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Some people think KAG is no longer fun; what do you think?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ImAwesome, Oct 26, 2012.


What do you think of KAG right now?

  1. Great! This is the best KAG has ever been!

    29 vote(s)
  2. Still fun, but older builds were a bit more fun.

    45 vote(s)
  3. Still slightly fun, but older builds were way more fun.

    19 vote(s)
  4. Bad.Old builds are the best.

    2 vote(s)
  5. Just...just...terrible...

    0 vote(s)

    9 vote(s)
  7. Still enjoy it/just as fun.

    54 vote(s)
  1. FlyingGroundhog

    FlyingGroundhog Shopkeep Stealer

    I think the older builds were worse, and I don't like the current build very much either. I feel the game lacks enough classes etc. I'd love to play a medic class or something.
    3e0jUn likes this.
  2. Fozzbael

    Fozzbael Shipwright

    The recent removal of darkness has definetly reduced both game immersion and enjoyment for me ...
    There was nothing quite like being a lone knight trapped somewhere deep underground in one of those huge mossy tunnel maps, the feeling that the enemy could be around every corner was quite something ... Being able to hide in a dark corner of your castle and ambush unsuspecting enemies was great. Darkness also gave good inside/outside seperation.
    Now with all that gone the game just became somewhat too messy for me, with sunlight in caves and castles and whatnot.

    I still play the game from time to time, but nowhere near as often as before.
  3. omen267901, you are going to have to deal with the changes. The developers are trying to make this game more realistic. Not just the glitches people used to like.
    What a good idea Beepo! I believe that should be the case.
  4. TheWhiteLights

    TheWhiteLights Shipwright

    Can't wait for the new shops and boats then it will be even more awesome in Zombie Mode :D
  5. stig700

    stig700 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    ye everyone is exited for the new update as a rtdm player im especialy exited for directional atacks and maybe it will give me some hope for ctf once again
  6. Formed_Zeus

    Formed_Zeus Shipwright

    I think many people's opinion is clouded by several things. One of them is Nostalgia.

    We all remember how much fun the first few times we've played are. We remember how much fun it was to figure things out, or how great the first major collapse we've seen was.

    Obviously, things never seem as grand as they did the first time you've done them. So naturally, they won't seem as fun. I'm sure a person new to KAG now and a person new to KAG a year ago would probably think that the current build is more fun than the first. Well, the average person would, I think. The older builds had their charms, but I like Kegs and Shops.

    That being said, I enjoy this version as much as any other. Maybe the challenge on F2P servers isn't very hard, but I can't really argue. When I play KAG, I enjoy it. Why would I play it if I had so many problems with it?

    As long as it's playable, I'll play.
    Mister_Meatball, AdrianC and stig700 like this.
  7. Omen267901

    Omen267901 Shopkeep Stealer

    I like the changes. I'm not saying I don't. That post was meant to be a joke, but I guess a mod or someone changed the link in the post. It was supposed to type "Noobs" not what it does.
  8. D0ubl3Tr0ubl3

    D0ubl3Tr0ubl3 Shopkeep Stealer

    I would love KAG even more if there were more modes. and it would be cool if classic was back....
    Razi likes this.
  9. They will be introducing more game modes as the game develops.
    Just wait and see. :)
  10. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Everyone whining about old builds being better is wannabe hipster.
    You wouldn't be still playing this game if they hadn't made any changes. I've never played a game for over a year that's not been modified in the meantime. Either by players with scripts or devs.
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Razi like this.
  11. Ha ha! nice animation Downburst! What your saying is true. Games are always being modified and changed. People need to appreciate the hard work and effort the devs are putting in to creat these modifications and updates. People need to view more widely on the situation.
  12. D0ubl3Tr0ubl3

    D0ubl3Tr0ubl3 Shopkeep Stealer

    Funny i never liked the darkness cause I never had enough time to shoot...
  13. Ivy

    Ivy Shopkeep Stealer

    I haven’t visited for more than a month and I see nothing has changed; I would even go as far as to say it's the same as the last year.
    I still do not see the point in playing on premium servers as they don’t add anything worthwhile. The water system may seem good at first, but then you realise that technically it is catastrophic. I still think the day/night cycle is a very bad idea because it’s just chaotic in the dark, it’s a real shambles. That is why I prefer vanilla servers.

