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King Arthur's Role-Playing Server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by VanHuek, Aug 5, 2012.


Is this a good idea and would you like it put into action?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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Mods: jackitch
  1. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    When you see this you'll be MINDFCKED :D
    And we got a badass over here.:p

    Looks like a maze.

    That's the best orkish home.
  2. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Well, when looking at an Orkitekt's mind, you have to remember that he is an orc. Orcs love things like killing, stabbing, eating, killing, hunting, killing, killhunting, etc. This base is conceived in the mind of a race who believe that their warriors are simply the best there is, and who would have a fabulous time were it a fight to the death.

    The orcs who woul live in that delightfully designed squat would always design against running away if they can; if we run away, who is going to kill our enemies for us? Who, I ask you?!
    Gofio and delankski like this.
  3. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Vouching for SinZero for administrator :)
    He's a great RPer and follows the rules strictly (not so strict)
  4. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    I saw youre online, boxpipe keeps fucking around, killing people for no reason. hes doing it right now.
    you guys seriously need more admins.
    delankski likes this.
  5. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Well other admins didn't do any action to it, so I didn't freeze him .
    And because it's a scenario he created.

    Boxpipe RP'ed earlier like this "I am the Orc warchief , give your gold to me or death and pestilence to your race will be spoken."
    That's a scenario , anyone can handle it.
    Anyways those scenarios can be distinguished easily if you can do some RP tricks like "We don't have gold , yet we do not seek for a fight." Bla bla bla .
  6. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    impossible, people like boxpipe would (I even tried something similiar) not agree and keep killing.
    he even claimed he was in war with the elves, but that is nonsense, because he started without any reasons.
    he never told anyone that you had to pay him, did not give me the chance to do so, STOLE the gold that was brought to pay him after killing the messengers, and after that he did not stop either.
    this is not RP. this is something that should be treated like griefing or hacking. its called: ruining a game.
  7. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    I don't like it when people kill me without reason when playing KAG, so I'm going to live on creative servers, because everyone who kills someone else on KAG is ruining the game.
    Arcrave and Ej like this.
  8. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    first, that is not what I meant, hella.
    its a RP server. to kill someone you need a reason.
    you can simply make up a reason, but then it needs to be a good one.
    "i need food" and "you got close to my home" obviously arent.
    "you destroyed the forrest, and all the animals we used to hunt have left" and "I dont trust you, explain what youve come for, or gtf out"
    ARE reasons to attack someone. even then, you have to explain that, and wait for the other to answer.
    second, i hate creative servers.
  9. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Ah I thought you were there when he RP'ed like that, ok I'll consider this as a report for boxpipe randomly killing. I'll tell this to the other admins .
  10. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    I remember him doing it once before, yeah,
    but that time, he clearly stated that he'd ask money (gold chunks) if you wanted to pass the hill.
    this time, he just started random killing the people that were close to the mountain, while he didnt need to.
  11. TotalPotato

    TotalPotato Haxor
    1. KRPG

    I know these alone are pretty legit reasons to attack but it could be possible not kill, its hard on KAG not to completely murder people but if you do kill them (despite it been a roleplay so usually you'd respawn as another character) the moment they spawn they will go and try and kill you causing a endless cycle of killing over something like land or non existent food
    Gofio likes this.
  12. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I know they say not to vote for yourself, but I am going to still apply.
    I am VIP on Get Creative and Get Extra Creative, plus an admin on another Creative Server. I don't know who'd vouch for me, but I am pretty sure a lot of people will still agree I complain a lot about those idiots breaking the rules, even how simple it is for them to pop on the forums real quick if they don't know those simple rules.

    What gets me pissed off the most is Type Killing. Even after you state it's against the rules after they do it to you once, a lot will still constantly doing it, and flipping you off with that stupid little emote, then try to claim it's because they are Orcs, or we're BAD people.

    Now I'm not complaining over admin, as every time I've seen them on, they actually do stuff when needed. It's just you need more on now that this server is getting really big. I am just throwing my name out there and hope you allow me a chance. I'm always on there, you can ask every regular.

    Also let's just toss this in about the editor. I don't like it. I've never used it, never will, because if I wanted to use Editor it'd be to restore a griefed item, or go on single player mode and do it. Otherwise it's not truly fair to the other players.
  13. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    The problem is orcs eat meat, not pansy little plant fairies, which taste like dirt anyways. We want real flesh, warm, and at least slightly fighting! The only way to get that is to eat people, right? So we have to kill them to eat. It's a noble cause to be eaten.
  14. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    "Being hungry" is just an excuse for people to go around killing other players (who want to actually RP) because you're bored. Orcs are suppose to be brutish, yes, but that should mean they go to war easily, or they're over-territorial, or are angered easily. Not that they get to go around killing people who actually want to play because they're "hungry". I personally think that whatever map that is available next NEEDS a built in arena. Then people don't go around saying stupid shit like "I'm hungry", "I'm a rogue", "I'm insane", or just not give any reason at all, and act like it justifies their random killing. They can just go and kill each other over and over in the arena.
  15. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Oh, so you've played on the server, then? That's good, I'm glad someone understands me.
  16. Actually, I was on as well, and during that time Boxpipe clearly stated more than THREE times that he demanded gold for tribute by the end of that night. We waited until then, nothing was given. We then clearly stated that they did not give us the gold, and so we attacked. Like delanski said it was quite a good scenario. You could've avoided the killing by saying such things that he has already said as an example.
    Lancelotz likes this.
  17. Invaders

    Invaders Shark Slayer

    The orcs' bloodlust gets out of hand sometimes though; I've seen orcs attack a race with no provocation (at least form the sect I'm with), and just destroy them.
  18. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    they solve everything (:
  19. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    "Scenarios" are too easily excuses as well. Don't get me wrong, I like scenarios, they keep thing active when everything's getting dull, but a lot of the time people make "scenarios" or rping that THEY want to do, despite the majority of the server does NOT want to play the scenario. The whole point of roleplaying is that everyone plays together and tries to all have fun. You are not competing. Lots of players just want to fight in wars though, so they make up scenarios where they get to attack one group of people despite they not wanting them to. Scenarios are fun when most of the server enjoys it. A good example is when once the server got together and orcs were allowed to attack at night but were passive during the day. They attack the dwarves and the humans forts, and the elves were payed (and some volunteered) to help drive them off. It was actually a whole lot of fun. The difference is that the 90% of the server wanted that, not just a 2 or 3 players in one race.
    Gofio likes this.
  20. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    "Eating" should not be a reason just to go in and kill people. I don't care what type of character they play. The other side has to agree.
Mods: jackitch
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