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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Aw total language fail
  2. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Maybe it's that avatar making you fail *cough*totallyfreakingawesome*cough*
  3. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    There was problem with database. None of the in-game flags worked (gold,mod,banned).
  4. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    I had to kick Jean from the 200x200 server due to switching teams just to grief the red team, I don't think they were doing it for the sake of griefing, more like just to make the blue team win.
  5. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    Oxyminer, blatant speedhacking (not lagging or hardware glitch) on the official US server. Every time we spawn together, he sprints across the map way faster than myself, and we're both playing knights. Lots of people complaining about it.

    Also Pitucobr for speedhacking (could be the hardware glitch, not as bad as oxyminer, see http://kagforum.com/index.php?threads/cracking-down-on-the-accidental-speedhacking.1111/) and calling everyone that whined a crybaby. Just annoying as shit, impossible to kill. He went 157-92 as a knight.

    And last but not least, sidetrack. While no hacking or greifing, I think the pictures speak for themselves. These are only a handful of the many kind things he had to say.

    Attached Files:

  6. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Will ban speedhackers with additional reports.

    sidetrack is banned now, though.
  7. 16th

    16th Bison Rider

    kamikaze321 - dumb griefer. Сonnected to the russian server and did everything like rained wall on teammate, grief towers & goldstock. Totaly asshole!!! Ask for ban forever!
  8. laurentiu

    laurentiu Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I have to report a cheater:
    feddi-He has some sort of of speedhack and seems to walk trough blocks, but thats cause of the speed his moving.
  9. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    I called Neat,he kicked them,they returned i to them!End of story.
    If quality of the vid sucks ass cause of youtube i will upload video file somewhere.
    Server;EU GaminCrew
  10. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Can we get an IP ban for New, Neew, Neeew? It's pretty sad.
  11. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Ha1ter and I can vouch for him being a speedhacker as well.
  12. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    I think video is enough?
    2 speedhackers at same server,same team,same time,same video :P
  13. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    1. Derpao
    2. Helping enemy team to win. Buildding ladders for them. MrRabisco (enemy) said he was his bro because of it. Another enemy player said Derpao was a "spy". MrRabisco was encouraging him to grief.
    3. server "www.kagbrasil.com by smartnet.net.br"
    4. 2 hours ago
    5. I have a screenshot of the chat. But it's in portuguese. Again, I forgot to put my mouse over him to show his name.

    Attached Files:

  14. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Banned both, Qvadro yesterday and Neeew today cause I didn't see report for him.
  15. Wolven

    Wolven Shipwright

    1: [FR] Saveurs
    2: Griefing, destroying defence with cata.
    3: Mediavida.com
    4: Just now
    5: (I have a few more images if needed) screen-11-09-14-19-27-18.png
  16. Darklight

    Darklight Shipwright

    1. Buttslave
    2. The list is pretty damn long lets see. He broke our base, dug a killer pit right under our main base spawn, then he started boxing us in with walls made out of stone or trap bridges both made indestructible to us thanks to the anti griefing measures and built a backbase catapult to destroy our keep. Thankfully I could destroy it before he did too much damage.
    3. [EU]GamingCrew
    4. One hour ago
    5. Here's your proof
    Exhibit A: The first walling in along with me telling him to stop
    Exhibit B: The second walling in after a few builders have plugged his deathtrap with stone.

    Later on he started taking out the stone again before walling us in for a few more times =_=
  17. FTR

    FTR Shipwright


    So let me tell you story. I build big tower to make some nice place for archers. I did like 80% of whole base fortifications just by myself. Then I called 1 player for help me, so we can build bridge+more archer spots around the map and then he arrived.. the Griefer.

    He told "its not minecraft" and start destroying everything. He destroyed our whole base, include stone tower on max. map height. We had awesome plan to strike our enemies from air, on that height they can't touch it. In addiction he told "half team doing building while we dying at front", ok but only 1 guy + me were engaged into it..

    So now question to you, and admins. Was he right? Personally I think he was wrong, we had big advantage in defensive and already untouchable bridge over half map.

    Some screens.
    http://i53.tinypic.com/2wcemg5.jpg - destroyed base

    His nick is usagicofuj. I am not sure about buttslave, maybe he helped him (if you look at his score..). But I am definately sure about usagicofuj. It did happen on official euro server.

    Time - around 15 .00 CET.

  18. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    He's right to say that building on your main base continually throughout the match is very bad.

    He's not right to then take action and start destroying stuff.
    illu likes this.
  19. FTR

    FTR Shipwright

    The longest part was already over when he started to destroy everything.
  20. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Yeah, he was definitely bad.

    But i'm just saying, if you don't want your stuff to get griefed, the best thing to do is build closer to the action. Even I think those castles back at spawn are useless. You may as well be in a creative server or something building it.
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