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MODDING FAQ's and Need-to-knows.

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG Classic]' started by Saverous, Jul 22, 2012.


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  1. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    OK. I'm getting tired of this. Instead of me answering the same question over and over again, I'm creating this FAQ and Need-to-know thread. Feel free to ask questions here.


    1. Most of the modding content is in the BASE File in KAG.
    2. Thats about it.
    3. Number 2.
    4. Number 3.
    2. Most config files are read by using Notepad (can be achieved by right clicking then open with=notepad).
    3. Thats about it.
    4. Just kidding. Sometimes, your custom shops won't work, probably due to compatibility.

    If you want a more in-depth answer, just ask and i'll explain it. Most of the answers are brief and require a fair bit of Reasoning and brains

    Q. derr, I want to get bombs in Swordfight!
    A. Go into the Knight.cfg file in Rules, Swordfight. Then go to the bomb part and change it.

    Q. errhr, I want to get Builder in Swordfight!
    A. Copy a builder.cfg file and paste it in Swordfight. Then load it from team 1 and/or team 2. (Rules/Swordfight/builder.cfg; )

    Q. herrrrrrr, I want more items in Zombie Survival.
    A. Copy any item you want then paste it, rename it, then configure it to your liking. Make sure that you load the item function in the Zombie Room then make a shop load it.

    Q. nierhm, I want to add a custom class!
    A. You cannot, so far, you cannot. Just no... you can't. There can only be Builder, Archer and Knight. You can only modify them, not create new classes.

    Q. nyaarrrrr, How do I add bots to a sever?
    A. Use your eyes and your minuscule brain before asking this question.

    Q. derrrh, I want to make my gamemode!
    A. Sure! Go ahead, just make a Singleplayer variant of it first. You can include Premium or non-premium content to your liking.

    Q. derpppp, How do I load Texture packs?
    A. You download it then load it by going into each respective class and typing the file name or overwriting the original texture.

    Q. Nerhhh, I want water in Singleplayer!
    A. First get premium, then go to FullCTF and then go into Gamemode. Next, copy the line at the bottom of the file to which it relates to water. Then paste that in whatever gamemode you want. Oh and when you go in, make sure you press "home" key and type: /sv_gold_only 1.

    Q. grere, I want wood in Singleplayer!
    A. Copy Builder blocks and builder.cfg files from FullCTF and paste it in whatever gamemode you want. Then check everything is loaded properly and in conjunction with the above question, type /sv_gold_only 1.

    Q. raerrrr, I want to make my own shops!
    A. You can do that by scripting them in the XXX Rooms files. Just follow the format the other shops are in and type away. You can make your own sprite shops or load it with the default shops. Personally, I've made some shops, on your request, I can make them fore you.

    Q. merrw, I want to spawn Bison!
    A. Go to Zombie Director, add a line and it will spawn depending on the frequency value you gives.

    Q. plrerer, I want to lower the difficulty of Zombies
    A. Go into each respective zombie file and lower the damage or health values. You can also remove the collision with them.

    Q. errr, I want to make my own texture pack!
    A. Ok, go do that, I can't help you with it. There are several programs that help you (IE Paint.net). Remember that the sprites are pixellated so each and every pixel creates a picture. This takes quite a long time so before you have a crack at it, plan it out.

    So thats about it, I will come up with more question once I think about it.
    Feel free on commenting!
    delankski likes this.
  2. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber


    Thanks Saverous, this will help many players that want to MOD things easily.
    Saverous likes this.
  3. Dolphindalt

    Dolphindalt Catapult Fodder

    Q. raerrrr, I want to make my own shops!
    A. You can do that by scripting them in the XXX Rooms files. Just follow the format the other shops are in and type away. You can make your own sprite shops or load it with the default shops. Personally, I've made some shops, on your request, I can make them fore you.

