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Guro-claws' Happy Christmas Funtime Giveaway

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by Guro, Dec 5, 2012.

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  1. ArpiG

    ArpiG Shopkeep Stealer

    Hey Guro! I don't think you remember me from your last contest. I didn't get the game unfortunately.. hope to win though :)
  2. RikTelner

    RikTelner Arsonist

    Well, could I please earn premium. I really like playing KAG, and I could pay 30$ for it but I use no creditcards, and my mobile phone is not allowed by mobile payment service*. So I am stuck right here and right now :(

    * It tells me that my mobile "is blocked".
  3. Closkey77

    Closkey77 Catapult Fodder

    I want the KAG community to grow by posting vids on my Facebook YouTube Twitter etc This premium code will be a great help please thank you for reading my post God-bless
  4. ReDevil

    ReDevil Catapult Fodder

    Meh likes spaggeti
    Anyways... The giveaway would really help me, 'cause I play this game for long. And probably i won't win (as always).
    xChapx likes this.
  5. dayleaf

    dayleaf Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    mother of god i always wanted a premium account and i dont will lie i have money but im in other country (argentina) and i dont have credit card yet so i cant buy it and my parents say this is only a game, this isnt only a game this is epic. if i win an account i will be so happy, i will jump of happiness in one leg :D, i want it ;)

    merry christmas
    dayleaf out
  6. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    I'm going to start this post by saying thanks to rainman WIZKID for helping me out of a hole even though he was on the other team (where are your team mates when you need them, eh?). I would really enjoy all the awesome features of premium but currently have no way to buy it. If you give one to rainman that would be nice to. Some music i like is:
    Pastures of Plenty-Odetta
    I Will Wait-Mumford and Sons
    The Beatles later music
    Perfect Moment- Darden Smith
    Bob Dylan has some good songs
    Dean Fields songs
    Dave Brubeck
    Trivia Time!!!!
    The worlds largest beaver damn on record is 2,800 ft.(850 m) long and is visible from space:huh?:. It has mostly likely been in construction since the 1970s.

    Thank you Guro! And good luck to everyone!
    Happy Holidays!:spam::bison:
  7. Grindle

    Grindle Shipwright

    Merry Christmas! ;)
    My little brother is currently F2P and I'm hoping to make his Christmas special for him. :)
    Hope I have a chance! :left:
    Btw, If anyone wants to use my xmas banner, feel free to. :)
    Arcite likes this.
  8. _-Zer0-_

    _-Zer0-_ Catapult Fodder

    Merry Christmas Guro!
    Hoping to win me premium this year, as I am currently f2p. :dance:
  9. Shenron

    Shenron Tree Planter

    I want to have premium so bad and this is why I came to this giveaway. I can't get premium any other way then this because I have no credit cards and my parents do not want to use Paypal, so my parents do not ever want to buy anything online.:( Please please give me premium. And Merry Christmas!;)
  10. yoshicraft0331

    yoshicraft0331 Catapult Fodder

    Yes! I was hoping some kind of giveaway was gonna happen! I REALLY want that gold!!! Gold account really sounds good right about now... I want GOLD!!! That's because I want to play the zombies modes and to have some even more fun in KAG!
  11. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    zombies... not that cool. all every each feature gold... trust me am better by so many much more. liak this new feature they maik.. u drown.
  12. mirvin

    mirvin Shipwright

    My name is mirvin and for this christmas all i want is my brother to come home. He i staying overseas because my family has trouble paying for food as i live on a farm. He plays kag and i want to play with him in zombies but i cant afford premium. I listen to a bit of country music and whatevers on the radio. I love playing KAG because all the fun conversations with the community.
    Thanks Guro for the oppurtunity
  13. EdgeWing

    EdgeWing Shopkeep Stealer

    More about Edgewing?
    Hello my name is Edge wing. Some people call me wing but I like to be called Edge.
    Moving on, Don't want to keep you reading my comment. (Please take a break like coffe and something else to eat)
    Okay well if your back or wanting to read more of me.
    I am 16 years old, I will be 17 next year but not looking forward to growing up D:
    Being 16 is great so far.. sort of :3
    My goal in life is to beat something I never thought I could beat like a hard test or
    something adventurous. I am looking forward to christmas due to presents that are being given out.
    However I'm about giving so I give you this: :heart: - Something that may help you in King Arthur's Gold :p
    Moving on I wrote a small little song/poem for you too. Including everyone else who reads this <3

