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Zombie CTF 2: War of the Supernaturals.

Discussion in 'Game modes' started by Zer0Striker, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. lil4eyes

    lil4eyes Bison Rider

    Ahhhh ok, one more question do you know how to make zombies appear because it seems that the zombies mever spawn in the gamemode
  2. Zer0Striker

    Zer0Striker Shipwright

    Try changing the director config to the default one.
  3. lil4eyes

    lil4eyes Bison Rider

    How do I get the default? Re-update?
  4. Zer0Striker

    Zer0Striker Shipwright

    Its under managers under Base/Entities/Managers and is named ZombieDirector.cfg.
  5. lil4eyes

    lil4eyes Bison Rider

    What do I do with it?

    Edit: How do I change it.
  6. Zer0Striker

    Zer0Striker Shipwright

    Go to the gamemode.cfg and change the director_config to Entities/Managers/ZombieDirector.cfg.
  7. lil4eyes

    lil4eyes Bison Rider

    Ok thanks :D
  8. tdx

    tdx Catapult Fodder

    Why do I like I copy:
    BUY ZOMBIES; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; Buy Friendly Zombies; zombiearm, chicken, skeleton, zombie, greg, wraith, zknight; w100, s100;
    zombiearm; zombie; Entities/Actors/ZombieArmBC.cfg; Entities/Actors/Sprites/ZombieArm.png; d; 0; 16; Arm; c3;

    chicken; zombie; Entities/Actors/ChickenBC.cfg; Entities/Actors/Sprites/ZombieChicken.png; d; 0; 16; Chicken;c5;

    skeleton; zombie; Entities/Actors/SkeletonBC.cfg; Entities/Actors/Sprites/Skeleton.png; d; 0; 32; Skeleton; c8;

    zombie; zombie; Entities/Actors/ZombieBC.cfg; Entities/Actors/Sprites/Zombie.png; d; 0; 32; Zombie; c12;

    greg; zombie; Entities/Actors/GregBC.cfg; Entities/Actors/Sprites/Greg.png; d; 0; 32; Greg; c20;

    wraith; zombie; Entities/Actors/WraithBC.cfg; Entities/Actors/Sprites/Wraith.png; d; 0; 32; Wraith; c50, g20;

    zknight; zombie; Entities/Actors/ZombieKnightBC.cfg; Entities/Actors/Sprites/ZombieKnight.png; d; 0; 32; Zknight; c100, g80;
    It's just I have to buy "ZombieArm"?
    Because I want to add this shop to Zombie Fortress.
    My Zombie_Room.cfg on the down.
    I copied all the necessary files (that is all Zombie files)
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 20, 2013, Original Post Date: Aug 20, 2013 ---
    I fixed it.
    My Zombie_Room.cfg on the down.

    Attached Files:

  9. Zer0Striker

    Zer0Striker Shipwright

    You don't have to buy the zombie arm config I'll just send you the one I have, and also I organized your room config a bit it looked all over the place on my notepad++. The zombie arm master is just for trolls and is ridiculously overpowered and funny looking, use at your own risk.

    Attached Files:

  10. ImranZak

    ImranZak Shopkeep Stealer

    Greetings Striker. i seem to be having an issue with your mode. i plan on hosting a server... from home cus i can :P just an on and off thing. Whenever i try to join the server made by executing dedicated server.bat. It crashes KAG. starting the server is fine and all but i cant join it. any fixes?
    Edit- I fixed the issue, well not really i just found a different way to host a server. using the kag server gui tool by someone. anyway everything seems to be fine in teh server... except there are no flags to capture... i use the gamemode zctf. cus when I replaced my base folder with urs i found two new modes zZombies and zCTF.
    Last edited: May 11, 2016