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[514] GCake's Tower Design (Home Base)

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by GCake, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer


    My design of an effective base. Various features include: 2 team friendly spike traps, anti-bomb jump mechanism, archer nest and a catapult nest. Only problem was that it ATE up the resources like a snack. Please give feedback :)
  2. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Hmm, well my big issue is that it's a pain to get over through it. Assume it's facing towards blue (I'm basing this on the cata spot), it's annoying to go up and then down. Also since it only has 1 entrance, and it's at the bottom, it's very easy for knights to just break the first door, and it's even easier for a builder to put a single stone block which prevents everyone on your team from passing it.
    Froghead48 and GCake like this.
  3. BlackKlit

    BlackKlit Shopkeep Stealer

    Agreed. This base has some really big disadvantages:
    - one entrance(I can't count upper onse because it looks like uncompleted archer nest without any exit for knights)
    - lack of materials, you'll never can build this tower on front, also you literally placed spikes everywhere and this isn't good,however
    - stackdoors - one of the most retarded mistakes of builder
    - zero-level entrance - it's just easy to get into your tower and start to marauder inner systems
    And last question. Do you tested it in practice?
    Contrary and GCake like this.
  4. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer

    Thank you. So basically all I need to do is: -
    1. More exits and entrances
    2. More archer nests
    3. NO double doors
    Correct me if I'm wrong
    Also BlackKlit please read the title this wasn't meant to be built on the front lines, more like something that would be placed in front of our flag or DEFINITELY behind another front line tower. The spikes were designed to keep bombjumpers out, although I do go nuts with the spikes sometimes :D and yes I did test it in Sandbox (please don't call me a noob for doing that I don't have any other option). Kouji thanks for the feedback and the tower is facing left, towards red.
  5. BlackKlit

    BlackKlit Shopkeep Stealer

    :yes:Yes, all right. What I want to say you is: "Find your desogn! Find your Balance and Garmony! Find the best solution for your tower's composition! And your tower definitely WILL be effective"Also you'll need to build it up as fast as can, so you will need building sheme and optimisation for materials list. Good luck!;)
    GCake likes this.
  6. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Doors on floor. Enough said. Your tower is useless as hell.

    One knight can rush these doors.
    Guitarman likes this.
  7. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer

    Right...thanks for the positive feedback
    so all I have to do is make a trapdoor booster and raise the door correct?
  8. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Of course! Btw! Its a good tower but you need a lot of materials!
  9. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    You also should put a door only at each 2 stone blocks, not each one. It's harder (impossible?) for knights to climb the next one if they break one door.
  10. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer

    Ok so I've taken (hopefully) all your suggestions and made them into this bad boy right here :down:
    It still used up quite a lot of resources but it's effectiveness should counteract this.

    RED - 100% team friendly anti-bomb jump spike mechanism (one way)
    YELLOW - Catapault nest
    ORANGE - Raised exits and/or entrances
    LIME - Archer nests again reinforced with anti-bomb jump spike mechanisms
    PURPLE - "Kneecapper" just to piss off the other team's knights
    BLUE - Simple team-friendly spike trap


    Again please give me suggestions on what problems this design has and how to fix them
  11. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Definitely better--it's good to see people taking criticism and trying to improve. Of course, the structure isn't perfect. I'm not good at this structure critique thing, but I'll give it a try:
    The raised exit on the left is a bit dangerous-looking to me, but I guess that's too bad. The catapult nest can still be bombed, and that space behind it seems like a nice spot for skilled bomb jumpers. I'm not a big fan of the triple door entrance/exits. They're a bit slow to move through and can easily be bombed if some ignorant ally stands in the doorway. Putting some trapbridges between two sets of doors seems better in my opinion.
    The trapbridges can absorb explosions and leave at least one set of doors intact. Because of that effect, I like that you put bridges on top of the archer slots above. They can protect your archers from bombs.
    My biggest concern with this (which isn't really that big) is that your knee-capper isn't at the right height. The reason it's called a knee-capper, and the key to its effectiveness, is that it allows archers to shoot straight at knights from knee level. If you put it at three blocks high like in your building, the arrows won't even hit enemies unless they happen to be jumping. A proper knee-capper might look something like this:
    With the archer standing where the :bow: is.
    It could also function one block higher, since it will still allow archers to directly hit the enemies who are walking toward your tower.
    GreenArrow17 and GCake like this.
  12. Another thing to point out would be, if the enemy happens to reach the 1st Orange circle, your team mates would be unable to do anything due to the bridge being connected. It makes the 4 trap bridges (near the 2nd Orange circle) redundant during that period of time.

