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The price of KAG premium

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JackMcDaniels, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. JackMcDaniels

    JackMcDaniels Haxor

    I'm just going to get right to the point, are the developers actually trying to sell this game? Geti and michal must be aware by now that a lot of people consider KAG to be a terraria ripoff that at release will cost around 12 times more than the price you can pick up terraria for.

    Even if the developers haven't played terraria before and even though the two games are nothing alike, it's what the mainstream gaming community thinks, the price at release should definitely be lowered to something more reasonable, as the main goal of KAG at release should be to sell cheap like terraria and i quote from someone else who thinks the same "to build a big, stable userbase that will ensure the future of the game for a long time"

    I don't think this is something that should just be ignored, the game would make far more money if it sold many copies for less, rather than less copies for more.

    10 dollars to me seems fair, 25 dollars or whatever is absolutely insane.

    Also this game will eventually go to steam correct? if so the first day it is on steam it should definitely go on sale for 25% off or something as that usually tempts people to throw money at the game.

    That is all i wanted to say, too important for the game and the playerbase for the pricing issue to be ignored.
  2. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    The mainstream is stupid then.
  3. JackMcDaniels

    JackMcDaniels Haxor

    Yes, but sadly their approval is crucial for the survival and longevity of KAG, and they won't approve of a 25 dollar "Terraria lookalike" with less colorful/friendly textures.
  4. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Let me tell you something. If I go by the parameters you seem to apply on KAG, then every 2D sidescroller with pixel graphics would be a "Terraria lookalike". And KAG's graphics aren't "less colorful/ unfriendly", at least not in the eyes of all these players who still play this game and will do so for a long time, I suppose. Also, what if "the mainstream", which liked Terraria (maybe), finds a game which looks like the game they spent lots of hours in and hat lotsa fun in? Isn't that going to make KAG look interesting to them?

    Again, not everything that's 2D and has pixel graphics is a Terraria rip-off.
    kevron11 likes this.
  5. JackMcDaniels

    JackMcDaniels Haxor

    I'm not saying that i think it is a terraria ripoff, if you left the confines of this forum you would notice that quite a lot of people on the outside see this game and automatically compare it to terraria, they also make note of the ridiculous price.

    And a 25 dollar game with less inviting aesthetics simply isn't going to sell very well at all.
  6. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Okay. People are allowed to make comparisons. Also, this game is still in alpha. It's only naturaly that it is no super-sexy-high-end-game now. Personally, I got this game because of it's "retro" touch. It reminded me a lot of old games which I loved to play. I suppose those who are complaining about KAG's graphics never played those old games. And 25$ isn't much for a game.
    You should also be able to see in which direction this game is going. I mean like, the "trailer" MM made, of the beta, shows us a pretty amazing looking game. And if people judge a game only based on prejudices and on comparisons to some dead (!) game, then, something is going wrong. This game is still alive. Based on the possibilities we will have as soon as the update is out, this game will even beat Terraria, content-wise.
    kevron11 likes this.
  7. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    with those 25 bucks i can play WoW for two months, which is actully much better than buying KAG what will you leave in half a year or so. Terraria is cheaper beacuse there are no further developments.
  8. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Wowowowow. 25 bucks for only 2 months of entertainment? Seriously, that sounds like a rip off to me. And not 25 bucks for entertainment as long as we have servers.

    -EDIT- Forgot to mention that KAG is 4 days older than Terraria.
    xChapx and kevron11 like this.
  9. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    That game will go ''super-sexy-high-end-game'' in 5-12 years.
    kevron11 and HardPenguin like this.
  10. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    So what? The "journey" until this point of KAG, where it is right now, has been a whole lot of fun. I wouldn't mind to play it for another "5-12" years, just so that I have this "super-sexy-high-end-game". It's the people that make KAG one of the best gaming expierences I had so far.
    Happiness, Villekille707 and Raron like this.
  11. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    Well at least WoW is 3d, it has much-much items in it and big big map. still 5x times better than KAG. in 2 months you will already so amazed about the game and will be 90 so no more fun. ive played WoW for a year and still, level 64 so im just MUCH slower than those level-85-in-7-days. In KAG you will get bored very easily. you play few gamemodes will be amazed for 5 days and then...

    see? KAG is 2d, there are servers but lots of greifers, trollers etc. i only play it for time-killing and beacuse i dont got any other cool games in my Linux. DOT.
  12. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    I hear a LOT of personal opinion out of that. Also, you just can't compare WoW to KAG since both are completely different games. And you can't say that a game is dead just because of some people quitting it. People will always quit games. But you still have those who don't "give up" and continue to play a game which might not be so much fun it self. As I said, a huge part of KAG's fun comes through the (good) people you can meet there. That's how it is for me. And no, there is no "DOT." yet, because I'm not done.

