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King Arthur's Role-Playing Server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by VanHuek, Aug 5, 2012.


Is this a good idea and would you like it put into action?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Clost

    Clost Arsonist

    I totally agree with you Mad.
  2. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Still. It's not up to us to magically know what the fuck happened. It's up to you all to explain it when new people get in. Not kill us and HOPE WE ASK WHY.
  3. Turtleey

    Turtleey Builder Stabber

    I concur. Zee is a great admin.
  4. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    It is up to you to not be a cunt who DEMANDS to know but instead asks.

    It is also up to you to not be an indignant fucker, we don't HAVE to tell you, we CAN however if you ask nicely choose to.

    E: BTW the people who came in just to say that Viking, Zeee etc are 'good', we already have the logs of them asking you guys to say so, so your word here means nothing as it was BEGGED for.
  5. Madbow

    Madbow Horde Gibber

    If you have the chat from the server then you should be able to see what such a great admin Zee is.
  6. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    It says Watch Thread? That means that you are not watching it. If you were, it would say Unwatch Thread. Click the button, then Watch Thread again.
  7. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    How about you get off.Boxpipe is better than you at RP from what ive seen.
  8. FlamingDragon96

    FlamingDragon96 Shark Slayer

    Wth is up with the hating, seems this server is tearing the community apart.

    @Paralogia, what I meant is that it's watching the thread so the button says 'unwatch'.
  9. Zeeee80

    Zeeee80 Haxor

    My thoughts Exactly.
  10. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    The only people who enjoy these people are the same people who are on, start wars against orcs and then demand admins STOP the wars.

    90% of the wars I've been in on this server orcs have NOT started, some asshole comes up and shakes kegs around or kills a few orcs and THEN we start a war because they keep poking us, or they declare war on us for some stupid reason. Then these admins (this one especially zeee) will ban an orc (myself included previously), ban all orcs, kick orcs, or blame orcs. He does this all the time, and also plays on dwarves (OP race), has been in these doing so and abused his editor privs during these times of war, and when the good players that play on orcs generally go ahead and beat the shit out of the dwarves he gets mad, edits it out and demands we give it back.

    He's a sore loser and he's left to be an admin, same can be said of Viking and TotalPotato, I haven't seen a good admin that plays dwarf knight at all.
  11. @FlamingDragon96
    It's rather simple why there is. Some people are so buttmad that they are being attacked by the more advanced players, that can RP under the conditions of war and such, while you have the cowards who are getting mad just cause they are being killed. So what if you get killed? You respawn anyways.

    Some people are joining the admins side cause they think it's unfair to say typekill. Typekill is easily abused in the instance that you can type and not get killed.

    There's also that of spawn killing while taking over and outpost. It is stupid to freeze and ban someone for killing them, after all, they're trying to TAKE the outpost, it's not their fault enemies are spawning RIGHT there and ATTACKING them right after they spawn. You should realize that Boxpipe, Blueluigi, and AJ are correct, and that you guys are being irrational and not thinking about how to really fix it.

    Stop arguing, it's pointless as it gets us nowhere, instead focus on how to actually FIX the problems, and not worsen them.
    Lancelotz likes this.
  12. Viking176

    Viking176 Shipwright

    I only wanted to ban you because I saw you grief, you could tell me if the light was accident but i saw it.
  13. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Oh, idk then. Maybe try unwatching then re-watching?
  14. Viking176

    Viking176 Shipwright

    In my opinion, all needs to shut up, half of this complaining is about the 10% of people who shouldnt be on the server for repeated counts of abusing and tearing the rules in half, I've no clue why you complain about me, I try to deal with everyone kindly and not rough. Oh you were spawnkilling after I warned you? 10 minute ban. No hard feelings because most of the admin team would have made it longer which i guess is bad on my part.
  15. Areo

    Areo much doge so swag wow
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    First of all:
    1):Everyone has flaws , Deal with it
    2): Zee is a great admin , So is viking
    3):The players of the community are loosing interest in rp because all people say wars , ITS RP NOT TDM.
    4):Well 90% of you've seen , I've seen the orcs at least attack others 50 friggin times.
    5): This server is a great server , it just needs to be fixed up , Without Zee and viking , i say it would be worse.
    6):Zee did not ask me to do this , He is a great Rp'er and a great friend..You cannot change crap about that.
    Clost and UnnamedPlayer like this.
  16. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Pretty sure you can't just kill people even if they don't ask why they are being killed. It's still considered random killing if they weren't on to be part of the RP leading up to the killing.
  17. McChunks

    McChunks Shark Slayer

    To be honest, I do think that there are two contrasting ideas of roleplay around here.

    It seems like this server has a lot more emphasis on the strict, serious, more text-based roleplaying which many roleplayers have originated from and love.

    While you have others who don't come from large forum roleplaying communities or text-based roleplaying games where you type out all your actions and players don't engage enough.

    So, I mean if you don't like how to server works, you should just start your own server or something.
    And I'm not taking sides, the server does honestly have it's flaws, but I think that the server owner should just run the server the way /they/ want it to run, and have the roleplay work how /they/ think it should work, and if you don't like it like that, then you just shouldn't play on there.

    That's just my opinion.

    I personally come from the school of roleplay where you text roleplay EVERYTHING, and combat is combat but has exceptions where roleplay in injected into it. So it's more engaging and deeply intertwined with the players characters. Obviously, KAG is KAG, so it has limitations at the moment. Fighting it fighting, but you have to remember it's a roleplaying server, not a TDM
    Raelian and DrZaloski like this.
  18. Areo, you obviously haven't been on this server for very long. That would mean that you haven't seen the multiple times Viking abused editor, and Zee froze and banned for bad reasons. Not only that, but I was there when I saw Zee attempting to rally people up just to band against Boxpipe and the others. You can pretty much say he was begging, considering how worried he was over the possibility of getting kicked as an Admin. Why you are taking their side, I have no idea.
    Lancelotz likes this.
  19. Areo

    Areo much doge so swag wow
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    I am taking their side , because everyone has flaws , and i support Zee on this.Viking did ask me to post this , But he just wanted too help this server. You repay him with this , Zee has'nt asked me too do this , And i fully support this..I do not want this too go on , But i rally with zee,
  20. Viking176

    Viking176 Shipwright

    So I abuse editor because I make an underground arena Ramsis said i can because it stops wars?
Mods: jackitch
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