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Questions? Post here

Discussion in 'Beginner Box' started by Kouji, May 8, 2012.

Mods: Gurin
  1. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    If you have any questions that don't need their own thread. Post here, and you will be answered to as promptly as possible.

    Don't post stupid questions.
  2. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    Can I have a cookie?

    On a serius note when will the new group update come?
  3. ebarn601

    ebarn601 Catapult Fodder

    i keep getting kicked in poutine`s server -=Creative server=-:>:(:
  4. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    That isn't really a question, but anyway.

    You are either doing something wrong, have done something wrong or you are going to do something wrong.

    Sometimes people on servers are obnoxious, don't take it the wrong way and go to a different server.

    That's suggesting that an admin is doing something, or is your kag crashing?

    I am quite sure you are Australian, as this is one of your alt's (BTW your not allowed an alt on the forums) and off memory that server is in France, so insta-kick from ping.
  5. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Group Update - Ask Shad

    Being kicked - What Ghozt said

    Screenshots - You need to find your KAG folder. Enter it, and then you'll see a folder called "Screenshots". That's where your pictures are. Blackscreen shots tend to happen more often when you are in fullscreen and when you use the print screen button.
    You probably should avoid using the print screen button on your computer, unless you are in windowed mode because you won't get anything. Instead use the in game button for pictures. Just make sure you press F4 and not F3 or F5 as only F4 takes pictures. I know sometimes I've pressed those others by accident so when I go look for them, they aren't there.
  6. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    I have a question.

    Why is there no 'like' button in the "Beginner Box" in general, there was a like button on posts, no it is gone (Look at the stickied posts, some have 15 odd likes, but no like or un-like button?).
  7. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Because I don't want people spamming this place up just because they want a higher post count. Posts here don't count toward you post total, and likes don't count to your like total.
  8. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Plus if the likes counted it would have artificially inflated some people's like;post ratio --> cheapening an already debased currency.
  9. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    I just went to find the like button, argh.
    Fair enough, thanks for the quick reply you two anonymous helpers. :D
  10. Well.. How can I post Gyazo images with links here? It didn't work with the insert image.
  11. mishKa

    mishKa Mayo for everybody. ┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛ Donator

    You need a direct url to the image file. Probably just right click on the image and choose copy img url.
  12. Oh.. good point.. Gyazo made the image website link, like gyazo.com/1ˇ23ˇ231241235125234kfgafg and it wasn't the image link. Thanks.
  13. IrishSmalls

    IrishSmalls Bison Rider

    Hey so I have a mac, and the PC graphics look different than mine..... why? And how can I get the PC graphics?
  14. Bunnyboy

    Bunnyboy Haxor

    Can you please post an image of what the graphics look like?
  15. Jim_Dale

    Jim_Dale Arsonist

    Graphics are the same, (as far as my eyes can discern) it's likely that the graphics you are talking about are a result of one of the following:
    1) "smooth shader", accessible through escape ->settings menu,
    2) "fast graphics", which most notably to new players disables the fancy scenery background and replaces it with blue-white gradient. Is accessible in the same area as smooth shader.
    3) A custom texture pack, which many are available through the nodding section of this forum if you're too lazy to make one.
  16. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    How do you slash? o.O

    Ontopic: with the F6 button, is there something like that that keeps your pointer but removes all the other stuff? Cheers :)
    (and are non beginners allowed to post here?if so I'll delete this :P)
  17. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    F6 technically does love a pointer. It's a white 1 pixel dot. It is small however and hard to see unless you are underground or something. But no, there isn't really anything that keeps you pointer and removes the other stuff.
  18. Antman

    Antman Base Burner

    Is there a sprite for that dot? Or is it just a coded white dot?
    Because if it were a sprite you could change to the curser.
  19. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    NOW :D
  20. STORM1

    STORM1 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    why i can't find my own clan! is someone delete??
Mods: Gurin