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Kag crashed!

Discussion in 'General Help' started by luizffgv, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. luizffgv

    luizffgv Haxor

    My kag is crashed, i tried to put a texture pack, and i cant enter in kag, someone can give me the "Base" folder?
  2. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    just redownload? or go into your downloads folder (if your on a really tight internet plan or something) and run the installer.
    it'll autoupdate if you do do that.

    Otherwise i do not no why it is crashing you have probably messed around with a configs spelling or something :P
    luizffgv likes this.
  3. luizffgv

    luizffgv Haxor

    Ok, thank you.
  4. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Or do this. Put a Duplicate KAG in another folder . Just Copy or use Duplicate KAG if your KAG main crashes or bugs itself. No need to install just update :D
    luizffgv likes this.
  5. luizffgv

    luizffgv Haxor

    Thank you delan, is a good idea.
    delankski likes this.