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[WIP] Fort'Pack by RadioActive

Discussion in 'Texture Packs' started by RadioActive, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    FortPack GUI 3.png FortPack GUI 2.png FortPack GUI 1.png screen #5.png screen #12.png screen #13.png screen #11.png
    More screenshots from new version coming soon!
    ➽ Fort'Pack Status
    Texture Pack version: v 0.5P
    Info: Download and newest informations moved to Resource Packs section. Click HERE!
    ➽ Fort'Pack INFO
    RPG theme texture pack? Not exactly but YEP! It was my intention. Textures are mostly dark, but that's what makes this pack awesome! The first aim was to edit only the terrain textures. When I finished them, I missed something and decided to implement new ideas.
    After a long break, I'm almost ready to update the textures pack and add new elements.

    All progress will be posted on the official website of the project (Polish) and in this topic.
    Check out the screenshots! Read the comments, download, install, play and give a Like!
    Screenshots of the old versions
    More screenshots from new version coming soon!​
    screen #1.png screen #2.png screen #3.png screen #4.png screen #5.png screen #16.png screen #15.png screen #14.png screen #13.png screen #12.png screen #11.png screen #10.png screen #9.png screen #9 goldblock.png screen #7 slash.png screen #8 slash2.png
    VERSION: v 0.5P
    New textures:
    wooden backwall, wooden wall, siege workshop, outpost, coins, emoticon bubbles, images in the background, clouds.
    Changed textures:
    GUI, gold block, some of the terrain textures were contrasted.
    VERSION: v 0.4 Beta
    all nonpremium terrain blocks
    pine trees
    all nonpremium shops / rooms
    theme music
    slash animation
    ! You need to be logged in to download the FORT'PACK Texture Pack!
    Installation instructions
    It's simply!
        • Make sure that the texture pack is compatible with your version of the game.
        • Download the texture pack by on download button in this thread:
        • [WIP] Fort'Pack by RadioActive
        • Extract the contents using WinZip (for example). There's only one folder called "Base" with files inside.
        • Move it to the folder where you installed the game. There is already one with the same name. Merge - Copy and replace them all! That's all.
    If you would like to return to the default textures, just keep the original folder or delete the file named version in your KAG folder. (Go to: KAG folder -> APP -> and remove version.txt file). This will update the game.

    Still having problems? View the tutorial or ask in the comments.

    Terms of Use
    This texture pack is provided for personal use. You're allowed only to use it and edit for own use. You don't have my permission to reupload and distribute it in similar ways.

    Thanks for all likes so far! A very simple
    way to express your opinion!
    Feel free to express your suggestion. The feedback is welcome.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2013
    Kalikst, Gurin, fifciox and 6 others like this.
  2. Antman

    Antman Base Burner

    Nice textures, well done :)
    Will be useing this once you finish it.
    Froghead48 likes this.
  3. superpokes

    superpokes Bison Rider

    The GUIs look a bit annoying, the rest is pretty good :thumbs_up:
    WarrFork likes this.
  4. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Some of the server names on the server browser are a bit hard to read.
    Jomppexx likes this.
  5. FlamingDragon96

    FlamingDragon96 Shark Slayer

    The gold block looks a bit weird, other than that this pack is great! I think it's like a Dark RPG theme.
  6. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    I REALLY like this. i think i might use this once your done with this.
    Antman likes this.
  7. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    Yee I know that, but background for buttons with white font must be the same as for the background of server names. It sucks, but it must be the same background image ;/ I swap them for a little brighter. Maybe I manage to change the font color o.o

    Truuueee :) As I played today, i noticed that too. -> Improved just now and a few other things too (slash, spikes, etc.). I love the atmosphere of RPG, but in the KAG objects are very small, so not everything can be done like I wanted :(

    screen #7 slash.png screen #8 slash2.png screen #9 goldblock.png
    BeasterDenBeast likes this.
  8. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    Is that cheese! :huh?: (LOL, Jokes. I know what it is:p) I really love what you've done with the trees though.
  9. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    I think now the cheese has good graphics :D but! if I see a few posts here about cheese, then I give up xD

    Maybe later I change a little this block :D but only when I finish everything.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2013
  10. mishKa

    mishKa Mayo for everybody. ┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛ Donator

    I think you should change the blue colour a bit, desaturate it, otherwise I like the palette.
    Here's a reference picture for gold. (or if it's meant to be cheese then never mind.)

    Goodjob so far. : )
  11. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    Thanks =) Yesterday I changed blue and red color on the doors and bridges. Yep. Was too bright.

    Btw. I decided to change the appearance of a knight, archer, and builder before release. A lot of work and will be hard. Certainly, it'll take a few days. ;/
  12. Jomppexx

    Jomppexx Shopkeep Stealer

    Will there ever be a premiumitazed version?
    Great job so far! :D:migrant:
  13. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    Only when i buy a premium acc. :P So far I don't need it to be happy :D Maybe someday o.o
  14. Masery

    Masery is actually Maroon Donator

    I like the idea of everything being darker, more mysterious..
    Cause for a PVP Centered castle game, it's far too happy.
  15. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    Time for little update. Fixed tons of objects. I was most focused on the GUI. It isn't perfect yet, requires some improvements, but anyway I think it looks pretty good. ;P

    In the evening I will try to add new outpost and a catapult graphics and improve a few things.
    Of course, all the time looking for ideas. If you have suggestions, please let me know :)

    On the screenshots you can see a few new things.

    screen #10.png screen #15.png screen #14.png screen #13.png
    screen #12.png screen #11.png screen #9.png screen #16.png

    Hmm, not everything, but many blocks :)
    FlamingDragon96 likes this.
  16. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    Nice, I noticed that the catapult was the same. Do you have plans on changing it? The People too.
  17. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    Yep, as I said above. Catapult and outpost isn't premium objects, so on the next screens will be changed.. :huh?:
  18. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    Kind of Reminds of the Old Runescape textures. Anyway I quite like this
  19. FlamingDragon96

    FlamingDragon96 Shark Slayer

    I like those texture packs that change the theme entirely, this one does it in a way that fits KAG but at the same time its another theme.
  20. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    My bro is in hospital, that's why I didnt do anything new with my TP, but this is not what I wanted to write.

    On sunday or monday I'm going to add a catapult or outpost and improve some blocks.
    Then I'll add a link or attach files to download!

    I could do it today, without catapults, etc; but there is one or two blocks that I need to improve. Also, the GUI requires some changes. When I share files, I look forward to any comments / suggestions and proposals that will help me to improve this texture pack.

    Currently, almost everything looks like in the previous screenshots.
    </br>--- merged: Aug 6, 2012 9:45 PM ---</br>
    Yeeeahh I released BETA version of my texture pack. Ofc many thinks still needs to be changed, improved, etc. but for me it looks great. I think you'll like what I changed for now. Cata is ehem.. :D I forgot to restore the original version. I'll do that for few minutes and reupload files..


    Download! Test and dont forget to comment! Let me know, what u think about it.

    *Download in the first post.