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New Trap?

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by RobertStephenson, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. ArpiG

    ArpiG Shopkeep Stealer

    you need to attach that bridge to the left to the one on the right so it will open, otherwise, the boulder will remain there...
  2. flipperz

    flipperz Shopkeep Stealer

    okay whats with all this boulder stuff, last time i checked they dont hurt you unless thrown?
  3. RobertStephenson

    RobertStephenson Builder Stabber

    No they hurt if they are dropped too.
  4. BlackKlit

    BlackKlit Shopkeep Stealer

    Do anybody knows will it be extra-high damge if boulder will be dropped from a height? Because if it so, we can use boulders to real instant-kill anybody, just dropping this from tower or using in a trap... Also what i think:
    Gofio and RobertStephenson like this.
  5. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    you sure are retarded. of course the gold blocks arent gold blocks, they are the place where you put boulders.
    AnRK and RobertStephenson like this.
  6. GreenArrow17

    GreenArrow17 Shark Slayer

    I love the idea of boulder kills keep it up
    RobertStephenson likes this.
  7. Gonf

    Gonf Base Burner

    Its fantastic to see innovative traps using the newer mechanics. Even though it would be impractical in most cases, with some tampering a creation like this could be arranged:

    Boulder Drop.png

    Of course, like in all your examples, the gold represents the boulder.
    The half broken back wall block above the boulder would be replaced with a regular stone block, its simply there to help to see the boulder.

    I don't know much about boulder physics, so please tell me if it wouldn't work.
    RobertStephenson likes this.
  8. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    I actually don't play on Premium servers much and whenever I host I normally trade the mechanics workshops for tunnels or so but this thread has showed me the use of boulders :D I like :)
    RobertStephenson likes this.
  9. brauk

    brauk Catapult Fodder

    the trap me and inkspasm used to build on Mole server did alot of dmg but took alot of$ and time to build but be carefull with it as it can be greifed and get you blamed for it
    picture: bomber.png bomber2.png
    RobertStephenson likes this.

    MINIMAN Shark Slayer

    I would make it dark to lure in the knights.
    Or they would just pile up andattack that door next to the land.