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Cpa3y's CTF server

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Cpa3y, Nov 10, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Cpa3y

    Cpa3y Shark Slayer

    Port: 50213
    Slots: 16
    Spectator slots: 6
    Gamemode: CTF
    Guards moderation: Allowed
    Language: English/Russian
    Gold: No

    8x8 CTF Server. If you don't like huge games with many players, take look at this servers.
    Current in-game moderators: NilC, mad999, fiddy, SkiPzZ_, Paul_the_Peasant, Clemo7, Razi, Lord_Bugg, Screeam, B1ack0ut

    I looking for more in-game moderators. If you enjoyed this server and want save it as place without griffers write PM to me or post your application here. You must be responsible and can speak on english or russian language.

    If you want see your map on server feel free to send me it (to cpa3y.kag.server@gmail.com).

    Ban appeals and reports about admin abusing post please in this thread.
    ashcatchum likes this.
  2. Lee_Lemon

    Lee_Lemon Shark Slayer

    Few maps right here, other maps will be here today :) .
    LeeMini.png EpicIsland.png LeeTree.png
    ashcatchum likes this.
  3. Cpa3y

    Cpa3y Shark Slayer

    Thank you Lee. I'll test it then upload to server.
    </br>--- merged: Nov 15, 2012 7:19 PM ---</br>
    New mods: fiddy, SkiPzZ_, Paul_the_Peasant, Clemo7
    ashcatchum likes this.
  4. Hey Cpa3y! I enjoy your server loads! I would like to place an application as a server moderator as i have done it before and know the rules perfectly well. I'm mature enough to know what a greifer and a hacker is and i get along with your moderators.
    ashcatchum likes this.
  5. Cpa3y

    Cpa3y Shark Slayer

    ashcatchum likes this.
  6. maxriderules

    maxriderules Catapult Fodder

    Just out of interest, why was I banned?
    ashcatchum likes this.
  7. Cpa3y

    Cpa3y Shark Slayer

    Currently you are not banned. Possible it was pingban.
    ashcatchum likes this.
  8. maxriderules

    maxriderules Catapult Fodder

    Ok, thanks for the explaination
    ashcatchum likes this.
  9. Cpa3y

    Cpa3y Shark Slayer

    New mods: Razi, Lord_Bugg, Screeam, B1ack0ut
  10. ashcatchum

    ashcatchum Shipwright

    • Do not beg for likes
    Damn I have like 500 ping on that server and I think its a great server but I got kicked!:QQ:
    </br>--- merged: Dec 14, 2012 5:57 AM ---</br>
    Like my message above if same happened to you
    </br>--- merged: Dec 15, 2012 2:24 AM ---</br>
    redbid and sunyboi like this.
  11. Cpa3y

    Cpa3y Shark Slayer

    Last time you call yourself Vee and I decline your application. Nothing changes for this time. I say no. You have bad repudation and i can't trust you server. Sorry.
Mods: jackitch
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