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Most pain ever experienced?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Rainbows, Nov 12, 2011.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. GrimWaltz

    GrimWaltz Shopkeep Stealer

    Haha, fuck burn wounds! I NEED A BURGER xD

    Oh Egypt, how funny you are. :) No, but I'm sure it must have been heavenly to be in Egypt. Of course with it's ups and downs. Do you have any scars?
  2. Dark_Ham

    Dark_Ham Shipwright

    Yeah it was pretty amazing at times. But sadly the government is very corrupt so there's a lot of poverty and stuff. But other than that It's an amazing place. I defo recommend going there for a holiday. And as for scars no, I have only one on my leg the others have faded away thank god. :3
  3. GrimWaltz

    GrimWaltz Shopkeep Stealer

    Oh, that's good to hear! Yes, i would certainly want to visit Egypt. It seems as an amazing place and a very interesting culture. And for you to stay there for 3 years... That must have been an adventure! :p I'll stop here though as not to get too far off topic. :)
  4. Dark_Ham

    Dark_Ham Shipwright

    Agreed. We'll continue this conversation in inbox! :D
  5. cyrakmine

    cyrakmine Shipwright

    My friend and i were playing (with long metal poles) and he got roid rage and jabbed me, swung it at me and clobbered me with it.
    i ended up with a wrist pointing left, a large circle scar in my chest and a coma which i was in for 4 days
    the bent wrist was the most painful because the bone was snapped and it was pointed outward blood and vomit everyware for the next 2 days. anyway when i got back to school in about a month he was still there not expelled or anything i gave him the bashing of a life time he had a broken nose. a table trown at him a broken leg and pencil stabbed in his arm (only about an inch or so but still looked pretty painful). My pearents gave me a long talking to and i got a suspension not that bad really but im getting off topic. :I
  6. incarnum

    incarnum Shopkeep Stealer

    One of my ex girlfriends loved to kick me in the nuts at random intervals. I was with her two and a half year.
  7. DeathBomber

    DeathBomber Shipwright

    A fucking monkey bit me in my butts.... it was actually fighting some crazy dog and I just seem to block its escape route, when it chased towards me I tried to run away but.. it reached me and bit me, I had to get 5 stiches , it hurt very much, also I have a barely visible scar there , its of the lower canines and insicors , a small curved line....
  8. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    I was at the tender age of six. I was drinking my tea while playing with my spiderman action-figure. All was going well until spiderman decided to do a flip kick at the cup of tea spilling the almost boiling hot water into my lap. Scorched my entire right leg, took about five months for the skin to come back.

    Either that or the feeling after been playing badminton for three hours with a sprained foot. I never thought something could swell that badly.
  9. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    My circumcision. I was 18.
    Waking up with bandage soaked in blood, feeling of burning when pissing, horrible looking scar : sutures on swollen skin...

    No, I don't have pics :/
  10. Dark_Ham

    Dark_Ham Shipwright

    Forgive me but that really made me LOL XD
    EDIT: btw I know how you feel. I had mine when I was 10 -.- The main memory I have is when I went to the bathroom and my penis started bleeding heavily. It didn't hurt but I was freaking out!
  11. ^^I don't know what all this cock talk is about, but i was at the fresh age of 10. as in, hours^^

    Idk what was more painful, the charlie-horse i had in my leg one time, or the fact that I had to tell my friends that I broke my middle toe whilst writhing in unfathomable pain.
  12. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    I didnt feel that much pain for some reason, but here goes,

