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KAG Background Fan Art

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by Alyezo, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. Alyezo

    Alyezo Arsonist

    Hello there,I have attempted to make a KAG background and well it turned out pretty bad,but I'd like to share my failure to the Medieval World :D enjoy(or don't)

    This background is in 1600x900 resolution


    EDIT: I Made another badly made background which hilariously went out of the KAG theme,
    enjoy a badly drawn smoking knight :D[​IMG]

    i need a mentor and a graphic tablet,don't I?
  2. RampageX

    RampageX Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Amazing art work!!!
  3. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    I find it not good enough, does not really fits whole KAG feeling, also you really have to spend time working on your painting skills.
    Alyezo likes this.
  4. Alyezo

    Alyezo Arsonist

    Thank you And YES i think i could've done much better by adding shadows,more crates.better color,more detail on the characters...etc.Thank you for the comment though :D I promise I will try to make another better

    EDIT: LostPix have you ever tried Corel Painter 12(software i used for fail background)I can't get the hang of it
  5. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    Try to learn Photoshop too, Corel Painter has neat easy way to rotate canvas (photoshop too but later versions) I think you should try out to draw some perspective lines and use as a guide, also watch some tutorials to get good knowledge.


    Try to study their approach and the way they use colour and perspective in combination with brush strokes, if you do not have a tablet you should get one, you can buy cheap but good Wacom Bamboo and it has pressure sensitivity, size should be good enough, if tablet surface feels weird for you because you might be having weird switches transferring from traditional to digital, you can stick a piece of paper over tablet surface with some tape.

    Also what I noticed, don't stick your watermark all over the piece you've done, you do not want your signature to be in visible spot, rather small hand written in corner with date instead of font.
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Alyezo like this.
  6. Alyezo

    Alyezo Arsonist

    this is a very useful tip thank you :d

    EDIT:just checked out the Wacom Bamboo Pen and it's only 300MYR(my country's currency)/100USD,going to save up some money :D