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[514] kl4060's Defensive Front tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by kl4060, Sep 28, 2012.


How would you rate this tower

  1. Very good

    0 vote(s)
  2. Good

    4 vote(s)
  3. Good, but i prefer others

    8 vote(s)
  4. Average

    4 vote(s)
  5. Bad

    8 vote(s)
  6. Rubbish, even a block of wood on the ground would be a better defence.

    18 vote(s)
  1. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    kl4060's tower-edited .png
    Grey- cata nest
    A workshop placed like that to prevent archers with good aim, With a great design of walls and roof sealing the cata.
    Workshops placed like that takes arrow damage for archers allowing them to stay out longer, giving them more accuracy.
    It is made like that and not like this
    Because If we do that we cannot get down.
    And also not like this
    Because then enemy archers can aim through it.
    so i made it double layer for the archers safety.
    It was designed as so to prevent them from getting up. To get up enamys will obviously break the team door. BUT! after breaking them team door they have nothing to stand on and they will fall straight away.
    when your building gets attacked with data the bridge will get hit instead and weaken the cata fire.
    Most people don't know this but, when stone is dropped on the left side of a workshop from 3 block high fall, the stone gets boost, and flys across and will land on the light blue. So you can kill about 10 knights camping there if you are lucky :D
    Its very straight forward, archers can shoot through the gel and kill knights stuck in the spike pit.
    ... its.. a spike pit........
    knights can early destroy spikes with their bombs, which makes the pit useless. So the pit is designed to observe the bombs.
    ... its used to.. observe bombs....
    tell me why there is 2 spoilers

    //edit from Kouji: because you fail at using spoilers and shouldn't have bothered at using other font types

    Attached Files:

    FlyingGroundhog and soulrealm like this.
  2. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    1) Lots of resources....
    2) From what I can see there isn't even a way back into the tower once you get out... :huh?: It's blocked by that block outlined in red.
    3) Ridiculously extravagant spike traps--again a waste of resources
    4) Also ridiculously long bomb chute
    5) Why put a spike trap under the archer spot for the knee-capper?

    The most interesting thing is this part:
    I didn't know that. Maybe you should explain more, possibly in a different thread?
  3. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    red isn't ment to be there sorry
    </br>--- merged: Sep 28, 2012 1:25 AM ---</br>
    sure I will do that later
    ComboBreaker likes this.
  4. And would you like to thank me for your tower?
    kl4060 likes this.
  5. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    thank you
  6. Your color coding is incorrect!

    The bomb chute doesn't need to be that long, you can also block up the sideways access to the knee-capper to make the tower more stable and harder to infiltrate through the bottom.

    Dark green outlined, you should've done what I did, used ladders, ladders allow for people to hang out and do stuff. Your trap bridges do not allow for that, and thus no easy way to collapse/rebuild the collapsible.

    At the top, next to the siege workshop, I think you should put team doors to allow easier access for team mates, as it is already hard for enemies to go up.

    Grey outlined, catapult nest is good, adding a single block overhand on the bottom jaw would allow for better access and protection.

    Dark blue, collapsible, as I stated above, there is no easy way to collapse this.

    Finally, spike pit, you can use a smaller 'Shredder' spike pit for more killing power, easier build and easier fix. Once you have a shredder, you need not worry about them knights/builders stuck in the spike pit. Bomb chutes/pits can be added to the 'Shredder'.
    kl4060 likes this.
  7. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    Good to see people are using them. I already saw 3 people who used this.
  8. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Impossible to build during a clan war but this tower is ok for pub games.
  9. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    lol. i know, I may design one for CW
  10. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    You even been in a clan war? Heck, In some of the cw I have been in we have made bigger buildings then that.
  11. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    We are one of the most active clans on the competitive scene dude but no problem ;)
    kl4060 likes this.
  12. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    In france
  13. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    We have already played against several european clans and we are still looking for opponents. There are our match details on our website and we used to record our clan wars. Any other questions about our clan war activity ?
    kl4060 likes this.
  14. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    Ummm one let me point out. AOE is good but NMS is also pro. Also HOW HE FUCK DID YOU ET IN AOE? your just a show off.
    Ps. Spidey is ma fwend
  15. Like what Paralogia said, too much resources used up in this. Plus with that stone blocking ANYONE from getting in, red can easily add onto the stone making it so no one can get to the red builder while he simply digs right through the tower.