    It's great that they want to innovate by introducing boats and shops, and drawing plans on the comet but they should start by correcting the game’s endless bugs first.

    If vulgarity and stupity are considered amusing then I think this game has a promising future.
    If that’s not the case then I would suggest someone puts a layer of polish on such dirty nails.
    Contrary and Razi like this.
  14. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    Bring me back to the days when knights could destroy stone blocks, and I shall show you why kag started to take off.
  15. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    KAG had it's biggest growth just after they took that out..
    delankski likes this.
  16. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    And now without the darkness?
  17. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Hi guys, I'm gonna chuck in my 2 cents... don't flame me for it :p

    I'm fairly new on the KAG scene and from Australia where the player base isn't as large as the Amurican one. KAG has improved a lot since I last played it back in January, I may not be a seasoned vet, but combat seems so much better than it did back then.

    Someone mentioned never knowing when their strikes would hit and that they would rather sit back and pop a bomb. I completely disagree, with a decent ping and other players with decent ping 160 or less, I find sword battles to be extremely fun and predictable, depending on the way the other player moves.

    It becomes a problem when someone just sits on the high ground, which if you know how to use it, will always give you the winning slash. There are also some of the slashes that get you when they shouldn't, but personally I never try to use those and hope others don't either :p

    I think a major flaw in the game, is the superiority complex most people have when they're that tiny bit better than another player, for me that is what truly detracts from such an awesome game.

    Over all, since starting to host a server in an attempt to bring back some competition to the Australian scene, I'd say it's the best it ever has been, at least for me :)


    blukey likes this.
  18. RisingDarkness

    RisingDarkness Builder Stabber

    Since i started playing i see less people play. I remember when Beo and MOLE servers was both full. Now i hardly see both online at once. Might just be the times i play though.

    I think water is bad at the moment. People want to go knight and just cut shit up but water means you need to wait for builders or bomb jump near the start and end up spawn killing which is just stupid. Even then bomb jumping doesn't always work. Water turned it into more archer/builder based game, which ends up knights standing there waiting for a dumb ass enemy knight to "swim" up so he can jump on and kill him.

    Most lives end up being lost on people drowning or doing dumb shit in general which is pretty much on any build. With only a tiny hill in the middle it's hard to just have a clash knights fighting without being outnumbered or killed before you get close. The new physics i like just because i remember the 300 second build time and the massive 'castles' people would build. It's now more about how you build than just build the biggest and thickest wall so knights can't faceroll you.

    In this big update they're going to be releasing it seems like it's also going to be a strong worker/builder based too. Since by the looks of the saw mill stuff you're going to have to work harder to build stuff, not just simply cutting a tree for wood but turning it into planks. So i'd like to see a classic mode too, or more death match servers since it can get boring just building or firing arrows from a distance. However watching knights fall into it does look like it would be amusing.
    Contrary likes this.
  19. jack-o-saurus

    jack-o-saurus Shipwright

    I reallly love kag at the moment, however, i miss shield bash, and i dont like the new rtdm maps, apart from that i think its in top form!!!!!!
  20. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Just dropping in to say that that's exactly what we are doing. The entirety of the old game code has more or less been scrapped. This has come at enormous cost to us, as we're rewriting literally everything so that there are no legacy bugs, just clean ones that can be identified in user visible scripts that are neatly divided rather than 2000-8000 line slabs of C++ classes.
    Its wonderful that you think that's exactly what we should be doing, not so great that it seems to be the large publicly held perception that it's not what we are, especially as I've been taking time away from working on the new build to fix more classic bugs recently to tide you guys over in the intermission.

    Re: OGM NO DARKNESS MOG - host a gold server with darkness turned on. You don't have to take all the other gold changes if you don't want to. There seems to be a very loud amount of demand for darkness on in servers, and noone hosting it; probably because the majority of server hosts are oldfags and enjoy the classic lighting and the extra numbers from pubs, but surely we have enough players now to fill out at least one gold server constantly? MOLE was full pretty often until they accidentally their whole server.