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FW´s Servers!

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by FranticIch, Dec 4, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. FranticIch

    FranticIch Let me be your tank... Donator

  2. Kopnu

    Kopnu Catapult Fodder

    And not no difference what size of a card if it is original? To be honest I would add...:>:(:
  3. FranticIch

    FranticIch Let me be your tank... Donator

    In your map(s) The spawn are next to each other, mice have no chance.
  4. Kopnu

    Kopnu Catapult Fodder

    Heh, you checked? Yes, I was playing with friends. My friend made a copy of your server specifically for audit cards, which I did. Played 3 vs 3 :>:(:
  5. FranticIch

    FranticIch Let me be your tank... Donator

    Added 14 new maps to Cat and mouse Server.
    Razi likes this.
  6. Iceri

    Iceri Catapult Fodder

    I'm finally back :)
  7. wuber123

    wuber123 Horde Gibber

    Afterlife has kicked me without reason from the server (vote by Zombie)... I do not think that this is allowed
  8. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    At cat and mouse, You need to add rule "No peace" Because very much people are working for mices and are peace - for example jesusd, And freeze that people. And i think a little you need more active admins.
    And, I suggest you to make vips can mute for 10 minutes some people. And yet i suggest: workshop, quarters: 9 x 25 (one piece 25 gold) = 225, and to end the workshop, 25 gold, 25 wood, 25 stone. So? Hows it?
    Also - You ruined best maps, you added very much ladders to them, they was already good, IT IS BAD! PLEASE MAKE IT THAT WHAT IT WAS BEFORE, PLEASE...
    And, i have map for you, For cat and mouse:
    Edit, that map needed a fix:

    Attached Files:

  9. FranticIch

    FranticIch Let me be your tank... Donator

    I just used some wrong colors, calm down.
  10. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    New map for you:

    Attached Files:

  11. RisingDarkness

    RisingDarkness Builder Stabber

    This is such a sorry excuse for a server. And i pray it doesn't last long. Rules say no spawn killing. Yet the admin sits and spawn kills and proceeds to watch and not do jack shit about it and there was two. Yeah well done on a quality server where rules are upheld (This means to keep up, i'm guessing your age is 13 from the way you mod your server). When you grow up and learn what moderating is you should then run a server. And when i brought this point foreward i got banned. This is how this troubled individual moderates his server. "if you don't like it when i break the rules i ban you huehuehue"

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  12. FranticIch

    FranticIch Let me be your tank... Donator

    Looks like you are a bit confused my friend.
    1. I didn´t spawnkill- i hit you once while fighting with some knights.
    2. Even if someone spawnkills, we don´t kick him, we warn him. Everyone spawnkills sometimes; You can´t controle it 100%
    3. You were on my server and startet shitting around: "Your piece of shit moderating skills"
    You said that, no one else "If you don´t like the way i rule i´ll mute you"- your words, not ours
    We said we are going to mute if you don´t stop raging, shitting and nerving around.

    Who do you think you are that you judge about me? You were just an ass; You didn´t discuss, just raged around.

    If you can´t even have a normal talk without saying everyone else is shit, then don´t play on my server, or better: Don´t play anything.
    Oh? How pathetic. Calling some one a kid for "administrating a server wrong". Actually, the only thing that happened is, that you got accidently spawnkilled by an admin and you were pissed of like an 8 year old for the rest of the game. And now? You come here without any proof then an screenshot, wich only proofs that you don´t know what you are talking about. But you want to tell me how to administrate my servers?

    You mean with "...your piece of shit moderating skills"?
    Kicked, not banned. I hope you know the differece.

    You are a shame for all KAGgers.

  13. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    That map needed big fix. Update

    Attached Files:

  14. FranticIch

    FranticIch Let me be your tank... Donator

    I'll load it tomorrow.
  15. miketh2005

    miketh2005 Arsonist

    What is different about it?

    Btw I love this server. Definitely the best alternate gamemode and best server besides Action Unlimited. Anyway I was playing for a few hours today. I was about to quit when I decided to play one more round and boy am I glad I did or I would not have gotten my new sig:


    Hilarious! I love it. If you play on the server you will get what happened. (mouse thought he was invincible by taking out the ladders but cats shield-laddered and got to him.)

    Btw, when will you or someone fix the map where everyone just falls to the bottom and die unless someone gets the water spawn bug and get to the opening in time? That might be nice if cats could get to mice when they get in, but they can't....
  16. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    i changed maps in my all posts with that.
  17. miketh2005

    miketh2005 Arsonist

    I mean I played before and after and didn't notice a difference. What did you change?
  18. FranticIch

    FranticIch Let me be your tank... Donator

    I didn´t reupload the map yet.
  19. miketh2005

    miketh2005 Arsonist

    Why the hell does slash work again for cats now? It was really balanced without the slash and now cats are way overpowered on most maps because slash works! Everyone on the server is complaining at any given time.
  20. FranticIch

    FranticIch Let me be your tank... Donator

    OMG. You are always at complainig!IN EVERY CASE.
Mods: jackitch