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Windows High ping.

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by TheUnknown, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. TheUnknown

    TheUnknown Shipwright

    EDIT:Look's like the server browsing is showing ping's wrong, for me the server's are showing 200-700 ping but i joined a server with 712 ping and i get 133 ping at cap's with no lag at all.

    Wen i click the server browser i dont see alot of server's like before and some server's has 200-500-800 ping and some has 100+ ping, i know it is not my internet connection because it is fine and running normal, before the server's were like 100-200 maybe 300 ping but they were not like this high before. This is maybe an issue or not, I will try again tomarrow.
  2. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    Ping is affected by where you live, and where the server is physically located.
  3. TheUnknown

    TheUnknown Shipwright

    Yes i know, but i am saying that my internet is fine but for some strange reason i have very high ping and it did not got above 400 before.
  4. restbench

    restbench Alpha Recruiter Donator

    ping is affected by where you live and the quality of your internet. also could be aftected by how many people are using your internet at a given time
  5. TheUnknown

    TheUnknown Shipwright

    No one is is using my internet and before the servers were like 100-250 ping but now it's like 200-800
  6. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    Where you live?
  7. TheUnknown

    TheUnknown Shipwright

    I found out what is wrong, In the server browser the server's say 200-700 ping but really wen i enter the server i get 133 ping at cap's with no lag at all, I am pretty sure the server browser need's fixing.
    i joined a server with 507 ping and ingame i was getting 233-266 ping.
    I am in indiana.
  8. Ping is affected also by your Internet and your connection were it is it happens to me as well it's annoying
  9. TheUnknown

    TheUnknown Shipwright

    i know it is affected by my internet and i found what was wrong with it, it's a bug with the server browser that is showing me false ping.
  10. That's good to hear man
  11. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Yup, that's server browser bug. Just don't mind the pings shown in the browser.
  12. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Pings in the server browser are an indication.