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Commander role!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HA1TER, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Well,first i will tell you a little story...
    Once upo....Nah,im not that type of shemale.
    I was thinking about closing one server for public once a week to try new type of gameplay.(200x200 or 150x150,if trelawney is ok whit that)
    Usually we play like Rambo guys,almost no teamwork.
    Jump,kill,shoot,die for the team,build for the team,killing yourself for them and then you lose,and no one to blame for losing,except your whole team!Why not!
    Idea is,on start of every round we choose a commander for each team,and they choose someone who will assist them.
    Warming up time is a bit longer so that the commander can explain to team what will they do,how and where.
    When round finish and new round begins,commander is the player with biggest/lowest score.
    Everyone MUST folow commanders orders,no mather what!You can look at it as on some mini missions
    that you need to accomplish!You can think and make your own strategy,but only to achieve commanders orders!
    You can`t be commander twice that day,or untill all players had their turn!
    In case that somone leave,well,hope you are smarter!
    This would be really interesting cause you would have different scenarios each time!
    EDIT:We could also make some emoticons whit orders,no smiles,sad faces.Easy to return to original ones.
    Wolven likes this.
  2. bilbs

    bilbs KAG Guard Tester

    Sounds like a clan fight to me.
    Mic chat would absolutely be required for the Commander to feel like anything they say is having effect.

    I agree though, this would be fun. The strategies would be interesting.
    And I'd rather elect a commander based off of their past commander experience.
    If we start doing this often, you can call me Wiggins.
  3. Darklight

    Darklight Shipwright

    I'm all in favor for this idea even though I can't say I would want to be commander. Still I can see how utterly chaotic the teams are most of the time. Either everyone pushes above ground or in the tunnels leaving a few stragglers to fight off the other team that might sniff out that weakness and attack on the weak route. Not counting skybridges though since those are pretty much impossible to counter after some point.
  4. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Please,make suggestion.This is just a rough idea of what i had in mind.
  5. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    I also agree to this idea any game that has a commander role like this always turns out good, like in battlefield 2 the Commander on your team can talk on mic so all players can hear that and the ones that are actually willing to obey his tactics follow them and the game turns out good so this would be ideal for improved gameplay in kag.
  6. bilbs

    bilbs KAG Guard Tester

    Or Planetsite. That was the first game that came to mind for me.

    If you havn't played it it's a persistant world FPS with 3 armies and an entire solar system of planets to fight on.
    There is a constant struggle between the 3 armies to capture and hold as much land as they can.
    You can rank up in a leadership tree which gives you access to: setting objectives, global chat (only high enough ranking officials can speak here, so there's no spam only plans), and a few other things.

    This would be difficult to implement here, as it requires so way of screening for experience. (working it into the actual game I mean) But I would love to see something along the lines of it. The way BF2 handled it, which I agree was AWESOME, would probably work better.
  7. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Lol,this is just for small part of KAG lovers :P
    I didnt mean to implement it in game.It could be fun,but it could destroy the game.
    We can use voice chat whit http://getgsc.com/ i tried it and it works great.You can make servers,no lags etc.Totaly free.
  8. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    What would a commander do exactly? Even with a full party on voice chat we find the best strategy is to just have a bunch of knights bunny hop towards the enemy base and throw bombs. I mean of course a sprinkle of workers and archers helps, but if they are competent enough to carry out orders then they are competent to do the job well on their own accord.

    If you get all of your guys going in the right direction and not minecrafting, that's basically the best you can do.l
  9. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Contrary,will it kill us to try it?
    Lets imagine you are commander in one round and you decide we all go as archers.So we go and attack,but we end up near enemy wall and you send 2 guys to take knights and hit the wall as ahrd as they can...Possibilities are endles...
  10. Utahraptor

    Utahraptor Hulk Hogan Tester

    I see this as an unnecessary edition, being micromanaged is not fun.
  11. Noc

    Noc Bison Rider

    How could you possibly force people to do as the commander pleases? It would hardly be a game, thumbs down, with respect though.
  12. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    You dont HAVE to do it its just to help the team coordinate attacks and defence tactics better for the ones who are willing to work together while others can go out on their own thinking their running everything not helping in anyway...
  13. Utahraptor

    Utahraptor Hulk Hogan Tester

    Builders like to build and will fortify your side, archers like to snipe and will naturally contribute to defense and knights only have the option to push forward. They naturally fill their roles and don't need a great deal of coordination. heavily competitive games would be a different story but just casual server play, its good imo.
  14. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    There is more to be said, a lot of the time you need to make teammates aware of tunnelers or skybridges, you can spam caps lock over team chat all you like, but usually noone helps. If you were a commander however, people might listen. Rushing forward to the frontlines with bomb in hand and screaming is a natural tactic anyway, but defending against tunnelers is not something that comes naturally. It's important to quickly find where they are on the map and snuff them out. Too often i've had tunnelers come in and steal our flag because i'm the only defender and everyone else if off on a really long and far off frontline campaign, and never even sees the main base (due to outposts).

