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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. Oximus

    Oximus Arsonist

    Post log.
    find: c:/program files/kag/logs find the time and date and post that.

    What's your mother tongue?
  2. Zuwix

    Zuwix Catapult Fodder

    I speak Castilian.i have now used goolge translator to write this
  3. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    No, he said traductor, not translator. :p

    Him not having a chance to explain himself does seem reasonable though. After being frozen, people are generally given a chance to explain, but if he doesn't understand English he wouldn't have seen that message. I guess he just didn't say anything, or only said stuff in Spanish, and the admin just banned him.

    I want to say from his broken English that he was filling in gaps in a team bridge, and the admin said "if you do it again, I'll ban you". He's probably new and doesn't know that gapped team bridges are good, as long as there is enough backwall behind them.
  4. Zuwix

    Zuwix Catapult Fodder

    no i can understand a litle of english and i can write a little of englis but the admin say: i cach you and then he banned me i was going to say that i have modified the bridge and builded some suports for the bridge and lettings the trees growning

    i have writed this whit no traductor this time
  5. Oximus

    Oximus Arsonist

    Dont use the translator.

    Ill ask again please post the logs. That way we will know which admin banned you.
  6. Zuwix

    Zuwix Catapult Fodder

    [19:31:02] <[BLZ] MrIcarus> ...
    [19:31:04] <xCUBE Andr01d> omg
    [19:31:06] </v/Krono> Nice try.
    [19:31:07] <[HA] Deputy> oh god why
    [19:31:07] <Zuwix> ?
    [19:31:11] <Zuwix> what?
    [19:31:13] [SSS] Anatis has joined Blue Team
    [19:31:14] pan mike10200 left the game
    [19:31:16] <SLAM SlowpokeSlooow> :l

  7. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    Some nigger might report me for 1 shooting him with archer. I'm just warning you that I'm that good.
    rocker2 likes this.
  8. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    It's okay, we will just say we had video of you hitting him in the knee.
  9. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    WoAh tHEre, He sAiD hE uSeD a "traductor" nOt a TrAnSLatOR, AnD wOuLD yOU Be sO KiND aS tO PoINT oUt a SingLE CaPITaliZaTiOn eRRor iN My pREvioUs StATmEnT? ThAT WhOLe "YoUr bEINg a HyPoCRIte" ResPONsE oNly wORks iF i aCTUalLy Do haVe ErRorS In mY sTatEment, YOu cAn'T just sAy thEre aRe AnD wIlL ThEM iNtO eXiSTeNcE.
    Edit: I meant no offence by the first thing though, It's stupid and self centered to expect everyone on the planet to speak your language. p.s. Half expecting a mod to remove this because of the mixed caps writing, but let's be honest, what on this planet is better than trolling hella? pp.s. Hella you know I luv u
    arcanecat likes this.
  10. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Arrow nigger.
    Domis, GloriousToast, Ej and 2 others like this.
  11. Brancaleone

    Brancaleone Catapult Fodder

    Hi all I was banned here time ago for speaking in spanish I think they banned me like a day then I forgot the spanish issue (forgot the rule "dont speak another language") and speaked in spanish again and banned me permanently. Can I get unban? ty very much.
  12. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    You forgot an issue? That sounds like an issue :huh?:
    GloriousToast and Alpaca like this.
  13. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    stop being so racist to my profession!!!!
    PumpkingSlice and Bammboo like this.
  14. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    i don't think that english is his first language and i think what he means is that he forgot the rule. i'm guessing he wasn't intentionally instigating, he just said something in spanish. if no one knows this player to be intentionally malicious, i'd vote he gets another chance.
  15. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Luigi is just jealous of not being able to arrownigger. Arrownigger = bstst class.
    PumpkingSlice likes this.
  16. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    The good old days where the "2 man clan" would constantly target a certain guard over and over again.

    Anyways, I think the rules regarding foreign language speakers are a little too harsh and need to be revised in the form of proper communication. At least on the server thread, we should emphasis the English rule and translate it in french/spanish to prevent future flukes.
  17. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    that may be so, but people don't forget if they got banned. Bans serve as a long term punishment. There's no reason why you should go back to your old self after you are pardon.
    Alpaca likes this.
  18. Brancaleone

    Brancaleone Catapult Fodder

    I didn't forgot the ban, I forgot the rule about not speaking another language and started to talking spanish with another guy, and bam, banned
  19. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    Lol nah English is not his first language. Just do a search of him and you'll find him attempting to be unbanned (around page 29 I believe). He was also banned on the MOLE server for offensive hate-speech in Spanish and according to thebonesauce, he was also seen griefing on Beo's server. Fwiw, he also put on xCUBE's clan tag and other clan tags even after being warned multiple times.
    jeffeypop likes this.
  20. Brancaleone

    Brancaleone Catapult Fodder

    But I stopped with all that shit, give me another chance, have mercy sire.
Mods: jackitch
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