    First night of Year 8 Camp at My first Year of Highschool, We just got back from dinner and were pretty crazy (about 9 PM), we had this giant glow stick (about 30 cm long and 3 cm thick), so one of my friends decides that it would be ''fun'' if he cracked it open and sprayed the juice all over the cabin, he even sprayed it on the carpets, so while he is sitting there laughing his ass off, we decide we better clean it up or we are screwed, we dont have any towels so we decide to use the camp towels to clean it up, then we were just like, ''fuck it, lets party in this shit (It looked amazing in the dark)'' but then we got back to cleaning, while this was happening, my friend said he left his phone on the top shelve, so I told him Id go get it, I climb up and reach for, no problem, but then I decide Id jump back down, backwards, what I didnt realise was that there was a Large Metal Ceiling fan on 2 speed, It sliced the back of my head open, but I though I just banged it, so I go and lay on my bed for a second, get up, go to my friends room, and he is like ''HOLY SHIT, WTF DID YOU DO TO YOUR HEAD?!?!'', I put my hand up towards my head, and sure enough, my hand is covered in blood, I look at my shoulder, blood everywhere, so at 12 at night, my friends are going outside with me looking for the teachers cabin, on the gravel road, we get there and the Women teachers are all suspicious, but the Men teachers didnt care, so then the principal and a teacher took me to the hospital and I got 2 stitches, I felt like a hero coming back though, my friends quote me of saying ''Just a flesh wound'' even though I dont remember saying it :D, Still, best, camp, ever
    10110100101 likes this.
  13. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    hmm, most physical pain experienced in my life. I can't decide between the band saw blade slashing my arm or a pan of hot grease covering my leg calf, or maybe the broken pinkie knuckle when i accidentally hit his cheek bone..
    Canadian98 likes this.
  14. I have multiple severe pain stories.

    Sit back, children!

    - When I was nine, I tried to do a flip off one of them slide thingies wot got no middle, but forgot to let go and gave myself a serious concussion as a result.

    - When I was eleven, some dickhead from my school had found a wooden skewer and a rubber band and turned it into a bow and arrow and shot me with it; it embedded itself ~3 cm into the muscle of my right arm. Didn't hurt at the time, then I pulled it out and flesh came with it. Still got a scar. OH THE PAIN.

    - When I was twelve, I was soldering and somehow (despite my safety goggles), molten solder struck me in the eye.

    - When I was thirteen, I was doing 65km/h down a hill on my bike, and I was crashed into by someone who thought they could do a turn while I was crossing the road. I hit the side of their car, me doing about 40km/h by this stage (pedal brakes are useful), them doing ~60km/h. For those of you in the imperial world, that's ~43mph / 25mph / ~40mph respectively. Multiple lacerations and abrasions, minor concussion, torn muscles in my legs, torn muscles in my chest from attempting to right myself midair. I left a dent in the car. I am very glad I wore a helmet; without it I would've been instantly killed.

    - When I was fifteen, I tore a muscle in my neck, to the point where I literally could not lift my head up. It had me weeping for the whole day.

    - Still when I was fifteen, another student grabbed me by the throat and bashed my head against a brick wall six times, I promptly fell unconscious. The pain was huge.

    - When I was sixteen, a group of fifteen students from various schools gangbashed me for being a redhead.

    - Earlier this year, just before my twentieth birthday, I caught food poisoning and vomited so hard I burst blood vessels in my eyes, causing me to weep blood.

    Bolded stuff so you fast-twitch kids read the important bits.
    That enough pain for you?
  15. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    That, is crazy, ive never seen someone go through that much pain, I feel sorry for you
  16. Classic retards.
  17. Sigh, best add to the thread.

    When I was nine, I began my (4-5 years) amateur boxing career. Starting out, I felt quite confident because I was going toe-to-toe with children older than myself (I was the youngest at the gym at the time). So, I began participating in events and it wasn't long before the casual people that would come and go from my gym didn't suffice and I wasn't learning anything. At this point, my trainer/s had the brilliant idea of setting me up in a sparring session with the current state champion (he wasn't a bit deal though, 10 year olds don't really get noticed). I lasted about 3 rounds before I bleeding, winded, exhausted and....crying. This also lead to my father training me into the point of exhaustion in an attempt to improve me. It hurt to move.....

