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King Arthur's Role-Playing Server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by VanHuek, Aug 5, 2012.


Is this a good idea and would you like it put into action?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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Mods: jackitch
  1. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    If used in the right context - I fully agree. But as you see, a barrage of slurs directed at a player (not a char) is sadly the more common use.

    </br>--- merged: Aug 24, 2012 12:54 PM ---</br>

    Yet another prove of your other lack of attention and reading ability, however if you could read... you would have seen this in the first post: http://imgur.com/a/i2lKw
  2. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    People, It's hard to read Chats if you're distracted .. If you only know what I'm doing now..
    ( lack of attention and reading ability ) Sorry If I have this, because I was talking to other people who's complaining about Gods stuff and Other people who talks about restoring the base and you talking to me. It's hard to talk In that way.
  3. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor


    At least you are admiting that you would ban and punish the wrong people - because you can't be bothered to READ something put into the chat a dozen times.

    If the world would care about this little game, it would weep.
  4. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Wth!?! Ban the wrong people!? Did I? I don't ban people. I'm an Admin that warns people, and I don't want to ban people. I just ban people (People that does BAD THINGS)

    PLEASE. There are plenty of Mods on that time.
    </br>--- merged: Aug 24, 2012 1:03 PM ---</br>
    Hold on , I'll check the chat log.. To know who bans people that time.
  5. TheCrusader

    TheCrusader Shopkeep Stealer

    ZeTHtb, its not that he can't be bothered to read its that he can't read English as well as we do. He's from the Philipines, so don't be harsh on him.
    Oh and delanksi hardly ever bans. Delankski, freeze the people who grief and don't roleplay, and warn them to obey the rules.
    delankski likes this.
  6. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    -_- Insult? I can read English. Sorry If I have a bad grammar/Nazi.

    Well Anyway ZeTH , No one Kicked/Banned that time.
    (BTW I get DCed Sometimes, maybe someone is banning when I'm not in the server.)
    But the true is No MOD/Admin kicked or banned a player on that time.
  7. TheCrusader

    TheCrusader Shopkeep Stealer

    I said you "can't read as well as we do" or don't read as fast as us, not that you can't read English :P
  8. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Yes I meant it like that. I can read English and Understand it as fast as you do.:p
  9. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    See the screenshot... not being able to read and then making false claims without ANY evidence or bias, against the wrong person, is just utterly disrespectful to his own position.

    Imagine there is a break in. You call the cop. The cop doesn't show up until hours later, then he shots you in the foot and helps the robber carry the stuff out, while saying "me no english" (while chatting fluently with the robber and winking).
  10. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Ok , Ok DO YOU WANT ME, TO Kill the robber?
    You now, we could fix it easily. Fix the problem instead of making it more controversial/a big issue but small things of happening.
    And I told that "It SEEMS that Wolf bla bla did not something bad" , because I DIDN'T RECEIVE THE ALERT. The alert the One that tells you "NAME - Collapsed XXXblocks" .. And what I believed that time is no one is actually griefing.
    Sorry If I said that SMALL words that made this Problem bigger...

    Who did I ban?
  11. TheCrusader

    TheCrusader Shopkeep Stealer

    Del, O.o I wouldn't expect people to read that fast unless its their native language!!! Well, sorry if I offended you!

    ZeThtb, read the posts Delankski makes, he hasn't banned/kicked anybody and he was distracted about other people complaining about gods being OP. He didn't recieve an alert about collapses anyway, its not his fault that the anti-grief machine/engine doesn't work. Just cause delankski can't multitask doesn't mean he's not a bad admin. Bedides Ruleral and Rayne both guards were on so they could have banned griefers/non-rps etc. Raron might still have been on too. You're shifting the blame completely on to Delankski while at least 2, maybe 3 other people could have helped you while Delanksi was busy.
    delankski likes this.
  12. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    It's ok , it doesn't offend me, infact it makes me laugh :P

    Well that's what I'm trying to say/tell Zeth.
    It's hard to Administrate a server if you're alone and when everyone's RPing and Others are whining/asking/complaining.
    Like I'm a blackhole sucking a planet at my right side and a sun at my left side.
    = POKER FACE / Dafuq's happening ?
    Ok to stop this kind of situation.
    Approach me / get near to me instead of Far speaking.
  13. TheCrusader

