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Art Dump

Discussion in 'Art' started by Lizardheim, May 30, 2011.

  1. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    I prefer GraphicsGale when it comes to pixel art. I cannot live without my right click pipette.
  2. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I use photoshop for most of my spriting and gale for animation.

    @smilesythe: Pixel art has existed since before DOS and you'd be foolish for saying MSPaint has done much good for pixel art let along suggesting that it's some godfather. Deluxe paint from the amiga days and the programs that came before that for the preceeding systems, sure. MSpaint, not so much.

    To me, your claim is in the same vein as claiming windows notepad has done wonderful things for the world of programming. One level of undo, no syntax highlighting, no indentation, no line counter, copying with word wrap on gives borked newlines, so on so forth and none of that has been fixed since forever ago. It's a larger binary than nano with fewer features than vanilla vi. Extending this analogy and criticism, CMD happens to be bash's retarded cousin.

    MSPaint is an abortion and the fact that your workflow now involves workarounds to emulate features that have been implemented ergonomically in other programs for years is indicative of how limited the tool you're using is.

    Open your mind. The fact that you're used to using something to the point where you've developed habitual workarounds would make migration difficult, sure, but to claim that mspaint is fundamental to the medium is completely incorrect. If it works for you, fine. That doesn't change the fact that it's a severely limited tool for pixel art.
  3. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I use GIMP 2.6 :D
  4. Chosen

    Chosen Shopkeep Stealer

  5. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    *looks at average awesomenes of pixel art there* *looks at own attempts* Damn... Would help if different tutorials didn't require different things...
  6. Chosen

    Chosen Shopkeep Stealer

    Here's an inspirational video to help you :p

    Anyway, just keep practicing. Try something simple at first, an apple, a face, an isometric cube... That's what I did, and... Wait, I only made an apple so far. Never mind.
  7. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    But... I never learnt how to ride a bike... :(
  8. Chosen

    Chosen Shopkeep Stealer

    Anyway, can anyone PLEASE give feedback on my pixel art? I really want to get better and it's almost been four hours already D:

    I have been refreshing for quite long now.
  9. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Needs more highlights
  10. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Deluxe Paint II Enhanced 3.0 was out for "IBM PC-compatibles" too, I loved it. Wonder if you can find it in abandonware sites and use it via dosbox or whatever.. this guy certainly does: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=995se6Du95A (compare to mspaint why don't you :D)
  11. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

  12. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Grafx2 is the modern project afaik. http://code.google.com/p/grafx2/

    @Chosen: its alright, needs more texture on the skin and more attention to how the colours of an apple work - get a reference and pixel from that. Feedback isn't usually instant, either, fwiw.
  13. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

  14. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    i see i showed you something you'd like :P Guy Collins does great animations.
  15. Smilecythe

    Smilecythe Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester

    I do my workarounds on features, because it's not even that hard or slow. I don't find the usage of mspaint hard and only thing I feel "limited" in and need to get glass up my ass for is the transparency colour. And it's not worth my time to get buy/download/learn and habbit another software just for that one feature. Mspaint is free and works for non pixel-art pieces as well. It's a fucking gem. My agrument might have a flaw considering the fact it might not be the most beginner friendliest pixel art tool out there, but seriously it's for me YES. Whats up with this lot of random smart? I don't care about coding, but notepad is the only and the real trusty tool for me to write things up fast.
  16. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    GIMP is free. grafx2 is free. Gale is cheap, and the only reason you use the non-free version is to save animated .gifs.
    "Free" is an invalid argument.

    MSPaint is terrible for non pixel art, and bad for pixel art.