    I'm not sure a commander could possibly force people to do anything. But how about a designated person gets voice command? Obviously if they start abusing it and swearing or mic spamming then they can be voted to be muted by the players in the team. Or a player could individually mute them.

    Another option to think about is perhaps having the commander access a commanders room where he can look at the battle map and it allows him to make notes. In game, this would be the equivalent to signals being made on the minimap, with only one available every 10 seconds, to avoid spam, with levels of importance assigned to each. Suddenly a massive defend exclamation mark pops up on your minimap, or even in the game scene, and you go to investigate. Or a picture of a fort is flashed on an area with bedrock you didn't notice, realising it would be a great place to hold up a defense.

    Now i'm just kind of rambling though.

    But I think if the game became more complex, with map rolling and several teams playing in the same game.. building rooms, and siege engines, and the like, you'd think the kinds of strategies would begin to become more complex as well, calling for more organised team commands.
  15. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    It has been tried. By Young Blood. We've had several games with 5-6 guys on Furai's Teamspeak server.

    If they're competent enough to execute orders, then they're competent enough to know what needs to be done themselves. People already know there's a need for a forward builder, they know they could use an outpost. There is literally nothing for a commander to do.

    There is no great flanking maneuvers or anything like that that requires coordination. It is move to the right and kill things. Knight grind is the best strategy. This is a fact. We need things like wave spawning, horizontal map wrap, and not horribly quick spawns before knight grind stops being the end-all strategy. Then we might begin to need coordination.

    @Neat: Again, if they're smart enough to listen to you, they don't need you to tell them what to do.
  16. Noc

    Noc Bison Rider

    Nonononono, he clearly says you must.

    other than that, I must say I've seen this suggested before, entitled strategist, if I'm not mistaken.
  17. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    That's not entirely true, people with voice command would probably pick up a lot of people who wouldn't ordinarily read the chat, and it might create some urgency in a public game, where there is often not any. Obviously, what the hell is the point in a commander when you guys are running teamspeak together? None. This is for people who aren't ordinarily listening and get caught up in their own little world, ignoring the needs of the team. You can knight rush all you like, but eventually you're going to need a builder to build an outpost, the knights dont want to change class, and the minecrafters are minecrafting.

    Also you didn't say anything about my point of skybridges and tunneling, which often turn the game around, and if unnoticed are a direct counter to knight spam. Stealth tunneling is best done with builders anyway.
  18. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Well,look at it this way.Round starts and 1 knight rush,others stay back and keep building,and you yell at them that you need ladders...Then,someone say;"FKING CHANGE CLASS AND MAKE THEM YOURSELF!" and you do that...
    You are half way up when sudenly a sword kicks you in the face...You already lost part of terrain...
    This is what you see in game.
    Whit commander:round starts,commander say;"wait for them,make cata on top of that wall,and start shooting stone!When they raise their shields,archers shoot at them before the stone hit them!After that,catapult 3 knights and rush them while archers cover and builders make wall as near as possible to their base!"
    This is what you DONT see in game!
    You can also see that players can have lots of room for improvisations,like how to build the wall,who to shoot or when and where to attack...
    I know everyone think they know the best,but we could learn so much from each other!
    I saw a builder today who made catapult in enemy base and protected it well and after some guy got the flag,he wanted to return to base but he couldnt,he lost the flag,another guy took the flag again,returned to cata and builder sent him home...How many times did you see that in game??
  19. Utahraptor

    Utahraptor Hulk Hogan Tester

    I see quite a few bullies who just yell at people to do things, I don't think we need to legitimize this kind of behavior.

    Edit: The only way I would want to see this implemented is in a VIP game variant where the object is to kill the king and he has a loud presence on the field.
  20. bilbs

    bilbs KAG Guard Tester

    I don't think this should be built into the game, just entertaining the thought.
    Having one person give orders to a reckless mob is never going to be taken well.
    The amount of communication in this game is holding it back in my opinion though. There needs to be a better way to let your teammates know that 3 knights snuck past your front line and are currently bum fucking your base without having to type it all out.

    Even if it were something as simple as someone being able to place waypoints for other players.
    Think of the little blinking blips on the map in RTS games like warcraft. For those who havn't played it, there's a minimap (very similar to the one currently in the game) which all players can see. If you click on this minimap a waypoint gets marked on the map and a little noise plays to alert you a teammate is trying to tell you something.

    Of course people are going to spam the shit out of this, so limiting how often you could use it would be smart. This would also work as a kind of meter for how important the issue is. 1 person marks a point, whatever. 4 marks in the same place means 4 people want you there, etc.