    The bad people. You have them in every game. If you see a griefer, why don't you go to #KAG irc then and use the !guard command? Guards will help you probably always. Because that's the reason they are there, to help and to get rid of the bad guys.
  13. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    What ''Journey''? what fun? There are no adventure mode and will never be, still there are few servers which might like to you but in the future, nop. in 5-12 years you say to this game bullshit and start to play games on Wii and on xbox and on huge tablets. there are 2 people coding the game (some others are helping with other stuff) so when a new guy comes he starts to rage from the waiting and quits KAG. if there would be some 5 people it would be okay and i would stay so i know that i dont need to wait for the long-future updates. for you the game might be good but for some it may not.
    </br>--- merged: Dec 31, 2012 6:46 PM ---</br>
    Yes guards help but some hyper greifers/hackers make NEW account and then AGAIN greif/hack. yes im the one who wont give up but i will do it, in this week beacuse when school comes i wont waste my time playing this, even when there comes update out. I'm waiting here beacuse i wish the best for them to finish the game this week so i could play it a while before school.
  14. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Could you please calm down a bit?
    With "journey" I meant this whole time of KAG's developement. I'm playing this game for a whole year now. I am mostly only playing on one and the same server all the time. Guess what? I am still enjoying it! And how can you generalise "new people"? I personally have met lots of those and those are still playing this game, even though they have to wait for the updates. Everyone does so. I have the feeling that you don't see that this game is a indie title, which already tells you that it probably will be developing slower than those freaking huge "AAA-Titles" which feel the same even though you are playing the fifth or sixth installment of that series.

    It is good that people have different tastes. Because if they wouldn't, it would be pretty boring on this damn planet, wouldn't it?
  15. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    Ok ok you won, happy now?

    people have different oppinions, one hates, second loves and third doesnt give a shit. I am 1.5 one. Development is very slow what makes me angry but the video seemed cool enough to make me play it bit more. what more modded servers there comes the more it keeps me play. Now when the KAG RP server removed sprites i could play a while and made me bit happy (I got very slow linux so i cant load huge maps with lots of people in it ). im looking for hardcore zombie fortress servers or other modded servers (like Cat and Mouse.) I usually play on Get creative servers, but rarely on some random ctf (if there arent such a cool maps of course).

    IF Devs would release EVEN A TINY UPDATE, then i would play KAG longer.
    kevron11 likes this.
  16. Xanoxis-Rawr

    Xanoxis-Rawr Arsonist

    This game is nothing like Terraria in case of money. In 1.0 KAG we will get FULL MOD SUPPORT, that will make this game alive forever, mod support is something very important (Valve know it, and now HL series have amazing number of good stuff). Terraria is more or less dead right know, there's no possibility of modding and community cant do a thing.

    This game is still in alpha and we have already many people trying do something creative, even in bad engine. For me, KAG will be, and is worth that money.
  17. Villekille707

    Villekille707 Shipwright

    About that. There have been some fixes to KAG once in a while, even though I've heard that it's really hard to work on the engine that KAG is in right now. Also they can't release tiny updates, because they've redone the whole engine So making little updates (ie. boats or fire) to a pretty broken engine seems to me quite a waste of time.

    Kinda off topic this one, but Cortex Command was in development for 11 years and there are people still playing it.
  18. Ne3zy

    Ne3zy Haxor

    I agree 25$ is pretty much it should be like 20$ max but once the scripting update is out it will worth it (atleast when 3 or 4 cool mods will be released) because of the endless possibilities, you'll be able to make KAG an RPG or whatever you want it to be, of course it depends on modders.
  19. I honestly think that Kag is worth up to $30 for me. I have never had so much fun with any game for that matter, and for the simple fact that new games have awful replayability (Farcry 3, $60 for 5 days worth of fun) and this is, by far, the best community in the gaming world. I like this game because the admins/guards know how to have fun.
    kevron11 and GalenMarek like this.
  20. Beelzebub

    Beelzebub Ballista Bolt Thrower

    KAG isn't a $25 game, unfortunately.
    kevron11 likes this.