    When I was 11 or so, my rugby team had a game with a team situated on an island off the coast of Australia (Stradbroke, to be precise). We took the barge there and after our game, we went to the beach to play around (it was about 5 or so hours until the barge came back to pick us up). Little did we know, the beach wasn't actually all that safe. There were many rocks, which oysters decided to attach to, as they do. So, the coach's kid, being the faggot he is decided it would be a brilliant idea to pick me up from behind and drop me on a rock with oyster shells on it. So, this was a deep laceration (2cm or so) in salt water with no hospital in sight and no way back to the mainland for 5 hours......fun....When I got back I had to get a tetanus shot as well.

    First year of highschool, I was a scooter-fag for a couple weeks. My friend, lived on a road that was a great hill. I decided to ride down this 200 meter slope, for the heck of it. I got about halfway down the road (while my pussy ass friend stayed on the foot-path), and I was going pretty damn fast. All of a sudden, a car came (who would've though a car, of all things, would be driving on a road?). In an attempt to save myself, I jumped, threw the scooter away from the car coming at me and attempted to land on the side of the road, missing the car. My scooter was safely out of the way of the car, and I thought that I made it. Although, despite my feet being planted on the ground, the momentum was still taking me. I ran about 5 steps until the momentum took over and I did a forward-flip, landing on my elbow. My friend rushed to check on me, and everything was quiet for a minute. Then a middle-aged woman said the words "Is it broken?!" In the most Australian, of Australian accents. I got up, re-assured her that I was fine and went on about my business. Haven't used the scooter since, though.

    Last year, I got braces. This experience lead to two, both very painful experiences. Firstly, I had to get two teeth removed to ensure there was enough space for my mouth to be molded into the correct position. This, would've been perfectly fine. The experience, even the needles, weren't all that bad. Although, the doctor told my father that the anesthetic would wear off 20 minutes after the procedure. So, we left and in the car my mouth began to hurt a little. I decided not to say anything because talking hurt, and I sounded like an idiot when I did. We get home, and my mouth begins aching badly, but I can't talk because of the numbness making my words hard to decypher, and the pain caused simply by moving my mouth. I sat for a couple hours, after the anesthetic wore off after my teeth had been pulled out and had no painkillers....That was a bad day.
    The pain in the first day of having braces (about a month after my teeth were removed) was also terrible. I'll do my best to explain it. Imagine you had one tooth, and someone attached a wrench to it and began moving it around your mouth. This, except every tooth in your mouth. Although, I must admit, braces were definitely worth it.

    This one is more recent, a couple months ago I noticed something growing on my arm. I decided to not worry, because "its probably nothing." Three days had passed, and this seemingly harmless lump consumed half my forearm. Still wasn't worth worrying about. A couple days passed, and my entire forearm was twice its original size. I attempted to pop it, which lead to it getting infected and red. I came down with some sort of fever. Blood and puss from this thing on my arm would pour every few seconds or so. So, it was infected pretty badly, and I finally successfully popped it leaving a couple centimetre deep hole in my infected arm. I went to the doctors and its taken about 6 months to fully heal. My friends making masturbation jokes about me really helped the situation though (I had a huge right forearm, it was comedy gold). I have picture of the hole if anyone's interested?

    Also, sorry to hear about 'dem douches Reudh. My area is more of the "smoke weed, fuck school" area. Gangbashing people is near unheard of, although fighting is common (halfway through the year, and we've recently had our 30th). If you're going to fight someone, at least have some honor about it.

    Edit: Sigh, I fail at spoilers.

    Edit 2: Despite my many stories, I actually consider myself to be quite lucky. A bit of pain is nothing compared to something others could experience. I also decided to pack it into one spoiler because text-walls intimidate some.
  18. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    wow beast, nice personal experiences, I also have gotten braces, and I know how you felt, btw the last one is imposible to read, I got half way and decided it was too hard :P
  19. That probably has something to do with the fact that I don't exactly know what it was, lol. It was a small bump on my forearm, which later got infected and decided to infect my entire forearm. My forearm was twice its original size. I have pics, when I get bothered I'll post them. A picture paints a thousand words, as they say.
  20. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    Yeah, but man, Braces hurt sometimes eh, I didnt sleep for like 4 days because of it
Mods: BlueLuigi