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Windows ERROR 403; I NEED HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Coookie, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. Coookie

    Coookie Shopkeep Stealer

    When i start my server, that's showing this error message:

    WARNING: API call failed: Status update failed during callback.
    WARNING: API call failed: HTTP Status 403: You are not authorized to upload a minimap for this server. Try sending a status update to see why and then try again.

    Then a loop of:

    WARNING: API call failed: Status update failed during callback.

  2. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    Calm down, it could be Firewall, internet, try reinstalling + deleteing the old kag folder before reinstalling, other than that I'am not a programmer :/.
  3. Coookie

    Coookie Shopkeep Stealer

    reinstalling ??? huh, I'm not a cat, I'm a dog that worked hard on a gamemode for 2 weeks, and now, i will delete thut becus that will change my internet or firewall? let's try.
    </br>--- merged: Dec 21, 2012 8:30 AM ---</br>
    Nope, didn't helped me.
    Adminz and devz aren't on forumz, but on IndieDB voting for themselves.
    Huh, if only FileLikeABrick can just lookup here, that can be goooood!
  4. Save your server in another folder in your computer. You most likely have an issue with a virus or something (that is what the other guy means). So basically after when you have saved your game mode server into another folder just reinstall kag and delete your kag folder to make sure it is fully wiped from your computer. After that like I said, just reinstall kag again.
    Just a question what type of computer you are planning to run it on?
  5. Coookie

    Coookie Shopkeep Stealer

    I have Windows [7] not XP. NOD Anti-Virus, i clean all my computer all mondays. I re-installed, i cleared my recyclebin, same error. I remake my gamemode. Do you have another solution???
    I have a really cool gamemode.
    NOTE: i run my server for aprox. 5 minutes, all works fine (when i start computer), then suddenly this message loop appears. HELP!!!
  6. Could you send us some footage eg. screenshots or a video of the issue you are having.
  7. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Are you able to connect to the server with the "connect to"?

    Did you forward all ports on your router? Could you try forwarding 51308 as well, as a test?
  8. Coookie

    Coookie Shopkeep Stealer

    Shot of console:

    My forwarding ports via FreeBox (free.fr):

  9. trot888

    trot888 Bison Rider

    Seems like when you ported 50301 you have done 2 UDP's you need a TCP and a UDP, Also you could add a TCP 50328. Looking at the console the other problem is your map could be too small. would work?. You could also test this manually by going to the cmd and by typing Ipconfig /all then finding the gateway and go to that then port. If that does not work then contact me. You could also reinstall by making a backup of the base folder.
  10. Coookie

    Coookie Shopkeep Stealer

    It's hilarious!
    One time, my server works fine.
    I disable my internet connection, re-activate, nothing works.
    What's that ?!!!
    </br>--- merged: Dec 21, 2012 6:24 PM ---</br>
    i fixed the TCP 50328 and TCP 50301. One time worked for me perfectly. Then i used WI-FI disconnecting the cable internet, and then disconnected WI-FI and connected cable, same problem.
  11. trot888

    trot888 Bison Rider

    This basicly means that you have a dynamic Ip address. A dynamic IP address means your Ip changes all the time. go on youtube or something to change it to static and it should work fine.
    Coookie likes this.
  12. Coookie

    Coookie Shopkeep Stealer

    I have a static IP adress:
    </br>--- merged: Dec 22, 2012 1:03 PM ---</br>
    but nothing works! What's wrong ??? give examples. Static IP is okay, not changing (the IP of my computer is always!)
  13. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    What's the output of ipconfig /all in cmd? You might have to restart your router after connecting again.
  14. trot888

    trot888 Bison Rider

    No idea then sorry.
  15. Coookie

    Coookie Shopkeep Stealer

    I'm not using ipconfig /all, I'm using default Windows 7 showing all about my local connection. (same as in cmd > ipconfig /all)
    My poor router, I have to restart it 5 times, then i can host my server for 5 mins.
    Hurray! I beat my record, 6 mins last week ...
    </br>--- merged: Dec 22, 2012 5:22 PM ---</br>
    The output is:

    checked and deleted
    </br>--- merged: Dec 22, 2012 5:27 PM ---</br>

    Please admins hide the spoiler before someone hacks me!
  16. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Could you try turning hamachi off?
  17. Coookie

    Coookie Shopkeep Stealer

    With hamachi off, same problem.
    P.S.: when i try to manually set my static computer IP via the network service of Windows 7, I confirm, and then i did not have internet, and I'm sure that the config is good!
  18. trot888

    trot888 Bison Rider

    What router do you have?
  19. Coookie

    Coookie Shopkeep Stealer

    FreeBox ADSL v5
    stupid box !
  20. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    Well, if you have no internet after setting your static IP, means you did something wrong. Happened to me once, and turned out I forgot to put in a preferred DNS server. Did you remember to fill in all the necessary blanks?
    - "IP adress"
    - "Subnet mask" (Comes automatically when clicking)
    - "Default Gateway"
    - "Preferred DNS server"

    PS: Check out this tutorial if necessary: here