    Q. merrw, I want to spawn Bison!
    A. Go to Zombie Director, add a line and it will spawn depending on the frequency value you gives.
    The info is very helpfull and I appreciate it. Unlike other delanskis.:>:(:
    You said you would make us some shops. I realy don't understand the
    spawning bison and how to make shops. I've seen someone make a
    shop were you buy bison and zombie helppers. Could you make
    that and other shops for me? ;)
  4. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    Yeah here my zombie shop from my gamemode:

     ZOMBIEPORTAL; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Smith Custom.png; Summon Zombies to annihliate your enemies!! $KEY7$; ZombieKnight; w2, g2, s2; 
    then for the function:

     ZombieKnight; zombie; Entities/Items/ZombieKnight.cfg; Entities/Items/Sprites/ZombieKnight.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 0; 16; Buy me to demolish castles and everything!!!; c3; 
    tell me if you don't understand any of them
  5. dylamb

    dylamb Catapult Fodder

    Saverous, how do you install your shop?
  6. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    You go to the room file, probably zombie room and insert the function down the bottom of the script.
    Then, you insert the actual shop file in the same format as the other shops you see. Remember to make sure the spacing is in line.
    The function file also needs to be formated
  7. Beepo

    Beepo Asian Faggot Donator
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    need whelp on da Bison one please =D
  8. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    How can I increase the digging/attack speed of builders in Zombie Fortress single player?
  9. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    # class modding
        # builder
        build_speed = 8
        builder_hitspeed = 14
        # knight
        knight_drawtime = 1
        knight_maxthrow = 120
        knight_maxpower = 28
        knight_speed = 13
        shield_stomp_velocity = 5.25
        max_bombs = 3
        shieldbash_push_factor = 2.0
        max_shieldbash_push = 3.5
        min_shieldbash_horiz_vel = 1.15
        clientside_shieldbash = 0
        shieldbash_uppysidey_ratio = 0.4
        shieldbash_knockdown = 15
        # archer
        build_arrow_speed = 25
        archer_dig_speed = 30
        archer_drawtime = 23
        archer_maxpower = 66;
        archer_nodamage_vel = 1.0
        archer_max_vel = 15.0
        archer_slow_arrow_damage = 0.5
        archer_normal_arrow_damage = 1.0
        archer_charged_arrow_damage = 1.5
        # knockdown
        sword_knockdown = 12
        small_sword_knockdown = 0
        arrow_knockdown = 0
        charged_arrow_knockdown = 12
        # misc
        arrows_buy_amount = 10
        resupply_time = 180
    # end class modding
    Into KAG\Base\Rules\Zombie_Survival's gamemode.cfg
    Then edit builder_hitspeed=14
    I'm pretty sure the lower the number the faster builders hit. Make a backup of your edited gamemode.cfg because Vanilla game modes/rooms get wiped by the defaults every update. It'd be cool if you could add your own menus/buttons and tricked out bling to the single player menus.
  10. Beepo

    Beepo Asian Faggot Donator
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    I got kicked out of my own server for hacking -_- xD
  11. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    Yeah if the speed is too high your server will assume you're speed hacking. Theres a seclev to fix that.
  12. unclearimage

    unclearimage Builder Stabber

    Q: Why is Saverous so rude and arrogant?

    You know how to mod a game in Alpha stages last time I checked you're not God.

    Or are you... lemme check with NASA I think they're the expert on things like this...

    EDIT: I talked to NASA and they said not to call them anymore, but they assured me it was highly unlikely Saverous was God.
  13. KingGoldZX

    KingGoldZX Shopkeep Stealer

    i dont know how to lower zombie diffulcalty can someone tell me and make it easiser to understand than whats sav said
  14. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    Head over to KAG\Base\Entities\Managers
    Open ZombieDirector.cfg
    Scroll down to:
    @$_entitys = Entities/Actors/Zombie.cfg, 2;
    Entities/Actors/Skeleton.cfg, 1;
              Entities/Actors/Wraith.cfg, 15; 
              Entities/Actors/ZombieKnight.cfg, 40;
              Entities/Actors/Greg.cfg, 26;
    Edit the number after the configs, the number basically controls how often the zombie will spawn. Like skeletons has 1; they'll spawn extremely often and every night, the higher the number the less you'll see them for a while. If you want a more complex explanation here:
    Yeah this is a pretty bad FAQ, it's not really telling players how to do anything...
  15. unclearimage

    unclearimage Builder Stabber

    I just don't understand how people start posting, online, in a community in such a rude and disrespectful manner and gets respect FOR it and expects to be respected. I'm an arrogant bastard, I have a tendency to troll away my sarcasm with the best of them. But this is just childish.
    Contrary and BeasterDenBeast like this.
  16. KingGoldZX

