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How do you feel about bomb jumping?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SUKIDESUYO, Nov 25, 2012.


How do you feel about bomb jumping?

  1. I love it.

    160 vote(s)
  2. I hate it.

    24 vote(s)
  1. Knighthart

    Knighthart is love Donator

    Even though I haven't tried them much in the new builds, I generally like them becuase they can break some turtling shit or whatever going on or at least creat some distraction, that kind of stuff.
    SlyStalker likes this.
  2. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    As a bomb maniac (as most Aussies will know), bomb jumps are my preferred method of travel.
    I know about 80-90 % of all bomb jumps (maybe more?) and I can tell you, the variety of effects achieved by trying multiple variants of bomb jumps can tip the tide in a battle; for example, there was this large camp-fest once on a pit map, with two sky-high towers blocking any traffic/assaults, and I can tell you this;
    I assembled a rag-tag bunch of pubs who knew a basic bomb jump (the shield down one) from the top of our tower, and we managed to make it to their tower top. I held my shield up and the pubs came landing and running down, disposing of the supports and felling their tower. Next, we charged, got the flag and returned successfully- the whole of both teams actually congratulated each other, a VERY rare event in Aus matches nowadays. Now, the shield down and jump method is a rarely used one, but it was in fact (besides one variant of a throw above and shield up/jump) the only method of bomb jumping to reach the tower's summit.
    So, there's my ranting...
    They don't cause any harm to gameplay, because a good builder will know how to deal with pesky bomb jumpers- build a spiked tower that reaches the sky!
    By the way, I know 2 double bomb jumps, and they achieve basically the same thing. So don't stress if you can't do one, there are always alternate methods of achieving the same trajectory and velocity.
    NOW it's over.

    tl;dr- bomb jumps enhance gameplay in 9/10 situations, without them the battles would likely stagnate.
  3. nice story, i dont care about the double bomb jump, its more for style anyay ^_^ I know many other jumps that help me in game when required. Bomb jumps are just a stylishh way to take the enemy base:)
    SlyStalker likes this.
  4. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    It depends on the server settings.

    Easy mode bomb jumping is totally OP, and should never be allowed. Same with the bomb jump where you are holding the bomb when it goes off, even if you take .5 damage from it. Walls really don't matter with this in place, and it generally causes runaway games where the first to get the better front wall wins.

    Hard mode, where you hardly get pushed at all by the bomb or take realistic damage on falling, is okay, at least if there aren't any large chasms or lakes with no gold in the map rotation, so that catapults can prevent a draw or stall-fest.

    A balanced version between the two seems fine as well, where you can't leap over a medium-large wall on that style unless your wall already overlooks theirs, and you still take some damage when falling no matter how you execute the bomb jump so that your jump puts you at a disadvantage if they have knights there to defend.
    SlyStalker and HardPenguin like this.
  5. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Exactly. With 'can_glide_on_bombjump' disabled (reminding that this is DEFAULT setting) bombjumping is nicely nerfed, however the double bombjump is still overpowered. And I know a knight or two who can perform that in very efficient and practical way...

    I like bombjumping as long as bombgliding is disabled. I mean, I know that it is nice to land in enemy castle to harass those poor peasants, I did it plenty of times, but c'mon. On hill maps taking a hill was a gg already because of overpowered bombjumps.
    SlyStalker likes this.
  6. Ottuboy

    Ottuboy Horde Gibber

    Totally dislike bombjump, not that I would have never been good at it. Rather, makes no sense in reality :D
    SkiPzZ_ likes this.
  7. Imaperson2

    Imaperson2 Catapult Fodder

    Bombjumping is one of the best thing a Knight can do.Knights can do different ways of bomb jumps lots of ways i mean. Ever since i learned bomb jumping i have been using it with my bombs.I am so happy they added that in Kag. So I voted "I love it" because bomb jumping makes me look super pro.It makes me look cool,but whenever i dont get damage is better:D.Also,i like servers that when you bombjump you can glide so you cant get damage:thumbs_up:.

    Thank You,too that special person who thought me bomb jumping!:)

    I Love you Kag..but if you take away bombjumping this will happen::skull:...so do not take it away:>:(:.I want to look cool and be able to go to other places without walking.

    Sincerely,One of the Best Bombjumpers EVER!!!!!!!:r_flex::teabag::flex:YEA​
  8. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    You forget, there are still catapults. The only difference is that more of investment needs to be made, and you need a buddy who knows how to aim. Honestly, if you have that second one, catapulting is cheaper over time and more flexible.
  9. Imaperson2

    Imaperson2 Catapult Fodder

    No, bombs are cheaper because it takes alot of things to make a cata.
  10. RampageX

    RampageX Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I love bomb jumping it is a easy way to get around and gives a knight an advantage over the other classes.
  11. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Catapults usually just require 120 wood and maybe 20 coins once you have a seige shop though, and even one can launch way more people than a few bombs can. There's also no risk of blowing up on jump, so no wasting your coins and you allow people who can't bombjump to use it. Learn to play as a team and you will see it's not an issue.

    On most maps, bombjumping is something you should only be doing toward the start before you have a catapult, to get over the shorter walls that haven't had time to be built up yet. Then you should be saving your bombs for after you land with a catapult launch.
  12. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    But for 1. Catapults can be hard to place in the right spot without being hit by other bombjumping knights or archers. Even if you build to stop archer fire, you also need the wall to be complex enough to stop the archer fire and in going so still be able to fire the cata without hitting any of your structures.

    Bombjumping is pretty much the only thing knights can do in these builds at the moment, archers have long stun range; Builders hitboxes are messed up; So taking away the bombjumping ability for knights is essentially ripping off all the knight players in KAG. Making knight the most shittest class to play.

    And i can see what your gettting at Brandon with the catapults, but they can simply be damaged to easily, a right placed bomb from the enemy can blow the cata is 1 hit, or a skillful archer can break the cata himself. Its just not worth removing bombjumping after its been in KAG for so long, obviously it is popular.

    @Ottuboy, "It makes no sense in reality". This is a game, most games arent supposed to make sense if compared with reality.
    zollie20 likes this.
  13. Jim_Dale

    Jim_Dale Arsonist

    If games agreed 100% with reality it would be one hell of a shitty game.
  14. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    The key is to find perfect balance between realism and fun gameplay :)
    SlyStalker and -Tj- like this.
  15. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I think bomb jumps should be more powerful, maybe more control while you're in midair so it's easier to air slash people.
  16. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Death from above. That's a bird! No, a plane! I'LL SLASH YOU MOFO, EXPECT ME ANYTIME!

    zollie20 likes this.
  17. Villekille707

    Villekille707 Shipwright

    I think bombjumping in some situations balance the game really much. Just a while ago I played at this non-gold server and on the enemy tower there were 3 archers, which had synched their shots. So there was no way to siege the tower in any other way than bombjumping. Also it's always awesome.
  18. Golem

    Golem Catapult Fodder

    I can't do it so i don't actually need it
  19. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    Now, now, don't try it, kids. All this bomb jumping rubbish is too dangerous. Ya better not do it in the house, kids!
  20. vivetas

    vivetas Nooblord Donator

    Well do you want them to get disabled :D? What if YOU are that knight who jumps over others defences? Why dont you make higher tower that enemy cant do bomb jump over it?

    Think those 3 guestions in your mind and think twice before you want them to get deleted. :)