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KAG match length?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Blankskull, Sep 20, 2011.


What length of time do you prefer a KAG match to be?

Poll closed Sep 27, 2011.
  1. longer

  2. shorter

  3. I want different game types that support both long and short matches.

  1. Blankskull

    Blankskull Shipwright

    What length of time for a KAG match do you consider to be optimal? Do the longer games get boring or stalemate easily? Do shorter games lack the time to build reasonable defense? Should there be different game modes that support longer, siege type games and shorter, deathmatch-esque type games?

    I want to hear what the other kaggers/kaggots think. Also define what specific length of time you consider long in your post.

    I like the longer games because it forces you to plan ahead and it gives players time to build up defenses for interesting skirmishes. (20+)
  2. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester


    I prefer longer matches although they tend to become a pain-in-the-ass after a while because usually there is one big pit in middle which is really hard to overcome.
    But I also like shorter matches where the landscape and the structures are still unimpaired and it doesn't look like a meteor crashed into it.
  3. DUZ

    DUZ Horde Gibber Tester

    Shorter. No time to play all day long ;)
  4. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I like short - middle length games. Well not even that. It's not how long I'm playing that bothers me but the situations which long games create. I hathatehate bombspawned knight grind moshpits. Basically I hate it when it feels like you are fighting the terrain and not your enemy.
  5. the9thdude

    the9thdude Shipwright

    Long games do have their place but they need to be on maps appropriately designed for such a thing. As it stands I think the game would benefit from having a lot by having shorter games (15-30 mins long); too many times have I wound up in 3-4 hour long games that took me til 4 am.
  6. elephanthunter

    elephanthunter Shipwright

    Shorter matches will benefit KAG in the long run. Too many players drop out because their team is losing and it's taking forever for the game to end. It's much more fun to quickly learn from your mistakes and be able to apply your know-how in the next game.

    Building is definitely fun. I'd like to see more elaborate castles and dangerous traps. Maybe the building phase should proportionally take more time?
  7. Blankskull

    Blankskull Shipwright

    Yeah, I like the idea of a longer build time. It seems that could be an adjustable option for server mods/admins.
  8. SpitfireXero

    SpitfireXero KAG Guard Tester

    A Sudden Death feature is on the dev's to-do list, so when it eventually gets implemented, we can hopefully say bye-bye to long matches. And I'm hoping that it wouldn't be left to the players to decide by vote, because if there's anything we can learn from the past, it's that the players can not be counted on for anything. Ultimately it's up to the devs on how it works though.
  9. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    It already is if you didn't know. Mine's currently on six minutes.
  10. Blankskull

    Blankskull Shipwright

    Yeah, a sudden death feature would be good. I don't think it should be left up to a vote either, but I do think it should be the decision of the server admin beforehand.

    That is good to know. What server is it?
  11. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

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