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'~Australian Zombie Fortress~'

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Nutt3rz, Dec 17, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Nutt3rz

    Nutt3rz Disappearing act Donator

    Server Info:
    Server name: Australia Zombie Fortress.
    IP : PORT information:
    Gamemode: Zombie Fortress (Modified workshops)
    Player Slots: 24
    Server location: Sydney, Australia.
    Same administration as Australian CTF Server.​
    The workshops have been modified to include a few extra bombs and lanterns. I've also made the difficulty a little harder.​
    If there's any issues, PM me or talk to me on IRC (QuakeNet). My name is Nutt3rz in-game and on IRC.​
    I'm happy to receive any ideas on improvements. :)​
    Have fun.​
    Canadian98 and CheeseMeister like this.
  2. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    I like the huge maps and modded explosives :)
  3. Nutt3rz

    Nutt3rz Disappearing act Donator

    Thanks. :)
  4. Nzen

    Nzen Catapult Fodder

    Is there some legitimate use for the nukes? I've only seen them used to grief the map. And it's hard to wrangle the votes to shove off the putz who craters the spawn, because we players are so spread out. Only one or two others see what happened. This is endemic to all servers, but large maps are particularly prone to this.

    The hilly terrain is a nice change from the flat default. Thanks for giving us some gold, so we have half a chance against the zKs that show up after a few knights.
    Canadian98 likes this.
  5. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    I also can agree to that. On both Aussie zombie servers, people will dig the whole game just so they can get a nuke and ruin the map for the rest of us.
  6. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive


    What are you talking about, you're one of us!

    Also, fantastic server A+ If you're having trouble with griefers, just jump on the IRC, that's where we idle most the time :)

    I feel that the nuke has been abused more, rather than used respectfully, that said, they do have to work pretty damn hard for a nuke. Perhaps they should be removed or nerfed, or cost even more, but I don't see them being a viable weapon against the zombies.

    and should I catch anyone abusing the nukes, I will permaban you, no quesitons asked.

    Canadian98 likes this.
  7. Nutt3rz

    Nutt3rz Disappearing act Donator

    Cheers, Kaizo. :)

    I've increased the cost of the Nuke and the Tsar to the following costs:
    Tsar: 1750 coins, 10 gold, 20 stone and 15 wood.
    Nuke: 1450 coins, 10 gold, 20 stone and 15 wood.

    Eh, it's a bit excessive making it take resources in all areas but it'll make it a little harder to obtain.
    If need be I'll nerf them as well. Let's give this a test though.

    Cheers for the feedback. Sorry there wasn't a response until now. Feel free to critique anything on the server as I'm very interested in improving the gamemode. :)
    superdigger26 and Canadian98 like this.
  8. Panasonic

    Panasonic Builder Stabber
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Amazing Server Mate This is awesome I Luv it it needs more attention i think
  9. shelfman

    shelfman Shipwright

    I think that the server needs balancing because whenever i play for a long time on the server that special "someone" comes along and buy's tons of bombs and blows everything Up!
    And the zombies i think that the difficulty system is broken or it just sends a few zombies ...
    Overall :
    Balance Bombs people keep blowing world up.
    And Fix Zombies.
  10. Nutt3rz

    Nutt3rz Disappearing act Donator

    There's a weird bug at the moment. I won't mention how to perform it but it gives 250 Gold. I'm checking into it though. I might double the price of the Tsar and increase the Nuke too and raise the price of the Wraith bomb as it's quite powerful.

    The Zombie's only spawn in small amounts when there's no one near the map edge. This appears to be to do with the Map size. I can decrease the size it if this becomes too troublesome. Is there any other issues with the Zombies spawning?

    Cheers for the feedback.
    </br>--- merged: Jan 7, 2013 11:17 AM ---</br>
    Well, I've increased the costs of the Nuke, Tsar and Wraith bombs quite a bit. Should limit the griefing heavily now. I've also fixed the bug. Shouldn't have as many issues now.
    </br>--- merged: Jan 12, 2013 5:44 AM ---</br>
    The server is down for a little bit as I change hosting (Previous hosting company wasn't very good with hosting KAG). Should have everything up and running again properly, soon.
    </br>--- merged: Jan 13, 2013 9:33 AM ---</br>
    Server is back up now. The hosting is ZeusHosting, which might I add, are pretty fantastic with their support. Better server management tools as well.
    -Tj-, Canadian98 and kaizokuroof like this.
  11. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    Does this mean new admins?
  12. Nutt3rz

    Nutt3rz Disappearing act Donator

    Nope. The Administration is the same. I'm happy to expand on that though when I locate players that are responsible (not inferring that those I've played with aren't responsible, simply I haven't played enough with them yet).
    Panasonic and Canadian98 like this.
  13. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    Nutt3rz the seclevs have been updated since then for Australian servers, ping me on irc for them
  14. Nutt3rz

    Nutt3rz Disappearing act Donator

    Yeah, sorry, I've been meaning to get around to messaging you or chatting in IRC. Just been a busy last few days. I'll try to catch you tomorrow.
  15. Retrofit

    Retrofit Kami go bye bye Donator

    I really liked your server untill all the players there got abusive, seriosly they greifed and then then were bitches about it. I think you really need to have better moderators to stop greifers and people who are being racist and etc
  16. Nutt3rz

    Nutt3rz Disappearing act Donator

    Welp, that's not good. I want to provide a friendly gaming environment so my apologies there. I've bene fairly inactive, myself, due to work. I've been meaning to increase the amount of Admins with players that actively play Zombie Fortress as my current list are the admins for Aus CTF and they're typically on the CTF server. Are there an current players people would recommend as being mature and responsible? I'll start some trials.
  17. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    I would apply if you were to take applications scratch that, I'm in the seclev from Aus ctf now anyway :P
  18. All Aussie serves are awesome but this one seems to stand out in my part great job the zombies are horrible but in a good way I nearlly screamed when I watched it on YouTube I'm
    Not sure if it was ur server but I think it was
  19. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    So I think you mean horrifying :P
  20. Lol Cana spelling error ;)
Mods: jackitch