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Marble Hornets

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by tlc2011, Aug 16, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    If you value sleep, turn back...​
    (Ignore the music or mute it)​
    I am not responsible for:​
    Bad Dreams​
    'Someone's Watching Me' Feelings​
    Anything Else You May Have​
    If you have any of the following after this:​
    You begin to cough up blood out of nowhere​
    You begin to have cases of amnesia and wake up outside, fully clothed​
    You begin to have nightmares involving a faceless man​
    You begin to draw creepy scribbles of stick figures and the occasional (X)​
    You begin to see the aforementioned faceless man out your window​
    If you have any of the above (or more then one symptom), you're either going crazy or you've attracted unwanted attention. In the case of the former, you're screwed. In the case of the latter, it's much worse then screwed!​
    No, I'm not crazy or going crazy. No, this is not real footage. No, this is NOT in any way dangerous to view. Unless you consider the risk of insomnia dangerous.​
    ----What the hell is this?----​
    This is a webseries about the Faceless Man in the fake health note above. Normally, he's called the Slender Man. Say hello to slenderman. Slenderman returns the gesture and asks if he can rip your organs out and place them in plastic bags. Slenderman is one of the scariest creepypasta monsters in history. He's even got his own damn video game (Slender)... And it's one of the scariest horror games ever made. It's amazing this guy doesn't have a movie series, but that's a good thing - Movies > No one thinks he (Slenderman)'s real anymore > Bad shit happens to Slenderman.​
    .. Alright, let me elaborate with an example: Freddy Krueger. No one believes in him. He has a movie series, nothing else. Now Slender Man. People are double-taking to see if that tall guy in a suit that just walked by has a face. Naturally, it's kinda stupid to do that since Slendy rarely moves on-screen in anything, but they're still scared of him anyway.​
    See what i mean? Slendy's scary, Freddy's crummy.​
    The Slenderman is replacing the Bogeyman, and... Well, he's just not in film yet. Once that happens, everything will go downhill for him.​
    ----Okay...What the hell is this?----​
    A man named J or Jay (last name unknown, get used to it - Lots of people in this are like that) coerces his friend Alex Kralie into giving him tapes for his film-school student film, Marble Hornets.​
    He later finds what becomes Entry 1: A short tape of Alex in his house. He looks out the window, sees "The Operator" (Slender Man) - And The Operator looks back. He ducks out of view of the Operator, still holding the camera, and just like that, Jay gets the Operator's attention.​
    The series, at least looks like it's nearly over. However, it might not be. No one except the creators (Troy Wagner and some other guy who plays Alex) know when it'll end.​
    Shit hits the fan at entry 1.​
    A bucket of it hits the fan after entry 19.​
    A truck of it hits the fan after entry 52.​
    It goes on and on and blah blah blahrdy blarhg.​
    Watch a few of the videos.​
    You'll understand.​
    If that was shitty, I just wasted a couple minutes of your life.​
    ... Watch the series anyway.​
  2. Masery

    Masery is actually Maroon Donator

    I've watched this entire series before, a year or two ago..
    Very scary..
  3. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    Now, now - We don't want people getting scared to watch it, do we?

    But i agree:

  4. Bunnyboy

    Bunnyboy Haxor

    Is that Slender man? 0_o scary stuff, If you want to play the game remember to wear a diaper. I think there is also a movie coming out soon... Wait, I think it's already out. :D
  5. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    If you're talking about the Tall Man film, it's not about Slender Man.


    It would be awesome to see a Slender Man movie.
Mods: BlueLuigi