    KingGoldZX Shopkeep Stealer

    HEY CAN someone plz tell me how to add moe blood and gore and gibin (dismembering) in da game like i jus wanna add more blood in swordfight and zombies
  17. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    For zombie gore \KAG\Base\Entities\Actors
    Want more blood? Edit:
    f32_blood_multiplier = 8.0
    Want more gibs? This is a bit tricky if you don't understand the variables yet. Here are the gib settings for a normal zombie. (You don't need to insert this its already in the ordinary Zombie.cfg)
        $sprite_gibs_start = *start*
        #head or ribcage
        $gib_type = static_particle
        $gib_file = Entities/Actors/Sprites/ZombieGibs.png
        u8_gib_count = 1
        u8_gib_style = 1
        u8_frame_width = 8;
        u8_frame_height = 8;
        @u8_gib_frame = 0; 1;
        $gib_collide_sound = Sounds/bodypart?.wav
        f32_gib_mass = 1.5
        u8_gib_emit = 15
        f32_velocity = 8.0
        f32_offset_x = 0.0
        f32_offset_y = -5.0
        $gib_type = predefined
        $gib_style = zombie
        u8_gib_count = 1                    #number of gibs
        @u8_gib_frame = 1; 2; 3;
        f32_velocity = 5.0
        f32_offset_x = 0.0
        f32_offset_y = 0.0
        $gib_type = predefined
        $gib_style = zombie
        u8_gib_count = 5
        @u8_gib_frame = 4; 5; 6; 7;
        f32_velocity = 10.0
        f32_offset_x = 0.0
        f32_offset_y = 0.0
        #$gib_type = entity
        #$gib_style = zombie
        #$gib_config = Entities/Actors/ZombieHand.cfg
        #u8_gib_count = 2
        #f32_velocity = 10.0
        #f32_offset_x = 0.0
        #f32_offset_y = 0.0
        $sprite_gibs_end = *end*
    Since I'm terrible at teaching I'm just going to tell you to boost these certain variables to whatever you wish.
    u8_gib_count = Controls the amount of gibs that are shot out
    f32_velocity = Controls how far the gibs move
    @u8_gib_frame = Controls what frames are used from the sprite sheet youre using.

    For player gore \KAG\Base\Sprites
    Files with the words gibs or blood in them are the ones you want to tinker with in an image editing program. Until players get their own configs you have to work with sprites.
  18. KingGoldZX

    KingGoldZX Shopkeep Stealer

    thx man and dood i tried your code to edit builder speed i also tried dat with the archer yet the arrows dont a pair nor do they do damage can u help?
  19. Inkognito

    Inkognito Catapult Fodder

    About own shops: I am trying to let the player buy a skeletron that then follows him and he can give orders like in the zombie fortress mode. But is this even possible?

    This does not work, if the "recruit bot" thing would work - how?

    My room syntax:
              PORTAL WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; $KEY7$ to recruit monsters from hell!; Skeleton, Zombie; w100, s100;
    Room function:
                      Skeleton; Skeleton; Entities/Actors/Apocalypse_Skeleton.cfg; Entities/Actors/Sprites/Skeleton.png; d; 0; 32; Skeleton; g2;
                      Zombie; Zombie; Entities/Actors/Apocalypse_Zombie.cfg; Entities/Actors/Sprites/Zombie.png; d; 0; 32; Zombie; g4;
    Did I something wrong or is it not possible at all?
  20. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    If you want him to follow your character around use the Migrant CFG, I think that is the only one you can order around.