    You can do this:


    In fact for the more professional:
    Gaps between bridges can be filled with stone. However gaps can allow bombs to pass through as well as enabling team mates to cross the bridges normally. Not only do they save resources, but can be big aids to that of us builders. The problem of other builders filling up those gaps (to enable crossing) can be overcome simply with this:
    :blue: :castle_wall::spikes_bg::bridge::bridge::castle_bg::bridge::bridge::castle_wall: :red:
    Red builders standing on the Red side are unable to break the trap bridge or reach the gap, due to Red knights crowding around that area, waiting for the builder to do something. Yet Blue knights can still cross, by walking onto the first trap bridge platform and attacking the Reds, or jumping onto/into them and attacking.

    When on red team, this can simply be vertically flipped, and the same result would be gained.
  13. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer

    Thank you soulrealm for the feedback :D
    Btw is it just me or are you THE soulrealm? Server host and KAG Pro?
    soulrealm likes this.
  14. Thanks...you made me feel better. People nowadays are just too corrupted...
    evol_nomad likes this.
  15. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer

    The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. ~Mark Twain
    Villekille707 likes this.
  16. FG

    FG Fran Donator

    Screen shot 2012-10-13 at 7.00.11 PM.png

    I dont think an archer can shoot through this. I would put a teamdoor from where the archer shoots from.

    Screen shot 2012-10-13 at 7.03.00 PM.png

    Knights like to bomb jump from the top of a building so they don't fly into an enemy building in front of the tower. Maybe get rid of some spikes at the top and put a ladder to the top.

    Screen shot 2012-10-13 at 7.09.35 PM.png

    archers like to shoot at knights when they are at the base of a tower. :castle_wall::castle_bg::castle_bg:
    .........................................................................................................:door::castle_wall: :left: this would work.
    GCake and soulrealm like this.
  17. GCake

    GCake Shopkeep Stealer

    Unfortunately I don't really get what you're trying to say in the first two suggestions :( but for the last suggestion maybe this design would work?
    Guitarman and FG like this.
  18. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Um suggestions, Never do triple doors, Double doors are fine, Triples are plain annoying.

    Archer nests, should be filled with trapdoors on the inside(where archers stand) so bombs are ineffective, Also, have a 3 block nest doesn't work well..., I think cutting into it at the base would work better

    :castle_wall: :castle_wall::castle_wall:
    Only prob with this is that 2 bombs disable it well if the bomber knows what he is doing
    On the other hand you have spikes, so ok, Also, for the spike trap, I know in personal experience that people who want to go down there but are focus on an enemy, will fall and die, and then curse you, Not sure how to make it better, Have fun:P, And even something like this

    Will work along as block farthest right is the top of tower, So archers can shoot directly down
  19. allknowingfrog

    allknowingfrog Bison Rider

    Have you ever actually built this in a game? Something that large would require considerable teamwork, unless you continue building beyond the build phase. Building beyond the build phase should be done as far forward as possible, which generally means small, cheap towers. A lot of these huge towers show up on the forums, but they aren't very practical. Towers can get that big, but never by design. You should focus on designing small towers and small sections that can be tacked on to existing structures.
    -Q likes this.
  20. -Q

    -Q Donator

    Frog, you are indeed all-knowing. I'd like to emphasize to everyone reading this that you *never* build in the base after the building phase is over. Whatever you're trying to build, abandon it and go to mid.
    Froghead48 likes this.