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Steam Greenlight *Please Read*

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BindNation, Jul 10, 2012.


Would you support KAG on the Steam Greenlight program?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. BindNation

    BindNation Bison Rider

    I'm sure they have. I just wanted to put emphasis on that part of the FAQ. ;)
    delankski likes this.
  2. Wolftrait

    Wolftrait Builder Stabber

    Nice! I was actually just thinking about why KAG wasn't on Steam yet.
    I definitely support this. O_O I hope the developer gets stinking rich and maybe in the future we can get some extra goodies once the game is done. *hint hint*overworld*cough cough*. Which btw, I think the Overworld is still included in the Full Version buying page. :S That should probably be taken down.
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.
  3. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright


    PERIOD. (tough that indeed means that it should be removed from the buy page)
    Wolftrait likes this.
  4. Antman

    Antman Base Burner

    Well, you know with kag on steam we'll get people that really know how to mod, and they can do it for free maybe.. Not all about the money :P
    Wolftrait likes this.
  5. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I don't see a reason why not, seems like a great idea, thanks for bringing that up BindNation.

    About the lots of new players that will come:
    Some griefers? Yeah. Lots of noobs that won't listen and keep building castles of doors? Yep.
    But there will also be some cool players and I think that's important to get some new folks in the player-base.
    I see that as positive to KAG, even if the general skill level falls, we will always have whitelisted servers.

    Well, just raise the price a couple bucks before launching it on steam :D

    I would like to see a dev comment about this.

    PS: Overworld should really be removed from future features page.
    kapsel1997 and BindNation like this.
  6. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer

    MM has already commented on the Greenlight program:

    "Valve has made a good move with Greenlight. This is a very good opportunity however we don't want to submit an alpha version. So we'll bring on "full sales mode on" and we'll "reach millions" when the game is done at version 1.0.
    Understandable but greedy and may have a negative impact on your sales and customers. While profit is important you don't want to have KAG up there for 35 dollars when Terraria is 10 bucks as well as a lot of other indie games on steam.
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.
  7. Antman

    Antman Base Burner

    Every new player has the same chance of being a griefer or asshole, putting the game on Steam won't increase the percentage of these players.. we'll still have the same Griefer:Non-Griefer ratio :P

    Terraria is $2.50 right now, and quite often is on sale.. and you have people buying 4, 8 or more accounts at the time.
    Contrary likes this.
  8. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    If this put on steam (hope it does) will premium members have to repay on steam
  9. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    I Don't think so , Premium members already payed. Why do we need to pay if we already payed :huh?:
    And that's why we are called "PREMIUM" . Because we already bought the Gold Membership and access its full features.
  10. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    So no. Even if the game get new features (like being put on steam or having lasers) you only pay once.
    The price goes up, but if you bought it for 5 bucks, you will never have to spend another penny.
  11. BindNation

    BindNation Bison Rider

    Other than that, KAG should go up on the Humble Indie Bundle if possible. Mad publicity right there.
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.
  12. Omen267901

    Omen267901 Shopkeep Stealer

    I kinda support this. I agree that it would be huge for publicity, but like other people have said, it would bring TONS of noobs and greifers. (And probably minecrafters.) Also, if anyone here has ever tried to install a mod for Terraria, you know how dang hard it is. Someone would pretty much have to make a sort of "Modloader" for KAG.
  13. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    No, not really. One of the next updates will include easy modding.
    UnnamedPlayer and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  14. BindNation

    BindNation Bison Rider

    Steam Greenlight is a comin'! Get excited! :migrant:
  15. Dreimos

    Dreimos Catapult Fodder

    I think this is a great idea :)

    Yay steam
  16. Isen

    Isen Dreamhouse keeper Donator

    I support this. Even though, as it has been said several times already, there will be more "griefers". But the influx of new players has to and will be done one way or another. So why not use Steam? It has style.
  17. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    The devs have already worked out their business plan; no use for this thread now. Still a good thought though!
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