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Action! Unlimited

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Rayne, Dec 5, 2012.

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Mods: jackitch
  1. MrIcarus

    MrIcarus Arsonist
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Which shouldn't be allowed, I think.
  2. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    If this is true, he will be back :QQ:
  3. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    .... I'll be waiting.

    on a side note, the other day, on the bridge map, i saw someone trying to collapse our base pillar while we were almost at the other teams flag, I went up to them, said "I smell griefer.... *sniff sniff*", asked them what they were doing, they said griefing the pillar and asked me to help them, then I froze them. All they had to say was "fuck." Maybe not having red names isn't so bad after all, makes it easier for the wild alpaca to hunt its natural prey, the griefer. It's camouflage.
    Rayne, arcanecat and Guitarman like this.
  4. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Kolps are now not allowed to post in the server directory.

    I love being an admin.

    Also in case it's needed: Freestylopitek is an alt of Kolp
    rocker2, Maverick, arcanecat and 4 others like this.
  5. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    Can you torment Rayne into fixing archer :3?
    SlyStalker likes this.
  6. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

  7. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    To Talk serious, why do Archers have to be nerfed to oblivion, that they are reduced to spamming and camping. I know people hate archers for being archers, but why? Has there been any nerfs to Charged slash range. There has been none.
    But I now know why people don't like archers. Well because a good archer can kick a Knight's ass asap, and you guys are only afraid of allowing any kind of skill to happen for anyone who plays archer.
    Btw give archers shield break and all be happy about the new changes :).

    edit: I guess I shall never see the archer's glory restored.
    SlyStalker, Bammboo and Guitarman like this.
  8. Ramsis

    Ramsis Ballista Bolt Thrower Donator Tester

    Hey you, yes you with the bitch-boner sticking out of your gym shorts. Go to another server if you don't like it :> Archer's are fixed so they actually have to work for their team as opposed to being spammy fucks. Everyone has to do their part for the team.
  9. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    Because they can kill you and you can't kill them. They can sit upon their tower, out of bomb range, and snipe all of the knights who are trying to fight their knights that they want, and the knights can't do a single fucking thing about it. It's cowardly and obnoxious, how would you like it if I said that in real life, someone breaks into your home, and no matter how strong you may be, or how many baseball bats or knives you may be armed with, they're going to kill you because they have a gun, and there's NOTHING you can do about it? Archers sitting on a tower are essentially invulnerable, but they can still kill people, and don't say that the new changes promote camping and arrow spamming, because that's all the little fuckers ever did before. I used to support archers, sniping enemy archers from miles away or disabling enemy catas, that was respectable. Hindering your opponent's ability to build by shooting all builders on sight was obnoxious to them, but really good for your team. Killing enemy knights from out of the blue, frustrating, but good for your team. But now the only thing that ANY archers do (this was before the change too), at least on this server, is sit up on a sky bridge and spam a rain of arrows to the bottom of their tower. It takes absolutely NO real skill (unless you're a super spammer, like Ivy, and then it's only a few more arrows ever few seconds, no big difference), and it makes it virtually IMPOSSIBLE for the other team to make any sort of advancements. Now, you may ask, "but isn't that a great thing for your team?" why yes, yes it is, but it completely ruins the game for the other side to not be able to do anything because a bunch of scrubs learned how to press a mouse key. That's all it takes. Before, sniping from long distance, that took SKILL, but now, anyone can just sit high up on their tower and keep an entire team from progressing.

    To sum it up:

    Archers are almost always invulnerable, they can kill us but we can't kill them, which is extremely unfair (bullshit meter off the charts)

    It takes NO skill to play as archer anymore

    just a few archers on top of a skybridge can stop AN ENTIRE TEAM from advancing

    Conclusion: archers are extremely overpowered. The changes on this server help to combat this, but you're right that it does promote camping and spamming, but that was still the only thing that anyone ever did before, I actually think it might be better to give archers long range back, and then take away the short charge time so it's impossible for them to spam, that way they have to actually aim their shots, and I honestly don't mind getting sniped from a screen away, because that actually takes skill, not just some scrub with a keyboard.
    arcanecat, Guitarman and Ramsis like this.
  10. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    THAT'S IT!
    Raise the charge time (a lot), bring back the power.
    Also skybridges suck. I hate them. They are the source of all evil in the world. Thank you.
    arcanecat likes this.
  11. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    So, Alpaca, what you propose to do to archers is to return them, essentially, to their vanilla state, right?

    Because the server has shortened range and charge time as implementations; turning both of those up moves archers further towards their default existance, which is probably a good thing. I mean, what is promoted here basically seems to end up as a knight fest.
    Bammboo, Guitarman and arcanecat like this.
  12. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    I find the current archer fine. Sure it can spam, but I'd rather spam than wait forever to be able shoot an arrow. That just makes archer more campy and even more boring to play.
  13. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    I think the current settings are better than the default, because while they do give more spam, the spam is at a much shorter range, and hella, I think the best thing would be to keep the range at default, but remove the spam ability entirely (not just put it back to default). I do not, however, think that removing the spam should be done by lengthening charge time, because, as kouji said, that would make it boring as fuck to play as archer. I think the best thing to do would be to make it so that the charge time is back to default, but the archer can't shoot unless the meter is past one half charge, that way it takes the same amount of time to get to the full charge, but they would be physically incapable of spamming. I don't really know how the kag programming works, however, so I assume that in order to do this someone would actually have to make a mod, since the only thing you could do with server settings is change the actual time it takes to charge it, not disable firing at less then half charge. Basically, I don't think there's any easy way to do this.

