7, 2012 7:49 PM ---</br>

    </br>--- merged: Jul 7, 2012 7:52 PM ---</br>
    Also the freind was greg luizffgev hes luvs KAG

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  2. luizffgv

    luizffgv Haxor

    A better way to make my trap:
    1. Cave a deep hole.
    2. Create two teamdoors in the side of the hole. (the side of the team)
    3. Make a big wall above the doors.
    4. Build a workshop block above the wall.
    5. Build a stone block cube of the size of 4x4
    6. Wait for the enemy and destroy the workshop block
    Icidium likes this.
  3. KingGoldZX

    KingGoldZX Shopkeep Stealer

    You see here is my second trap lets get straight to the point Ive tested it and It seems like its mostly for knights because in
    1-(black)-There are ladders where you crawl up to hide from the enemy and wait in secret Make sure they cant see you
    2-(red)-That Is were the 3x2 room is where ur supposed to hide by covering the room with bridge tiles and standing behind them
    till the enemy comes and come down to slash them or brake the bridge under them
    3-(Orange)-These are just spikes but not one in the middle
    4-(Yellow)-Those Are just 5 trap bridges that are broken two times so when the enemys on it you can brake it easily
    Hope you enjoy :)
    </br>--- merged: Jul 7, 2012 10:52 PM ---</br>
    Heres a new one
    [​IMG] post a reply about it if you want me to tut how to build it

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  4. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    Could you possibly upload versions of the traps that you can see into, the colour coding thing isn't very descriptive.
    short_round likes this.
  5. KingGoldZX

    KingGoldZX Shopkeep Stealer


    Attached Files:

  6. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    Cool, nice traps.
    short_round and KingGoldZX like this.
  7. buster-boy17

    buster-boy17 suries gard

    some of them traps would not work people people on KAG is not that dunmb:\. But some are cool:)
    KingGoldZX likes this.
  8. KingGoldZX

    KingGoldZX Shopkeep Stealer

    well ill try to test them more on servers my latest one works if the hole place is dark and they cant see the spikes but thx for saying there awesome :D
  9. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    most of these traps are already wellknown, and a little nooby.
    they are actually just rooms with a spikepit in it.
    as soon as the enemy has broken the doors, the light will reveal the pit, and they will find another way around it.
    those traps dont work.
    the only trap a good player would actually fall for, MIGHT be the acavado trap in your last trap.
    most traps work better if you make sure that light can't fuck everything up,
    by giving the enemy a "safe" feeling, before killing them,
    (make a pit, add ladders every four blocks, then suddenly no more ladders. enemies fall in, and get stuck/spiked. works like a bitch)
    and by making sure its in a place you dont expect it. (if you make quite a long building with traps you can jump over, then the last one suddenly has spikes on the roof, you can kill armies without doing anything)
    Guro likes this.
  10. Guro


    Pretty much this. Traps similar to this were already discussed in THIS thread.
  11. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    and that one failed pretty bad too...
  12. KingGoldZX

    KingGoldZX Shopkeep Stealer

    first of all if u have nothing nice to say dont say it at all and you expact a 12 year old to read through every singly forum and know ones not to make so i made a few like everyone else just kick back and enjoy the view m
    </br>--- merged: Jul 8, 2012 9:11 PM ---</br>
    Dood Imagin it dark also im still testing them i make upgrades to the ones and make them better ur welcome to do it if u want to stop hatin
    </br>--- merged: Jul 8, 2012 9:15 PM ---</br>
    [​IMG]here's mine new latest one I call it The Le Acuzer​

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  13. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    I fail to see how it works.
  14. KingGoldZX

    KingGoldZX Shopkeep Stealer

    sry i built it a bit off i was a bit uneasy when i made this one its for when the enemys decide to start catapulting and what u do is you remove the top 2 blocks and stack them and build the one on the left or the right (depending what team ur on) bigger than the other to stop the enemy from flying over it then you fill the "tube" with spikes and let them fall down and die :D sry for the inconvenience
  15. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I would suggest you update your main post with the expanded view of your traps. Be really careful with those dark traps though, a lot of the time they are never used and only hurt your teammates. Especially when you put them inside their own building as a hut with no incentive to go through it just pop over the top.

    Also added the Build number. ;)
  16. KingGoldZX

    KingGoldZX Shopkeep Stealer

    Thx for coming to my forum ur awesome i cant believe ive had most of the famous guys on my page thx also il try harder and to get these traps to do better plz keep on replying u rock
  17. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    I have to say though you over-think them a bit. Try thinking of something simple and effective.
    short_round likes this.
  18. KingGoldZX

    KingGoldZX Shopkeep Stealer

    to me these are simple XD
  19. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    1: please, use normal grammar.
    2: "Dood", it wont be dark if the enemy destroys that door. then light shines through, and it reveals your trap.
    3: god please, all my answers can easily be turned around, making them a way to make them better!
    EXAMPLE: as soon as the enemy has broken the doors, the light will reveal the pit
    SOLUTION: make sure there is something that keeps the pit dark, so that it wont matter if the enemy breaks the doors.
    was it that hard?
  20. KingGoldZX

    KingGoldZX Shopkeep Stealer

    how do i do that exactly?
    </br>--- merged: Jul 11, 2012 5:39 AM ---</br>
    THis IS A bait trap that i saw on a server its pretty boss
    </br>--- merged: Jul 11, 2012 5:40 AM ---</br>
    This was a trap or a glitch where i kept on tying to jump over it but kept on taking damage take a look and tellme if u have any info

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