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[590] Skill Spikes

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Xlayer, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. Xlayer

    Xlayer Haxor

    Ok so this one is called Skill Spikes!
    It looks like a noob built it because of the stone walls right? WRONG. I built it and it is proven to be awesome.​
    Do you really think it's that easy to get across this trap during a match?​
    It's easily expandable. Just like other traps, you must maintain it when bombs fly into it.​
    But in the meantime you can watch knights stumble into it and laugh, or you can even get out there and push them in :D.​
    Here's my theory on why people die in this trap so much... Unlike one big spike pit, you can't move around freely in this one. Also, if one section gets bombed, it is still a fairly effective trap.​
    Whenever I build this, pros take out the walls and say "omg these noobs"; but when they actually watch the trap kill everyone all of a sudden they're like "not bad xlayer, not bad. *_*"​
    I call it Skill Spikes because you need skill to get across these spikes. :>​
    I3lue and Guitarman like this.
  2. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    It could easily turn into noob spikes though, because team members that don't understand t'bluprintz start griefing it the moment someone makes one. :(
    SlyStalker likes this.
  3. LucasTT

    LucasTT Haxor Tester

    Remove the stone block in the left and right bottom of every trap.
    Like this:
    :castle_wall::spikes::bridge: :spikes: :castle_wall:
    :castle_wall: :spikes::blank::spikes: :castle_wall:
    :castle_wall: :spikes::spikes::spikes: :castle_wall:
    :castle_wall: :blank::castle_wall: :blank::castle_wall:
    CrystalClear likes this.
  4. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    And perhaps dig down 1 or 2 in the ground to make harder for knights bombing the trap?
    </br>--- merged: Mar 11, 2013 9:08 PM ---</br>
    These are basically just spike traps spammed above ground. An enemy knight/archer/builder could easily get across these by jumping on the stone in-between each trap. This isn't anything really special, but if you want to build this, leave out the stone in-between the traps.
  5. This is quite easy to get across, you just need a rythym.

    Also, I like how it's easy to push people in as knight. A structure such as an overhang tower with arrow slots, bomb chutes, and collapsible blocks adjacent to this makes a superb trap.

    One other thing, this is really stone heavy. Well, I guess it depends on how many pits you want, still, pretty stone heavy.
  6. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

  7. DubstepMonkey

    DubstepMonkey Horde Gibber

    I agree its more efficient than the massive 50000000000 block deep spike trap if a bomb comes and lands in it waste of like 60 stone.
    Anyway onto the trap, Its ok i guess the main thing dont build exactly something like that because you could easily jump on the stone block onto the other and keep going. I suggest this would be best if near a tower or connected otherwise its a great idea.
  8. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    I don't have the time to test it now, but would this
    :castle_wall::spikes::spikes: :spikes::spikes::castle_wall:
    be slightly better because it's not as easy to jump over?
  9. Xlayer

    Xlayer Haxor

    Yea I mentioned that. Griefers AND some "pros" like to mess around with this trap because it's so different.

    Sure that could work if you have the time to make it. :>

    Totally right. I've only built this trap during Build Time. You would have to turn into a minecrafter if you wanted to do this during the middle of a round.
  10. The point of this trap is that it appears to be easy to pass by jumping.
    It makes people think that the trap is a pushover thus convincing them to pass through it. When they pass through, they become vulnerable to alot of things which can make them fall into the trap. The main purpose of it is to slow the enemies. A tower is more beneficial long term-wise, but this thing gets really annoying. The more pissed off the player is, the more recklessly he plays.
    Xlayer likes this.
  11. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    It should not be possible to get across the spike pit from the enemy's side.
    And it should be easy to cross it from your side (Not saying it isn't, just pointing it out)
  12. The point of the trap is to make it look like it is easy to cross (and it is easy to cross) so the opposing team would try to cross it without using builders. Albeit it is easy to disable with a good builder buddy, it teaches reckless players a lesson. (Spanning the trap makes people vulnerable to arrows and bombs.)
    Xlayer, GloriousToast and Froghead48 like this.
  13. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    Also, the spikes directly under the bridge wont do anything.
    ( i think, if i remember the air spike page correctly.)
  14. Xlayer

    Xlayer Haxor

    Yea they're just for show. :P
    Froghead48 likes this.
  15. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    Also reminds me of the turtle spike trap...
  16. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Keep in mind that the trap really needs an archer tower watching it. It's far to easy for an enemy builder to neuter it, if given 15 seconds to work. As a plus, the arrow spam is likely to hit knights that begin a jump to the next spot, and cause them to fall in. Because of that, I actually think that the 5-wide version of this would be less effective, since they have to take more jumps to get across, meaning more chances to shoot them.

    I still feel that a vertically staggered version of this (1-block higher for each pit) would help allied knights when fighting. Right now, enemy knights can still trigger the bridges to fall next to the pillar they are standing on, and can bait enemies to fall in, and there isn't much of a way to take advantage of their limited mobility in a melee fight. It doesn't really matter much for which direction is higher. Higher up towards enemy side = better chance to slash them into a pit and protects the bridge you would land on from being safely triggered by the enemy, higher up towards allied side = better chance to do damage from slash because of downhill fight and limited enemy mobility. Or even better, mix it up, preventing a perfect rhythm of jumping across.