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Premium scripts/autoconfig.gm not loading

Discussion in 'General Help' started by TheRiotPatrol, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. TheRiotPatrol

    TheRiotPatrol Shipwright

    So I recently bought KAG (within the last week) and I'm enjoying it to it's fullest. However, two days ago (25 Jan 2013) I was playing it and the engine stopped working a couple times. I thought nothing of it, chalking it up to the fact that game was still in it's Alpha stages. However, yesterday (26 Jan 2013), my game failed to load. Upon starting the game, I noticed that the News section wouldn't load (Error: Could not read the news today) and I thought, "Okay, that's kinda strange." I then proceeded to start up the game. I clicked play, but before I could access the login screen the command prompt running in the background displayed an error about not being able to load 'script/autoconfig.gm'. I got a little concerned. I uninstalled the game then re-installed it. I got the same error. I read somewhere that I should replace the text in my autoconfig.gm with a semi-colon ; so I did that, and now the game loads on Engine (build:422 version 0.95A) King Arthur's Gold (build:428 version 0.91A) and I'm not able to access any servers (none appear). I tried re-installing the game again and it still loads with the same version. I'm able to play Solo fine, but I would like to access the Multiplayer part of the game. Any help?
  2. restbench

    restbench Alpha Recruiter Donator

    have you tried deleting the game from your computer(i know you said you did but computers put stuff in every nook and cranny of your hard drive)like searching where you installed it and laking all shortcuts and folders are gone. this is just a suggestion it may not work. if it does not work try contacting one of the kag team members they should be able to help you
  3. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    The bug with autoconfig.gm popped out most likely because you used some defective (to the game) config (maybe using special chars?).

    Try using the fresh copy of the game, installed/unpacked in different folder than before.

    Please provide the game log file from the run, if the problem will appear again. Seems like a problem with your connection. Maybe firewall blocks KAG from connecting to server browser and news feed? Maybe you should disable IPv6 in game config file? For now just try using the fresh downloaded copy.
  4. miketh2005

    miketh2005 Arsonist

    I had the same problem. Reinstalled and now online does not work. What to do?
  5. TheRiotPatrol

    TheRiotPatrol Shipwright

    Okay, so I uninstalled it again, but this time I deleted the folder it left behind. Then re-installed it and now it seems to be working.

    I was using ```` as my clan tag. It made cool down arrows. I guess I won't do that anymore xD
    HardPenguin likes this.
  6. miketh2005

    miketh2005 Arsonist

    Guess I'll try that tomorrow. (not the clan tag part :p)
  7. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Using ` and ; in clantags are known to cause this issue.