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ArL - Arthurian League

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Freddex, Dec 9, 2012.

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  1. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    Bad time to announce I would like to add a prize pool to ArL?
  2. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Nah continue :D
    SlyStalker and justi01 like this.
  3. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester


    (The FS is two person) and also money perhaps $10 per person, maybe less. Depends on the hype at the finals.
  4. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    ^ Nice prizes!
  5. Verrazano

    Verrazano Flat Chested Haggy Old Souless Witchy Witch Witch THD Team Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    If you believe that POWER has the mentality of we want to win at any costs and that's why we choose an Australian server you are sorely mistaken. If we wanted to win at any cost we would have chosen an Australian server for all of our home matches, as of right now we've had only 2 Australian matches. The reason why I will not let this go at this point no matter what is, because the second we relinquish our ability to choose an Australian server then we will be cornered and forced into never playing on an Australian server again, forced to cater to every other clan. You say the idea of expansion from what I see everyone denies the idea of expansion I haven't really seen a good reason why, if this is a competitive league then people should be willing to play against others on their own turf, we are. Everyone can expand and find new players. Please for the love of god stop pinning us as these villains who are trying to ruin all of ArL so we can win. If we wanted to do that we would have just played on our Aussie server every time. It seems like everyone believes that we don't deserve the points that we earned and you know what if you believe that, fuck you.
    Anyways if anyone actually read my first post about this argument. They would realize that we never said we would pick an Australian server. We said that we would like to maintain the ability to do so just as everyone else has the ability to pick their server.
  6. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    This is going in circles now. ;-;
    Domis, 16th and justi01 like this.
  7. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Well fuck if we knew there would be prizes we wouldn't have been sandbagging all these matches.
    FuzzyBlueBaron, rocker2, Ej and 6 others like this.
  8. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    LucasTT likes this.
  9. Ugh. Like Hella said, this is going around in circles. Every time this argument is about to cool down, people who haven't read the previous posts bring up the same arguments back around. Thus, we have to explain our side by rephrasing our old posts, again and again.

    Please. Have you seen our Aussies? They've only played twice this ArL and got a steamroll win. They did exceptionally better than our NA team as well during the POWER Civil War.

    Like we've been saying countless times, it's not about winning at all costs. It's about having all our players actually play. If we wanted to win at all costs like Verra repeated ten times, we'd pick an Aussie server every single time. Also, that's the fucking point of a home/away server. We've played on EU servers with one European and still had fun. Lag doesn't stop the fun. It actually increases it cause "lol I can fly into their base when I slash anyone and it bugs out"

    All games are exciting. Everyone's just too focused on the lag.

    Would be a good idea if the person running ArL is capable of picking a server that won't screw up half the players of a clan, if we can't handle simple home/away servers, we can't handle having one person who hopefully is unbiased to decide for all.

    Another thing, POWER has 5 ties. If we wanted to win at all costs, we'd have camped from the beginning.

    MOLE was right about ArL having little credibility. MOLE was stupid in the sense that all it took was two away servers for them to give up.
    LucasTT likes this.
  10. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    FS looks like a good game
  11. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Goddamn it, Right after I buy warband :(
  12. 16th

    16th Bison Rider

    Man, they play on aus. server. 25252525
  13. We played for 2 hours on American server, then another 2 hours on Aussie server.
    zollie20 likes this.
  14. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    I'll just add a bit of something everybody seems to be missing (and also kill one or 2 tottaly legit arguments from POWER).

    Currently, POWER has played 4 matches at home and that is against FAITH, PK#, Merc and YB. Against both Merc and YB it has played in NA while against PK# and FAITH it has played in Australia. See the issue here. If it was somehow vica verse nobody would complain.
    If POWER chose American server for FAITH and PK# and therefor gave them a fighting chance (its possible to win with 233 ping, very hard but possible). And then gave YB and Merc on a Aussie server (since Merc can more or less recruit anybody on Aussie servers and YB has a enough Australian/West American presence to compete there). This leads to 2 conclusions:

    1. POWER are setting us all up to score loades of wins, and this is all part of a "BIG PLAN".

    2. They have no tactic, and this is all a accident.

    The first theory also confirms that NA team is better then Australian one since they would need their "better" team to face YB/Merc on fair ground.