    I do however approve of archers arrows not breaking shields, because, if you were sniping from a distance using actual skill, then it would make no difference whether your arrows broke shields, because you wouldn't be able to re charge and fire another arrow that quickly anyway, but at close range, if arrows can break shields, than 2 archers can take out an entire army of knights. 1 archer? forces one of the knights to shield. 2 archers? can kill an infinite number of knights as long as they're shooting at the same people at the same time. so basically, 2 archers >ANY NUMBER OF KNIGHTS THAT YOU COULD POSSIBLY HAVE, as long as the knights are standing still, because, say, they were trying to break doors on the tower that the archers are sitting on. any more than 2 archers? absolute slaughterhouse. Archers are obscenely overpowered when they have the ability to break shields, it's absolute bullshit, and without shield break they can still stop knights from climbing up their towers, they just can't do anything if the knights are sitting there doing nothing. That's perfectly fair. I fully approve of no shield break, and think it should be implemented on all servers.
  14. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Firstly, having to wait for several seconds before you can even fire a low strength arrow will promote camping even more, because an archer will have literally no defence against an enemy knight or builder attacking in close combat. You'd just be encouraging them to sit in a tower and kill you, which is entirely contrary to your aims.

    Secondly, removing shield break entirely is also a stupid idea.
    My primary problem with that suggestion is that it severely limits the archers effectiveness, whilst boosting knights in assault. It also means that 1 knight can ultimately protect a veritable swarm of archers behind his shield, without ever having to worry about archers being able to pick off his charges.
    My secondary problem with removing shield break is that, with your argument, you assume that anyone who plays this game is incapable of teamwork. If you can't bring even a single builder with you when attacking, in order to build a simple 2 blocks of cover, then you are an idiot. An attack that is purely composed of knights is tactically unsound, because a knight is designed not to be an unstoppable force; this design takes into account that other classes should actually have a way of stopping them, hence shield break.
    If you feel that this is an unfair answer to removing shield break, provide me with a situation where teamwork can't get past the problem of shield break, and why that is unfair to the shield breakee.
    Bammboo likes this.
  15. Alpaca

    Alpaca Haxor

    1) I'm not saying that archer's shouldn't sit on towers, i'm saying they shouldn't be able to arrow spam, they should have to use legit aim and skill.

    2) Archers aren't meant to be in close combat, keep in mind that they're meant to be A SUPPORT UNIT.

    3) Everyone who plays this game IS incapable of teamwork. Unless you're in a clan war, where people are on teams with people who they actually respect and listen to, then if you shout at the stupid minecrafters that you need some builders at the front, their response will undoubtedly be "I don't wanna".

    You make a valid point about how knights aren't supposed to be the only unit in the game, but i'm not saying that one or two knights should be able to lay siege to an entire fortress, I'm saying that an entire hoard of knights should have the ability to get past one small tower.
  16. Shield breaking let archers stall games 5ever, it was a good change.
    Alpaca likes this.
  17. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    Sounds like a plan to me, Beo's Rules suckas
    arcanecat likes this.
  18. Tx_Syclone_xT

    Tx_Syclone_xT Builder Stabber

    I agree with the Archers needing a buff, it doesn't have to big to make anyone pissed off again. Sure we have camping Archers, and I don't think we could ever get rid of them so you'll have to deal with them. For me on the other hand, I don't camp when Archer. If anything I go towards knights shooting arrows at them thinking I am a invincible..which sometimes gets me killed. Archer does take skill, especially when you're 1v1ing a knight and your low on arrows and/or hes chasing you and you don't have much room to move around. Shooting isn't really that hard, but it can be long range like when you're shooting towards someone who is above you and its harder to kill them because the arrows go down faster.

    maybe make archers be able to shield break again? Knights can slash quite far and no one complains about that, It would be "even" if archers had shield break. :yes:
  19. Arcrave

    Arcrave http://tinyurl.com/ArcravesTheme Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I hate archers... but spammy archers are the worst shit ever... id change them back but i dont have those settings... Rayne did it... :QQ:
    Guitarman likes this.
  20. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    If archers can't use any kind of quick firing shot, then it's brutally difficult for them to actually be effective in any place that isn't 20 blocks high and full of spikes, because they'll be slaughtered before they get the chance to use all that 'legit aim and skill'. Your argument seems to be aimed at the select situation of archers sitting above a door and stopping anyone from entering, but quick firing shots are useful, if not vital, to a whole myriad of situations in combat.

    I agree, archers are a support unit, in the same way that builders are also a support unit. They're incredibly useful to have in the offensive, and they are always comparatively squishy, but that doesn't mean that they should have literally no way to defend themselves in a close quarters situation. If you're worried about spam in a close situation, then use your shield, which is perfect since it can't be broken by anything the archer does, right?

    Ah, well. It's kind of strange how people on Action Unlimited are incapable of teamwork when it seems so much of the rest of the world is. It's a shame too, I had so much hope for the world!
    UnnamedPlayer and Guitarman like this.
Mods: jackitch
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