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King Arthurs Gold video(Promo and tutorial)Need help!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HA1TER, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    As said above.I started to work on some tutorial for new players but i reachd 4 pages of text and pictures and no one will read it,EVER.
    So i decided to make a video,but i need couple of guys to help me.I can record and edit,but i could use some help.
    Promo video;
    -need someone who can make some nice images(story like) whit all 3 classes.
    -need someone who will help to record some building,killing and everything that will make a video interesting.
    -anyone who can make some crazy good song,old/modern mix whit higs and lows

    -need someone whit skills whit archers,knight,builder.
    I will edit this post as i make a plan and some drawings.
    Please dont spam this thread,only serious suggestions are welcome!
    Thank you!
  2. archont

    archont Shopkeep Stealer

    Slow down there fella. A tutorial is nice but there's no need for it right now. Core gameplay concepts are still being defined. One build bridge ladders work, the next they don't (and people get impaled on spikes set by friendly builders - fun!), the next build they're back.

    Besides, why would you need someone who has SKILLS with any of the class? That's not a tutorial, that's a strategy guide. With the new features (tile HP overhaul, room overhaul, resource overhaul, tiered building materials) coming in most of the tutorial work you do today will be useless tomorrow.

    So if you really want a tutorial stick with the basics. Introduction, game overview, how to play archer and knight - nothing more.
  3. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Speaking of which, can we get the damn tutorial squad going, guys? We have one video so far. Also archont, forget "need". People enjoy making videos even if they end up becoming redundant.
    HA1TER likes this.
  4. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    Oh, mark me down for voice now speaking of that. Getting a permanent mic.
  5. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    There already is a fan made trailer.

    It's not bad. Created by a fellow Facepunch member, juGGa, just so you know.
  6. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    I'm down for whatever is needed. I have adobe after effects, and know how to use it quite well. Need random explosions? Done.
    And dwat, there was a significant lack of teabagging in your video. It's not good unless there is teabagging.
    HA1TER likes this.
  7. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Why?New things that come will be recorded and edited again...It is easy when you have everything done,just replace old parts,or compile a new video...
    +1 and liked Neat :D
  8. archont

    archont Shopkeep Stealer

    Because you're not writing ORACLE documentation but recording a tutorial. Some amount of coherence is expected. The few gamedevs that decided to create the tutorial upfront (before the main content was finished) have notoriously bad tutorials.

    Seriously, if you're that inclined just stick to the basics in a 5-minute introduction. Save your enthusiasm for a moment where a strategy guide will remain relevant for more than a week.
  9. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

  10. archont

    archont Shopkeep Stealer

    With that approach your tutorial will be nothing more than a useless video drowning in a sea of unremarkable mediocrity with little practical use to anybody.

    It's your time and effort though. Do as you will.
  11. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Stop trolling. Do you really think saying this stuff is trying to help him and also only concentrating on all the negatives is really wise? Just lay off, especially since he has already asked you to stop posting stuff unrelated to suggestions. People make videos every day, not like it's going to harm youtube or something.
    HA1TER likes this.
  12. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    I will just tell you that i don`t care about anything that people say against something that i want to make and that will make me happy.
    There are others who will share the same thoughts as i do.
    Your posts didn`t have any suggestion on how to make something good or to help in any way,except to discourage us in making something that can maybe help someone.
    Thank you on your opinion!
  13. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    I can't tell if arch is a really bad troll, or just has a stick up his ass.
  14. Chosen

    Chosen Shopkeep Stealer

    Perhaps he just has a rather aggressive personality. I'm not sure if he's breaking any rules though, he is however, not being nice.
  15. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    I did more than 4 pages of tutorials and put them on my website (kag2d.fr). People read them.

    I've got the stats : there were 22000 pageviews for my main page, and 12,000 for the "how to play" guide, and the average reading time is 4 minutes. That's more than 50% of visitors, and they stayed in average 4 minutes on the page, that's not bad :p

    I made tutorial videos, but it takes too much time to make and upload, and sometimes not enough "straight to the point". My class-guides are lists of everything the different classes can do, it takes 1 minute to read, and people can come back if they forgot something, I think it's more useful than a video.

    Well that's my 5 cents :)
  16. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Well,we will try and see how it goes. :D Shoots can always be used in Promo video.
  17. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    We're going to start in a few minutes. If you want to help out, go on the HA IRC.
  18. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    Hmm, did you guys see the tutorial squad thread? Splitting efforts often lead to no effect. You're asking for help but can't help someone else's innitiative yourselves? I don't get it.

    And yeah, it's been pretty much dead since Shad started being busy with RL, but what's the problem of picking it up?
  19. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Well,i wanted to make tutorial and promo videos.So while making shoots for tutorial we take shoots for promo and add shoots from server...e can always merge thread right?But i didnt see any progress in their thread.
  20. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    Combining efforts usually works much better. Anyway, we were making a promo as a part of my projects too, I'll talk to you on IRC about cooperation. ;)