    From my perspective this looks a lot like play2win, and not a play2fun tactic.
    Freddex likes this.
  15. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    actually merc picked a NA server and were having a hard time finding one to play on so one power member offered a west coast server (where we all live) and slept through the match so power picked an EU server. this is my only complaint about the whole thing. power picking the server twice. playing two home matches.

    anyway. i'm over it all either way.
  16. 16th

    16th Bison Rider

    we played 3 rounds on aust. server & dat was most terrible game ever.25252525
  17. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    If tl;dr, skip to SOLUTION.

    Okay, people. Somehow didn't receive updates on this, so I kinda missed most of it. Now I skimmed through it. I'm sorry, I did not read everything. I'll try to adress the key points as good as possible. If I missed something, please post your things the short, concise way Vidar did, that would be very nice of you.

    I'll do my best to paraphrase all the stuff here so we can move forward. It will be incomplete. Sorry for that.
    • My initial point: Playing with 400 ping is not fair. Therefore, we have to limit server choices and effectively exclude Australia.
    • Symphony_Soldier's point: Everyone wants to field his best team, taking that from POWER would not be fair. Also, score system loses its meaning if this happens. For the finals: Other teams should perform better if they want another server.
    • Verra's point: We earned the rights to choose the server by winning league matches, and the ping situation is not all that bad (KAG measuring is inaccurate, own experience). Limiting server choices would be unfair since you can't blame the Australians for wanting to play a match at home. Furthermore, this would be a biased decision towards the advantage of EU/NA. Also, if the other clans have a problem, they should get better/more international members. Excluding a huge playerbase is not fair.
    • Aoi's point: POWER should use their NA teams and/or play with AUS people in NA to prove that they don't just win by ping, since they also have a viable US team.
    • Spidey's point: Situation is similar to Soldat, internationality causing troubles.
    • BeasterDenBeast's point: Point system is rendered useless, POWER is not treated like the other clans, their EU/NA teams are not the best solution for them.
    • Kouji's point: Aussie side of argumentation invalid since a middle ground is available.
    • Ej's point: EU can win in NA, NA can win in EU, but EU/E-NA can't win in AUS.
    There was more stuff, but it got redundant. Sorry for paraphrasing your opinions kinda wrong, people, but this is unproductive.

    Let us seperate two questions here:
    1. What to do about the server choice in the finals?
    2. What to do about the server choice in the next season?

    Possible solutions:
    A) Limit to EU/NA. Aussies would get 200 ping all the time.
    B) Cape Town. Make everyone lag equally.
    C) Keep as-is. With arguably autowinning in AUS servers.

    My answer to 1: If you want to have your will die-hard and make no amends, you can have that. It is a very unsporty behaviour, no matter how many words you use to conceive that. I leave the server choice for the finals to you and hope the best.

    My answer to 2: I won't have this again. Considering the three solutions, C drops out for me since the ping difference is visible, and everyone but Verra (no offense) seems to have had this experience. I go by majority here. If you disagree, get a bunch of people that back up your point and I'll change it. B is most fair, but not most fun, I would think. Having an advantage/disadvantage situation only a tiny bit makes stuff interesting. Weaker teams can have fun and beat a team that's a bit stronger. Good time. So, the only viable option for me seems A. Australians and POWER are still welcome and I mean no offense, but for the sake of the other 6 clans in the league, we have to change stuff.
    That's my decision. Please proceed as above and collect people backing you up, then forward a list of those to me. If this is enough people, I will change things. Until then, I won't, since this is in no way objective.

    A word on the organisation of this season:
    A small team did most of the stuff. We had no previous experience with a competitive KAG scene. For that, stuff went quite well. We learned a lot and will be able to host a better second season. I'm sorry stuff went wrong. It's mostly me doing things. You are welcome to help, I made a list of things you can do in the ArL group. Get involved and help improving.
    We don't gain anything by spotting all the troubles afterwards and leaving me off to fix it. I'm not a mastermind at it. Provide help and it gets better. Thank you.

    This was made for fun, keep it fun. Everyone, try to make it a good time for everyone else and no trouble will emerge.
    Domis, Iamaclay, killatron46 and 10 others like this.
  18. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester

    Don't worry I'll make the rewards for season 2 as I think too much controversy at the moment, which is unneeded.
  19. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Freddex, in the context of the next season, if two Australian teams can be fielded, would that allow Australian servers to be used for that match? Just as a point of interest, in the name of gameplay.
    Domis likes this.
  20. 16th

    16th Bison Rider

    No way! They must play in Syberia!
    cameron, Hella and rocker2 like this.
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