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New Trap?

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by RobertStephenson, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. RobertStephenson

    RobertStephenson Builder Stabber

    I just thought of this new trap people don't really fall for spike traps anymore and it will only work on the opposing team. Because there are no premium Items on Sandbox I put gold blocks down where the boulders would go. It would take some time to dig though. What do you think about it? Trap2.JPG Trap.JPG Trap2.JPG Trap.JPG Trap2.JPG Trap.JPG
    Gonf, Stevedog and ComboBreaker like this.
  2. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    59% time.
    29% death because of " It would take some time to dig though."
    And knights may enter the base and kill the builder (The one who's making that kind of trap).
    9% Not effective.
    Why not effective? The first picture answers the question.. Because of the collapse trap, knights can go left or right to evade the collapse.
    The 2nd picture is easy knights can dig dirt blocks and notch it up.
    And the last problem is , SPACE COST/Lack of area to build the 2nd Trap. :)
    3% Great for Boulders.
    I'm not barely disagreeing with your trap's effectiveness.
    But the word "IMPROVE" may help your traps to be enhanced and upgraded to make it more effective.
    Edit: Sorry if my words are hurting your haert ..
    I talk like "Straight to the Point".
    And if you have a haert attack,
    Consult this person , he may help you.
    Lord_bugg and RobertStephenson like this.
  3. BlackKlit

    BlackKlit Shopkeep Stealer

    Completely agreed. Efficience of the trap is core of it's usability. So in battle you'll need only small, fast-to-build traps with high death coefficient like shredder.But this idea can work in long corridors where enemies goes in groups. Need also reusability of the trap, so boulder should be replaced back to his starting position;)
    Chinizz and RobertStephenson like this.
  4. RobertStephenson

    RobertStephenson Builder Stabber

    I know the second one isn't practical.But on the first one if there was a wall two spaces in on the left side and it wasn't as deep do you think that would make it work as a trap?
  5. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Nice idea,but unfortunately at the current state it is not practical.Also,Im a bit skeptical on boulder's effectivness if it simply falls down,without beeing thrown.Have you tested how many hearts a falling boulder will take away from it's victim?
    Cudos for trying to create something original.
  6. ArpiG

    ArpiG Shopkeep Stealer

    Nice idea,but,I haven't seen many spike traps on Gold Servers.I mostly played on my friends account on water and zombie servers...so yea...
  7. RobertStephenson

    RobertStephenson Builder Stabber

    I made two new ones in a game and they actually worked more affectivley than spike traps one of them were like this, boulder would go where the cog is. Water was to the left so to get over to the base they went through this.
    :castle_wall: :gear: :castle_wall:

    The other was like the first one I posted except it had a compartment for boulders two would fall and smash the opponents heads. Also it was less than half the length and width. ;)
    Guitarman, Gonf and BlackKlit like this.
  8. ShadowFire2010

    ShadowFire2010 Haxor

    nice idea and number one and 2 could be used in free to play as well since you could use block physics as boulders Great Idea you are simply genius
    Gofio and RobertStephenson like this.
  9. RobertStephenson

    RobertStephenson Builder Stabber

    Thanks :B):
  10. BlackKlit

    BlackKlit Shopkeep Stealer

    I think the main advantage of boulders is that it cannot be simply removed by workers or knights, and they will easily make butthurt for any enemy:DIf it will be enhanced with some kind of reusability, some kind of manual control by nearby lever or smth like this, I will use this type of trap often:B):Anyway it's cool. Really.
    RobertStephenson likes this.
  11. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    That...........is a big hole. Instead of digging this hole, you could ladder spam the enemy base and win.
    Chinizz likes this.
  12. Bunnyboy

    Bunnyboy Haxor

    Looks good, but its way too time consuming.
  13. RobertStephenson

    RobertStephenson Builder Stabber

    This one takes about 5 minutes gold is where the boulders would go and you can put as many as you would like.

    Newer Trap.png
  14. Here are my opinions on them.


  15. RobertStephenson

    RobertStephenson Builder Stabber

    I said the first one was impractical and the second one doesn't need to be that wide or deep. 1 bomb would collapse the door but it isn't needed at all the only point of that was to collapse. But the newest trap I've made(In the post directly above you) is a lot better than both of these especially with a back wall. (That I forgot to add)
  16. No offence, but the 3rd one is still pretty bad in my opinion. It can be offensive builder'd pretty easily. Most practical tower can prevent it, but this one... I dunno.
  17. chmauro

    chmauro Shipwright

    I like them, but a trap isn't always meant to kill someone. They also need to be less time consuming and easily made! Have you tried just fooling them by making them go the wrong way or even by destroying their only way up?

    To elaborate;


    While they are trying to break into the bottom door (not knowing what is behind it). You can prepare stuff to drop on them, or try to stop laughing at their derp faces when they see the bedrock.
    BlackKlit and RobertStephenson like this.
  18. flipperz

    flipperz Shopkeep Stealer

    Why did you make an example of a trap that cannot exist, really an imaginary cog?
  19. RobertStephenson

    RobertStephenson Builder Stabber

    I said in the post that the boulder will go where the cog is.
  20. Bunnyboy

    Bunnyboy Haxor

    I like it the shorter version, but I think you should replace the gold with a bomb shop or beds.