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Does admin hawe rights to ban you if you own him/her?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by timmiolen, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. timmiolen

    timmiolen Bison Rider
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    Does admin hawe rights to ban you if you own him/her?
    for example: admin says: i didnt talked to you! You awnser:you sust did.

    I did not say anything disparagingly!
    and he/she sust banned me -_-
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.
  2. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Admins (red name) yes. Bascily its there server and they can do whatever they wannt. Talk to the server owner if you have something about admins.

    Guards (green name) shouldnt do that and its forbbiden for us to do so.
  3. timmiolen

    timmiolen Bison Rider
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    nah i tought only the admins not guards :)
    thx for info :thumbs_up:
  4. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    Admins Cannont ban other admins.

    Me: Your a douche admin
    Other Admin: Fuck you
    OtherAdmin /rcon /ban froghead48 999
    Me: nice Try......
    Me: still here (:

    It just doesnt work.
    timmiolen likes this.
  5. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    If guards banned everyone who own them, there would be no one to play with.

    But admins can kick guards, too bad we can't kick devs.
    But soon, with seclevs, we will be able to do it >: D
    /rcon /ban MM reason: "Shieldbashing is bugged, go back to coding"
  6. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    admins (red name) can do whatever they please, it's their server. If they want to ban everyone who comes to their server, it's only their problem that nobody will come there to play.

    Guards have a fairly strict set of conduct guidelines they should be following, however with seclevs we are hopefully on the way to phasing them out
    Noburu likes this.
  7. ImAwesome

    ImAwesome Haxor

    /rcon /ban Geti reason: "Theres a pixel missing on _____,go fix it..NOW!
    /rcon /ban Shadlington reason: Theres an issue on the forums,go fix it!
    /rcon /ban Furai reason: someone speedhaxed,theres a video of it,and you haven't banned him,do it now!
    /rcon /ban SirSalami reason: Update the manual,now!
    /rcon /ban jrgp reason: Problem with the website,fix it!
    /rcon /ban FliesLikeABrick: Problem with servers,fix it!
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.