    You cannot colour pick with alt or right click in MSPaint, you must use a tool.
    There are no hotkeys in MSPaint.
    Customised palettes don't stick around in MSPaint.
    You require an enlarged canvas and must re-copy large sections of the canvas to emulate layers in MSPaint.
    You cannot edit selections in any way in MSPaint.
    Undo with copied transparent surfaces leaves artifacting at times in MSPaint (many headaches ~zombies09 era)
    Your undo depth is limited and unchangeable in MSPaint.
    You cannot have multiple viewports in MSPaint (ctrl+f provides easy access to 1x, but what of 2x or higher zooms, or for large sheets?)
    You cannot animate in MSPaint.
    You cannot palette swap easily with MSPaint (it requires use of the colour replace eraser trick, which is hardly optimal) -> your colour choices are more or less locked in from the get-go.
    You have no control over indexing in MSPaint.
    No layers, reordering, alpha, etc as we've already discussed.
    MSPaint uses terrible algorithms for compressed files leading to very messy jpegs and larger than optimal pngs.

    Extending to non-pixel art specific stuff:
    MSPaint's antialiased brushes are crap in the new version and nonexistant in the older ones.
    MSPaint doesn't have any filtering capabilities.
    MSPaint has no pressure sensitivity (nor any other form of tablet compatibility) and is thus extremely limited for digital painting.
    MSPaint doesn't have semitransparent brushes so GG for painting
    MSPaint can't work with vectors or gradients.
    MSPaint has no tools for photo touchups (colour management etc)
    MSPaint cannot do soft selection.
    MSPaint is not hardware accelerated or multithreaded -> good luck handling large images.

    MSPaint is fine for 4chan/reddit art.

    Now, some specific replies.
    "What's up with this lot of random smart"? You told me to "suck on it". You're wrong and were impolite, I feel that I'm being fairly reasonable in my tone by comparison. Any harsh criticism has been aimed at the program, not you.

    "its not even that hard or slow" - sounds like denial to me. No hotkeys means swapping tools results in moving your cursor completely away from whatever you were doing even when you want to do something as simple as colour picking.

    "beginner friendliest" - the problem is that it's too beginner friendly and accessible (part of windows which many people use), and a lot of artists get trapped using it because: "it's not worth my time to get buy/download/learn and habbit another software".

    Seriously: it really, really is worth your time. Unless you're getting paid $100 per hour every hour of the day, the ~2 days it'll take you to start working efficiently in a new tool is barely a setback. It'd take you a week tops to get back to your normal workflow proficiency in gale or GIMP, both of which are free, fairly small downloads, and much better adapted to pixel work and faster work in general - hotkeys and layers speed up otherwise intensive processes a lot.

    Wait what: "notepad is the only and the real trusty tool"
    ...lost cause? probably. Notepad is almost by definition not the real trusty tool. You sure as hell can't trust it to keep more than one undo buffer, that's for sure.

    This isn't meant to be a criticism of you, and if you're happy to keep working in MSPaint then be my guest (same as with Contrary), however from the point of view of me and many other artists (Helm especially, if my memory serves correctly) MSPaint carries many intrinsic limitations - at least be aware that you're working around them and that that's costing you time and reducing your productivity.

    If you're convinced it's a gem, please provide reasons. Like, a large list of reasons MSPaint is better than "ok".

    1 hour painting to wind down.

    Some recent non-KAG pixel work that might become playable at some point, or might just gather dust.
  17. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    This is gunna be a serious fight
    Noc, Valkyrie, Rainbows and 2 others like this.
  18. Chosen

    Chosen Shopkeep Stealer

    Okay, I'm trying the apple again now. I'm already having a hard time getting the darned shape right.

    Edit: I think I'm going to do some isometric stuff and random 'doodles' to practice outlines. I'm not going to stop another ambition again because of one hurdle... Like I did with HTML, CSS, Lua, drawing in general... This time I will go on until I can do it well, at the very least!

    Edit II: I don't think a drawing tablet would help with pixel art, as I manipulate everything on pixel level most of the time anyway. Am I right?

  19. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    apples rolling at you? why won't you take an apple photo and draw it on it (you need something better than paint in this case), then try again without the apple?
  20. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    @chosen: depends how your workflow is. I prefer working with a tablet enormously but for very lofi stuff I can bear to go without.