    TheCrusader Shopkeep Stealer

    The other 3 guards weren't really doing their job anyway, Ruleral and Rayne were up in Asgard being OP gods, and Raron was trying to kill them both with me and Justi :D
    </br>--- merged: Aug 24, 2012 2:21 PM ---</br>
    Guys, if you need sprites for the different races I can update some from old packs, or create new sprites entirely. Right now I have a folder for each of the races, (including bandits and gods) and sprites for each of them that I can update.
    -Grey-, BlueLuigi and delankski like this.
  14. On griefers and admins, broken towers and dead dreams...
    My two cents:

    Get straight to the point, clarify and rectify the point, state your case on the griefer that is rational to the admin. Admins don't see all, unless in spectator mode. People make mistakes, but from where I see, others need to vouch//back up that claim for it to be more reasonable.

    Reading those screenshots (very accurate ones, too), just state that X is griefing, what your account on it is, and not an attack on the admin for missing it out, especially in a condescending tone. While your act is justified in the manner that you obviously have the right to bring down justice on the foo', don't extend that act of vindication to those who you're asking it from.

    The chat box is a pretty small space for sight, and the quips others make in it doesn't help the case. A destroyed building falls within the span of >5 seconds...Patience. ;)

    Also...I think we need a rule regarding bigotry and usage of swear words in the RP...I'm seeing too many uncouth louts roving around and spamming the chat with trashtalk.


    I find the bolded statement partly insulting from what you may be insinuating :p . Just because delankski is a Filipino (Pinoy pride, bro!) doesn't mean that English isn't his forte. :I
  15. TheCrusader

    TheCrusader Shopkeep Stealer

  16. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    Vanhuek is the one that made that rule, not us. Your only here to try to get Potato banned? That is just sad. You are taking things way to seriously.

    Like I said earlier I don't understand why everyone gets offensive when they are frozen or banned for 10 minutes, and honestly if you think we are bad admins then how about you give us constructive feedback instead of the negative whining that constantly goes on in this thread. This is not directly pointed at you Ne3zy, its more for everyone to understand. Above all though, we are only HUMAN, we make mistakes just like everyone else.
    </br>--- merged: Aug 24, 2012 7:41 PM ---</br>
    What do you mean they were being Op gods? If i'm mistaken being a God is only for Shadlington.
  17. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    Well I don't think he wants you to abuse your admin's powers, does he ?

    Try it, losing your time being frozen or waiting to play something is really cool !

    I did, with 3 differents messages explaining what happened and what would'nt have happened !

    Ok but why should I be banned for a mistake I didn't made and potatoe should'nt be ban for a mistake he made, it's not logical ?
  18. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    Me says this:

    U need read english. Is ok.
    I send you, many many times. You no read. Is ok.
    You blame wrong ppl and still no read? Not so ok.


    Next time, just have a monkey role over keyboards, blaming randrom people and maybe you'll even out on admin quality : ) - English isn't my nativ language either, but he can fling false claims in perfectly fine english... strange, huh? And he can type whole, nice sentences while alt tabbed, yes? Easy minds are easily fooled...

    In case we need it more simple:

    "He did it. Not me."
  19. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    what are you talking about :huh?:
    ZeThtb likes this.
  20. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    To the folks that came here to whine about admins:

    We play in this server for fun, we don't own you anything (it's not like you're paying us). All we have to do is take some time while we play to check up on people who don't follow the rules. I know that the admin system on this server have many issues (the map is too big, you can't find a player quickly, there are too many teams, you can't easily freeze someone at distance if you don't know his team, rules are not solid and open to interpretation at some points, butthurt kids don't understand that we can't see everything, admins are too kind with assholes, we are not able to know who started a random fight, people keep trying to revenge kill and have no respect to other folks territory... just to point a few).

    Now please stop posting here, we know about those problems and we are working on solutions.
    Also keep in mind that if I get you acting like a spoiled child on the server I will ban you. Whiners are not welcome + I like to ban people.

    Now to the other folks:

    I'm making a mod for the RP server, it's almost done (it's probably the biggest mod ever made for kag), but I need a hand with the sprites (it's a lot of work). If you already made some sprites for kag before and want to help please post here.
Mods: jackitch
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