    On The First Day Of Christmas, my little santa gave to me.
    :bow: And 1 Bow and Arrow
    On The Second Day Of Christmas, my little elf gave to me.
    :gold: 2 Golden Coins
    On The Third Day Of Christmas, my little friend gave to me.
    :knight:3 Knights Slashing
    On The Fourth Day Of Christmas, my little kag player gave to me.
    :ladder: 4 Ladders to build with
    On the fifth day of christmas, my little bison gave to me.
    :skeleton: 5 Zombies!!!
    On The Sixth Day Of Christmas, my little friend gave to me.
    :note: 6 Music Notes (To add to this song to make it more dubstep xP)
    On The Seventh Day Of Christmas, My true love gave to me.
    :spam:7 Archers Spamming
    On The Eighth Day Of Christmas, My true elf gave to me.
    :sword: 8 Silver Swords
    On the Ninth Day Of Christmas, My true love gave to me.
    :noburu: 9 Clear Blue Tears
    On The Tenth Day Of Christmas, My true love gave to me.
    :gear: 10 Magic Gears!
    On The Eleventh Day Of Christmas, My true love elf gave to me.
    :hammer: 11 Small Hammers
    On The Twelve Day Of Christmas, My true elf gave to me.
    :argh: 12 Angry Miners!
    On The Thirteenth Day Of Christmas, My true elf gave to me.
    :a_shop: 13 Arrow Shops.
    On The Fourteenth Day Of Christmas My true elf gave to me.
    :B): 14 Cool Faces
    On the Fifteenth Day Of Christmas My true elf gave to me.
    :spikes: 15 Sharp Spikes!
    On The Sixteenth Day Of Christmas My true elf gave to me.
    :blue: 16 Blue Flags Waving
    On The Seventeenth Day Of Christmas My true elf gave to me.
    :heart: 17 Golden Hearts!
    On The Eighteenth Day Of Christmas My true elf gave to me.
    :tree: 18 Falling Timbers!
    On The Nineteenth Day Of Christmas My true elf gave to me.

    19,20 - Yeah okay maybe over did the song xD
    But hey it's almost christmas - Excited <3
    Thanks for making such an epic game KAG Staff :DDD
    Along with forming a great loving community <3
    Happy Xmas, Everyone!

    The song parody was created by me and my younger cousin who didn't make it to stay for Xmas :QQ:
    Sadly he died in November. Just when we were enjoying ourselves together spending time together like brothers really :') I will miss you Cousin <3 ( I try to have a great Xmas for you Cousin <3 )
    R.I.P 1998-2012 - Jakob Ellis - I will miss you so much x x <3

    Thanks Guro for the oppurtunity to be with you and the KAG STAFF/COMMUNITY to spend Christmas with <3

    - Edgewing
    xChapx, HardPenguin, Ej and 3 others like this.
  14. HarDSen

    HarDSen Builder Stabber

    Dear Guru Please help wasted
    39 zł Polish money by buying a premium account code on the sending 3/4 Yes sms after 11 zł lost by accident:oops: , and please help! Please help me! T_T T_T My nickname HarDSen:QQ::( my email - BaloniqxD@interia.pl HELP
    JimDeBrink likes this.
  15. Sarenka

    Sarenka Catapult Fodder

    Lemme Get Dat :P
  16. HarDSen

    HarDSen Builder Stabber

    Je ne suis pas riche ou merde espèces. :huh?:
  17. DeathAngel

    DeathAngel Shipwright

    Some interesting I found:
    -Message of the first sms send "Merry Christmas"
    -One town in Indiana is called Santa Claus.
    -In India, they decorate banana trees at Christmas time.
    -XMAS In Greek, X means Christ.
    -Santa Claus is patron saint prostitutes.

    !!! Gangnam Style !!!
    :note: :dance::migrant::skeleton::migrant::dance::note:
    ArpiG, feet and thegoodone like this.
  18. HarDSen

    HarDSen Builder Stabber

    For me, the most deserving zabucja81 premium account on when my account was stolen by the night and try to recover them when his parents found out about it to the psychologist wrote that too many school plays but regained my account. to go to a psychologist today is for me an example, D. He comforted me when the HarDSen (my account) I wanted to buy a premium account but unfortunately I could not accidentally wasted $ 12.99 please only one to get my friend can get the premium account because I promised him and does not want to ruin it. My friend dreaming about this game has a good year and I still think that I ever play in a zombie fortest And that's it so Merry Christmas and wait for a response. <3: D GURU THE BEST MAN ON EARTH.:>:(: <(Like me :D )
  19. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    AAAAANNNNNDDDD that destroyed the odds of me winning.
    *just kidding* :D I already have premium. XD
    feet likes this.
  20. Golem

    Golem Catapult Fodder

    I'm jelly :S
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