    The workshops blocking archer fire is also a bad idea. Enemy archers gain coins from hitting those, giving them more arrows, thus when the workshop is destroyed you have not only wasted resources, but you have also given enemy archers more arrows.

    The workshop at the top of the tower is also badly placed. Enemy archers or a knight can simply pop a bomb in there and boom, you've lost it.

    The traps are also wasting resources, like the one stone block right beside the team door. It would've been better to simply place ladder or if you want to prevent enemies from accidentally triggering it place a trap bridge.

    I know this post is getting really long, but I really feel the need to point out most of the bad things about this tower. The yellow area is also a problem, as it allows enemies to fall on it and take barely any damage. Especially with an enemy builder, who will just stone above him and dig through the tower.

    The only good thing I can say about this is that if you're lucky to have the other team to be retarded, then it will work.
    Lancelotz likes this.
  16. ImAwesome

    ImAwesome Haxor

    kl40 has already stated that the stone was accidental.
    kl4060 likes this.
  17. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    read what imawesome said

    knight gets killed by dropping stone/spike and archers get killed by our archers and our archers will have better aim.

    its designed so they can't. bombs can't go that far up and archers will be killed,

    that stone beside the door is the most important thing here. read it idiot.

    they can't stone through it. we can kill them with "the stone next to the team door" as you call it.

    I like to see you pass it.

  18. I already knew that person said that the stone wasn't supposed to be there, I simply pointed out that you should've removed it beforehand instead of posting it with the mistake. Now then, your point about the archers simply being better is retarded. You don't simply say "Oh guise my team has best archers i win". No. The odds of your team having every single archer being better than the enemy's is quite low.

    It is not designed for such things. All it takes is for a quick stone wall that builders usually do, and they can get high enough to easily throw a bomb in. Don't forget, knights also tend to fly around the map for no reason, and thus can go flying right into that spot. It is also pretty easy for a knight to simply bomb jump right in there as well, and with nothing stopping him from staying in that spot other than another player, he can just toss another bomb in (if he has one).

    The most important huh? So you're saying that wooden door alone is much better than the whole entire tower? What a stupid thing to say. No, the team door there is bad, it's a waste of resources unless you're in build phase, otherwise you take too long and too much, and placing a wooden door takes more than needs to be taken, especially with such a huge tower.

    Actually, you can easily. You simply fall in and place stone blocks on top of you. The stone block that's supposed to fall would take too long to reach the person. Not only that, but wasting that one stone block for builder? Not a good idea.

    Personally, I would not want to attempt to pass it, simply because of how retarded it looks to me. I don't feel the need to prove myself to some random person that is obviously not taking my advice not too kindly. Sure, I haven't given feedback as to how it can be improved, but I don't feel the need to help you. And please, don't go around calling people idiots just for giving you smart criticism.
    Lancelotz likes this.
  19. Exid

    Exid Shark Slayer

    I will never understand why people make towers like these, there gets to a point of where all attackers will stop mindlessly attacking a tower that is to hard to attack and just catapult it from afar or just start tunneling, you want to convince players that they can beat your tower/trap because being in a defensive position gives you plenty of advantages, but if you make that advantage to obvious they will just find ways to ignore it (tunneling,catapult fire,bomb jumping) and then your tower/trap becomes useless.

    As other people have said before, too many resources are wasted.

    To much time to make.

    the bottom of the tower is extremely vulnerable to entombers, that spike pit won't last long.

    Once inside the tower the main entrances to can be blocked off with two stone blocks, making the rest of the tower useless.

    the top part were the catapult is doesn't really help unless there is a offensive enemy tower.

    This tower would be only good if the ground was green stone and if it was a no catapult or bombjumping game mode.

    Basically this is a fort squeezed down into a compact tower, compact towers can be easily taken over if enemy's get into it, blocked off, easily taken down from catapult fire and tunneled under, the only advantage I can think off is resource reduction (which isn't much since most forts are just back wall) and the ability to repair easier.
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Bunnyboy like this.
  20. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    I like to see you haters pass this tower also if your so good and you got trained by like a god, then beat me.